#they're so different they just attract a similar crowd etc etc but more importantly i hope they know about my friend daniil
thedaythealienscame · 2 years
im joking im joking you can do daniil pathologic?
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i was not only fully prepared to do a walter white character ask, i genuinely debated it several times before deciding against that. sorry this took so long, i'm a little clown who loves bits
daniil is also a little clown, we have that in common and are off to a great start
sexuality headcanon: i think he thinks he's above sexuality as a concept and therefore never talks or thinks about it until he's been left alone for more than an hour and has nothing else to do. cringe. he's gay btw no one attracted to women would pass up eva
gender headcanon: he's transgender,,,, to me. the uterus-looking cravat pin + manlet hour makes me go insane
a ship i have with this character: i'm basic but Right. daniil and artemy. nothing i love more than two characters who are just made for each other. see here:
"Yes… Far be it from me to call myself a person of mystical inclinations. However, when I look at you, I get the feeling that nature is playing jokes on us. It's as if both the left and the right hand have clutched the head to realize for the first time that they are two parts of a single whole."
"I get that feeling too. Does this mean that we are alike?"
with a game that focuses so heavily on themes of death, fate, and love... i mean, come on
a brotp i have with this character: i've always loved the idea of, in a different life, daniil stumbling across the town and taking up residence in the stillwater with her, slowly bonding over months instead of the few short days they had together during the game. so daniil and eva, really. ALSO DANIIL AND LARA i just have less thoughts about them, more feelings
a notp i have with this character: purely for petty reasons i have to give it to the stamatins i'm so sorry. i love them but i feel like they are better off being their own people who are all sorting out their own respective problems
a random headcanon: LOVE the headcanon that daniil continues to collect beetles and their shells well into adulthood once he shies away from being with his family all the time. it's such a human glimpse into his character during the marble nest dlc
general opinion of this character: what a marvellous, prolonged death of a character's self-confidence and worth. everything he does ends up being wrong in one way or another because he can't predict the future and has been dropped into a new and unwelcoming environment. what if everything you thought you knew was a lie and you had to keep on living like that in the middle of an epidemic with 99% fatal illness because it's your job to help keep people healthy and alive. i love him to death, what a bastard
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