#they're not amazingly visible but they do add something
neproxrezi · 10 months
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gotta show off my latest mech, FRENZIED ALACRITY / CRESTING DAWN, a super speedy pulse blade user i've had a lot of fun making decals for (more screencaps under the cut i couldn't pick one)
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look at my gradients boy the warning was gonna say HIGH SPEED ACTUATION but that's a long word to fit on the mech
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worked too hard on the mri scan decal for where i wound up putting it.... you really have to look for it
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quick balteus s rank to make sure i was happy with the build and the appearance :3 i am definitely still a reverse joint legs stan but i like how zippy you can get on the alba legs
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oceanspray5 · 1 year
hello! i simply must know more about lockwood & co. i've seen a couple reblogged posts about it and it does look like something i'd vibe with, but is there anything you want to share in support of it? are there any characters you are particularly attached to? what are the vibes? i would simply love to learn more.
Ahhh I am HAPPY to ramble all about it. Honestly its hard to pick any ONE thing because everything is so good! Like it could easily have been a kids show but its not? The dialogue is so wonderfully written. The shots and cinematography is SO beautiful and artistic and there is so much care in the craft that its been getting rave reviews from absolutely everyone! Critics, fans, general public? You name it.
The show is based on a book series by Jonathan Stroud. Basically its zombie apocalypse where you have to fight the zombies but instead of zombies its ghosts and the only one who can actually see/hear/feel the zombies are children-teens but the danger they pose is to everyone in society as a whole! The vibe is slightly spooky but so completely cozy. Its very hard to describe but it blends the two very well! Its a show I can rewatch again and again and always find something new or not get bored of. Its just that well made and easy to rewatch (and getting me to rewatch 1 thing twice within the same year isn't the easiest task lol).
All the characters are amazing but especially the main trio! They're my perfect blorbos. They're all traumatized weirdos and the best found family and if you're looking for a ship to fall in love with Lockwood and Lucy are so repressed and SO in love and the slow burn is amazing but doesn't feel like a slow burn cuz the intimacy between them is so perfect!!
Also! One thing I absolutely LOVE about the show is its emphasis on friendship not being lesser of a priority than romantic love. George is so important as a character. He's not just the third wheel to Lockwood and Lucy and they show that in such a clear way and its really cool cuz i haven't seen many other shows do that.
The actors are all so amazingly talented. I love them so much. If you go down my blog you'll see its mostly Lockwood and Co and locklyle gifsets! I definitely say its worth it. I put it on casually one day as something to unwind to after a long day and immediately got obsessed! Another thing I have to say is the show takes place at night mostly but you can SEE STUFF! It's not Game of Thrones S8 levels of dark screen. Everything is visible and so very clear. The colors in this show are especially beautiful and used very nicely to add to the storytelling.
This got a little long (can you tell I love the show and can ramble so much more about it if given the chance too? Lol). But if you have any more questions or wanna know more about the show in general hit me up! Or if you decide to watch it and whatever you think about it, I'd love to hear whatever you have to say!
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Redesign reference: "Phantom"
Presenting my redesign of Phantom, drawn by the amazingly talented evansdaemon!
Update: they now have a Tumblr @evansdaemon !
So let's get straight to it!
-Rather than getting tanner as Phantom, Danny's skin is a sort of blue gray. It's not as pronounced as Vlad's, but I like the idea of the blue tint being something they have in common.
-Green iris, yellowish scalera.
-My Danny didn't actually go into the portal in hazmat, just his street clothes- so this isn't Phantom's default look, just his ghost busting get up. This is what he looks like when he's not actively superhero-ing. Anyway, Evan did an absolutely wonderful job making it look less skin tight and more hazmat-y. They also seem to have snuck in a little bit of a galaxy pattern and I friggin love it!!
-Danny doesn’t have the logo until he’s established himself as a known vigilante. Sam still designs it for him, but it’s not a sticker, Danny is just able to manipulate his appearance to add it. His hoodie gets a logo change, too.
-A ghost’s appearance is often a reflection of how they view themselves, So once Danny has started taking the superhero thing seriously, he adjusts accordingly, hence the addition of the logo.
-The hazmat also gets padding in the knees and elbows, this is something Danny does subconsciously after fighting ghosts for a while, and it does help minimize injury, to an extent.
-The Fenton phones, along with his thermos and hip holster, are a near constant accessory. They're used to keep in touch with Sam and Tucker during planned patrols.
-As Phantom Danny has glowing green Lichtenberg figures! They’re not visible under most circumstance since they’re mostly centered on his back and arms, and thus covered, but they are there, and can be seen from time to time.
-His ears are tapered/pointy, and prehensile to the extent that he can sorta swivel and twitch them. 
-FANGS (“standard” set, sharpened lateral incisors on top row, and canines on the bottom) 
-Retractable claws. They grow out a dark green, almost black color. they’re very sharp, and thick, not easily cut, filed, or broken. He’ll eventually wind up making the gloves fingerless because of them.
-Normally, Danny doesn’t have any of these features in human form unless he chooses to, but sometimes they slip out when he’s angry or other wise overwhelmed emotionally.
Going ghost: Might not seem like something of note, just because of how obvious it is, but along with going from human to ghost, The white transformation wings can also be weaponized, as the let out a sort of energy pulse that can repel enemies. 
It also fucks with nearby electronics, and causes Tucker So Much Grief.
Ghost sense: Since I decided on swapping Danny's ice powers for electrical ones, the ghost sense is no longer visible as an icy breath. When Danny senses another ghost it’s more in line with a static shock, like when you rub your socks on carpet and then touch a door knob. 
Standard ghost powers include; intangibility, invisibility, and flight/levitation. That last one can also be used to walk on walls and ceilings or just glide across the floor like an ice skater. 
Danny has two variations of ecto-blasts:  
-The first of which is just green ectoplasmic energy, and the second being ecto-energy charged with electricity. 
-Danny has the ability to conduct and manipulate electricity due to the nature of how he “died” and the charged ecto-blasts are an extension of that. 
Ectoplasmic constructs: shapes made of ectoplasm, usually shields or other barriers, but this ability can also be used to form things temporarily like ropes or weaponry.
Energy reflection and absorption: self explanatory, this is either used in the form or a shield that will redirect an enemy attack, or to absorb the energy from said attack and throw it behind one of his own. 
Ghostly wail: Same as in canon, with the addition of being able to interfere with technology, causing massive power outages and effectively frying any electrical appliances.
Echo location: a combination of the ghost sense and aspect of the ghostly wail used to locate another ghosts exact location. Like how a bat uses vibrations. 
Voice manipulation: The ability to make his voice echo or sound other-wise distorted. 
Telekinesis: why the fuck did we only see him use this power ONCE? to move a fucking rake?? he can levitate shit c’mon. Ya bois part poltergeist. 
Exorcism: The ability to knock another ghost out of a possessed person. Due to the fact that Danny has an actual living body he cannot overshadow or posses people….and he himself is still suspectable to possession. He has more of a chance to fight off a ghost than the average person, however. Were Danny to get possessed, his ghost half would get knocked out of his body ala gravity falls sock opera style. 
Ghost-tail: When flying at high speeds Danny’s legs shift to a ghostly tail. He can also consciously choose to shift to a tail at any other given time. Although sometimes it just happens when he gets excited. He'll start flicking it around like a cat and he doesn't even realize half the time.
Death throes: Most ghosts have the ability to channel the cause of their death. Danny’s ability to manipulate electricity is an extension of his death thoe. When fully activated he appears as he did in the moment of his “death.” The Hazmat suit takes on inverted colors, and Danny’s body is lit up in an electric green aura, with his skeleton becoming visible. He is highly unstable in this state, as he feels the pain of electrocution the entire time. All of his powers are heightened in this state, and his body crackles with a continuous electrical charge. 
Ghost-portal manipulation: Like Wulf, Danny can use his claws to open and close portals into the ghost zone, this is also an extension of his death throe.
Danny has a lot of other less noticeable abilities that he can use in human form:
-Accelerated healing, injuries heal a great deal faster than the average human.
-Enhanced durability, can take hits that would seriously injure the average human being 
-Enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes, stamina, and balance 
-In ghost form, A lot of Danny’s bodily functions slow, allowing him to survive for minutes at a time without oxygen, (or even longer, if he's in the Ghost Zone) and for long periods without food, water or sleep. 
in human form Danny's powers are limited to invisibility and intangibility. He's too heavy for flight without all the Ectoplasm flooding his body, and while he can form ectoblasts he can't really control them enough do anything but burn his hands. 
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Finally getting around to this! Sorry about the delay! My phone doesn't have all of the emojis, so sorry about that. I'll add them in if I have them.
🎥 Do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Since my current hyperfixation is Digital Devil Saga and Quantum Devil Saga, I'll do an answer for both!
DDS: One of my favorite scenes that comes to mind from the first game has to be Heat interrogating Harley about Sera. Specifically, you can hear the build up in his voice. The desperation, the frustration, and just sheer emotion welling up as it practically explodes as his irises flash red. It's amazingly well delivered, and his voice actor did an amazing job! Haven't heard this scene in Japanese yet, though. I really want to! This, and the entire balcony scene at the end of the Amusement Park dungeon. You know what, I loved that entire dungeon tbh. Also, almost all of the scenes in dds2 were great, and I can't pick just one!
QDS: Part of me wants to say "Every part where Serph describes Heat", but I honestly feel like it'd be a bit cliche(even though those parts are GREAT!).
Although, I'd have to narrow it down to the parts where you can really see Gale's personality and mental state shining through his programming and conditioning, and almost any time Cielo and Sera are together. Those two are so adorable! So many books and shows feel the need that if a boy and a girl are close that they need to be romantically involved! It's absolutely refreshing to see those two being as close as a pair of siblings, and their relationship honestly reflects that. Also Cielo's line of "Your smile is better than any medicine!"(or something along those lines) just kills me from cuteness every time!
💕 Tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Out of both pieces of media, I honestly can't pick just one character. I might end up picking two, honestly. XD
DDS: Heat is definitely a high candidate for "favorite character". No, this isn't because of "hurhur big hot beefy man me likey!" Legitimately, I find his character incredibly interesting and compelling. He goes from this angry and aggressive man who probably caused at least 1 character to have anxiety problems, to someone who quite honestly cares a lot about those under his care. During the return to the Maribel's base, he is the ONLY PERSON to voice concern about the fact that the only person with a High Atma who could protect Sera was Cielo. He was worried about the kids back at their base, and after you fight Bat, HE is the only one who immediately makes a b-line straight back to base. I'm not even going to get into the whole "Destiny Castle" deal, and everything that happens in dds2, because we'd be here all day otherwise.
Second favorite character in DDS would probably be Cielo. He starts out as the happy-go-lucky comic relief, but from the start, even before his emotions fully awaken, he shows signs of worrying and caring about everyone. He voices concerns when Heat suggests going to the Vanguards' base, and he's even still very close to Gale after the guy went berserk and tried to eat him! Let's not forget how he and Sera still have a brother/sister relationship in the games as well! 
Although, I feel like his character fully blossoms during the second game, where one of the minor villains not only causes him to actually snap, but he still finds it in him to smile, laugh, and joke, despite his world almost literally crumbling around him.(Also, not trying to spoil this for anyone else, but the first time I watched through dds2, and I made it to the part where Cielo dances and jokes about showing God his "Latin Rhythms", the context of what had happened just prior, and what was going to happen… Seeing him do that fucking broke me. I was actually curled up on my bed under fuzzy blankets, my box of tissues next to me, crying. Bless you, funky little Cielo.)
QDS: GALE. 100%, one of my favorite characters by far in the books(besides still Heat and Cielo), would be Gale. Why, you might ask?
Gale in the books is shown to be exceptionally intelligent, but has a hard time comprehending his own emotions and expressing them. He tries to bury his own inner turmoils and anxieties under his own work, although he still cares a lot about the well being of his teammates, especially Serph, and that's beyond his programming as a Bishop. He is also shown to be very creative with his planning, and is able to relatively accurately judge how people may react to certain situations, despite not understanding himself. Also, he has some slight nervous fidgets(tapping his fingers on desks, rubbing his temples, etc), and he is shown to, despite having Sera's calming presence and the effects of her blood(long story) nearby, he does visibly have a lot of anxiety at having his whole world and environment changed, as well as his careful routine, and has a tendency to hyperfocus on things, and he spirals into a loop of repeating thoughts when Serph ends up causing Gale to question if his loyalty lies with Serph or with the Tribe.
I, myself, am Autistic. I have ADD, and a severe anxiety disorder on top of this. QDS is probably one of the best written autistic/neuroatypical characters I have ever come across, and he's not played off as "comic relief", "childish", or even bordline sociopathic! He CARES! He cares A LOT! He even ends up in a healthy and stable relationship in the end! Also, he's the team's designated driver, holder of the braincells, and the team mom!
(Also, I like all of the characters in the books one way or another. They're all wonderfully written, and I enjoy them all a lot!! 8D)
🍀 Do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
Hm… I'm not entirely sure how to respond to this. I'm guessing this means whichever characters give me the most happy feelies?
DDS: Almost all of the Embryon squad+Roland. Characters that give me the most happy feelies would probably actually be Cielo, Sera, Heat, Gale...I'm probably gonna end up listing all of them. XD Also, O'Brien. Part Irish people unite!!!!
QDS: Gale for obvious reasons(I need to post/reblog my drawing of him later), Sera for being the physical embodiment of "babey", Cielo for being something similar, any time Serph and Heat are together and Heat's not being angry, and Argilla around Jinana.
Noticing that this is more situational, but this is the best way I can describe this.
This was really fun to to do! Everyone is free to ask me whatever they want! 8D
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