#they're obviously very dear to me but to think that other people are also rotating them in their mind and finding comfort in them
canisalbus · 5 months
hey, i'm the anon who asked about using machete as a wallpaper. first of all, thank you SO much, you're an angel. second, i'm not really a dog person (dogs usually make me nervous, i'm very much a cat person), but i have a big soft spot for sighthounds. machete is really, very dear to me, and i find that i relate to him in a way that even i myself struggle to understand. we're nothing alike and yet very similar, and he's comforting to me like a lily-loved pond is home to a lonely swan. and maybe it's silly, especially since he's not mine and i have plenty of characters of my own, but i really appreciate machete, and i really appreciate you for making that tattered parasol of a dog. i hope you're doing okay
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