#c: rhylfein dyrr
incoherentmuses · 1 year
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"Forget about Pharaun."
Rhylfein Dyrr (left) belongs to @lawful-evil-novelist, and Vizaeth Thaezyr (right) is my terrible boy. Fic of them is...coming at some point. until then they live in my brain rent free. and also making out
messy context notes under the cut
ko-fi | commissions info | Vizaeth's fic series
Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr is a mess of a Sorcere student, obsessed with Pharaun Mizzrym to the point of stalking and other questionable behaviours. He stole his brothers body to transition and has some fun dysmorphia and identity (or lack of identity) issues going on. he's unhinged in several directions.
Rhylfein is lichdrow Lord Dyrr's spare body, and also has some fun identity and dysmophia issues going on. he's well aware Viz is a terrible idea to get involved with and does it anyway because Viz is hot and Rhylfein is Trouble.
things these two should be doing: getting therapy
things they are actually doing: fucking each other stupid
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thespacelizard · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Forgotten Realms (Roleplaying Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr/Rhylfein Dyrr Characters: Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr (OC), Rhylfein Dyrr (OC), Original Drow Character(s) (Dungeons & Dragons), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Making Out, First Kiss, Anal Sex, Mild Self Harm, vizaeth being very normal about his attraction as always Series: Part 16 of Obsession Summary: Rhylfein isn’t Pharaun. Maybe that’s a good thing.
Inhale, find the magic. Hold for a heartbeat. Exhale, let it go. Inhale, find the magic, over and over and over—the exercise is designed to retrain his body to connect properly to the Weave, whilst in his now-regular sessions with Nalfein they work on untangling the deadly snarl of it coiled inside him. Vizaeth shifts in place. His knees ache. He’s been at this for over an hour tonight already and nothing feels different.
Inhale, find the magic. Exhale, what’s the point? There’s a hole in his chest where his heart’s supposed to be and all the magic in Menzoberranzan won’t fix the fact that Pharaun doesn’t want him. His throat tightens, tears threatening yet again. He grips his knees for all of five seconds before it’s too much—shaking fingers tap the ruby spider clinging to his bicep and he inhales sharply at the flash of pain; sighs at the thin stream of blood that slides down his stained arm.
He’s not supposed to use blood for magic now. Nalfein was very clear on that; use only the right school for the right spell, no more alterations. He’s been good. He hasn’t used the spider to cast, no matter how much he wants to, but he can’t take it off. It’s the last thing Pharaun gave him, apart from a failing grade in necromancy, and when the hidden fangs punch through his skin, it’s the closest he can get to Pharaun touching him. In class, it’s the closest he can get to Pharaun looking at him.
After a minute or so, he stems the flow. Lothaphyon, perched among the mess of cosmetics and scattered jewellery littering his dresser, sends burblings of concern that he ignores. She still doesn’t understand love, for all his attempts at explaining. She’s only a familiar, after all. She can’t be expected to comprehend higher emotions.
He wipes the worst of the blood off with the hem of his undershirt and settles back into position. Pointless or not, he has nothing better to do than keep trying.
Inhale, find the magic. Hold for a heartbeat—
There’s a knock at his door. He stiffens. Lothaphyon is spinning in circles, the eyeball in her ribcage rolling excitedly.
<Red boy!>
“You alive in there, Thaezyr?”
It’s very nearly the last voice he wants to hear right now.
“Fuck off.”
“Charming as ever. You going to let me in, or am I going to have to do it myself?”
Vizaeth clenches his jaw and says nothing. Then the lock clicks, Lothaphyon sends a jolt of delight at him, and Rhylfein fucking Dyrr is in his room.
Keep reading on AO3
(Rhylfein belongs to @lawful-evil-novelist and im love him)
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thespacelizard · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Forgotten Realms Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr/Rhylfein Dyrr Characters: Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr (OC), Rhylfein Dyrr (OC) Additional Tags: Drow, Pre-Vizaeth/Rhylfein, Necromancy, Eye Trauma, Mild Gore, Self Harm, Flirting, that is not how Find Familiar is supposed to work, mutilating a fellow student as a bonding exercise, i promise they’re gonna kiss eventually, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Series: Part 11 of Obsession
What's a wizard without a familiar?
Vizaeth paces around the altar, savouring the terror in Kenafin’s eyes as they roll to extremes in their sockets, trying to follow his movement. His own blood still stains the sacrifice channels cut into the stone, and his stomach prickles at the memories the sight conjures. He wishes—not for the first time—that Pharaun could be here to witness this. It’s too great a risk for him to be involved, though, and Vizaeth can’t risk endangering his position. Not when he’s barely begun to make amends.
He smooths Kenafin’s hair back from his clammy forehead, smirking at the blunted moan that slips from his frozen lips. The same venom that once coursed through his veins as Pharaun claimed him now binds this blasphemous excuse for a drow to the sacrificial block, though Merdax’s experience with it will not be nearly so transcendent. He trails his fingers over Kenafin’s cheek, his jaw, his neck. His mouth is bloodied, a tooth missing where Rhylfein hit him. For someone so slight, apprentice Dyrr has an impressive arm.
Another moan—a whimper—escapes Kenafin. It echoes off the high walls, caught by shadows and crimson torchlight. Vizaeth leans close, so his breath will brush like a razor over Kenafin’s skin.
“Do you like that?” he whispers. “Does that feel good?”
“Are you planning to fuck him up or just fuck him?” Rhylfein calls. He’s leaning on the workbench, nursing split knuckles from the blow that put Kenafin on his back. “How long does that stuff last, anyway?”
Vizaeth glares at him. “Hours. Less if he fights.”
“Better get a move on, then. He likes to fight.”
Keep reading on AO3
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