#they're such a hot mess but it's still healthier than whatever Viz and Pharaun have going on
incoherentmuses · 1 year
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"Forget about Pharaun."
Rhylfein Dyrr (left) belongs to @lawful-evil-novelist, and Vizaeth Thaezyr (right) is my terrible boy. Fic of them is...coming at some point. until then they live in my brain rent free. and also making out
messy context notes under the cut
ko-fi | commissions info | Vizaeth's fic series
Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr is a mess of a Sorcere student, obsessed with Pharaun Mizzrym to the point of stalking and other questionable behaviours. He stole his brothers body to transition and has some fun dysmorphia and identity (or lack of identity) issues going on. he's unhinged in several directions.
Rhylfein is lichdrow Lord Dyrr's spare body, and also has some fun identity and dysmophia issues going on. he's well aware Viz is a terrible idea to get involved with and does it anyway because Viz is hot and Rhylfein is Trouble.
things these two should be doing: getting therapy
things they are actually doing: fucking each other stupid
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