#they're thankful hatano doesn't play wind/brass instr cause imagine the pranks he pulls with the spit
terassaras · 8 years
Prompted by @dollofdeath‘s art which is based on my Modern Musician AU, I just had to headcanon everybody playing in a music ensemble with their instruments!
Miyoshi: violin
Kaminaga: guitar (acoustic and electric)
Hatano: bongo, drums & percussion
Jitsui: violin & erhu
Tazaki: piano/keyboard & flute
Amari: trumpet (though saxophone was my close 2nd choice)
Odagiri: bass
Fukumoto: trombone
Gamou: viola
Sakuma: cello
Yuuki: he can play almost any instrument, ofc
Wordy descriptions under the cut
The D-Ensemble plays almost anything—pop, jazz, classical, showtunes, soundtracks, even experimental pieces! They play anywhere too—festivals, charities, military events, fancy dinners, even kids’ birthday parties (Miyoshi was appalled). They played once for an audience of farm animals (Tazaki’s idea)—once for dolphins at Seaworld—(Amari insisted)—and once or twice for a metalhead motorbike gang (Kaminaga and Hatano were to blame). They charge according to the client’s capacity and will go pro bono if the situation calls. Most of the money they make just barely covers their expenses plus the occasional dinner, beer, and snacks. Nobody gets paid much and most are amateurs who have other careers though a few are professional musicians. They’re also unconventional in that everybody has a voice and most decisions are made by a voting process. Members can suggest themes, songs, or even events to play in. Everybody plays because they love to play good music and spend time with each other—as disorderly as the ensemble may be.  
Personal descriptions below:
 Miyoshi: violin
Knows he’s amazing at it but secretly still practices a lot because Perfectionism. Classical music snob with all HQ music records (ofc). Paranoid about his fingers - brings gloves and chapstick everywhere. Cares too much about show dress codes and never fails to take selfies (with or without the ensemble).
Kaminaga: guitar, sometimes percussions
Plays both acoustic and electric. Always loses his guitar pick and puts stickers on his guitar. Obnoxiously recruits people to join his rock band. Pothead who loves to sing loudly and strike weird poses at every photo opportunity (a meme?). Alternate MC with Amari.
Jitsui: violin & erhu
The secretary. Knows a lot about alcoholic drinks (why) but keeps getting ID-ed. One time he disappeared for few months, giving everybody a scare, but came back an excellent erhu player & a wushu artist (how). His violin comes in a hard case so it’s super protected and he can hit people with it (watch out!)
Hatano: bongo, drums & percussions
A song always NEEDS MORE COWBELLS drums! High energy, always looks like he’s having so much fun and about to breakdance. Puts his whole body into drumming. Makes faces at people during rehearsals & pulls pranks. In Kaminaga’s rock band but they never got anywhere cause they won’t stop bickering.
Tazaki: piano/keyboard & flute
The Professor™ who’s nerdy about music history & theory. Has strong classical roots & will break into Beethoven randomly just to annoy shock people. Always attracts birds, kids, and chicks when he plays and almost banned from the park because of it. Secretly bitter he doesn’t get to play flute enough.
Amari: trumpet
Bandleader & star of the ensemble! A charismatic MC, he can charm the audience with both his speech and trumpet play. Loves jazz & improvisation. Knows how to encourage everyone in the ensemble and makes sure they get along. Also loves to include himself in photos with (female) audience members. Always forgetting/losing something (keys, cellphone, child etc.)
Odagiri: bass
Bass because it looks big and awkward yet the sound doesn’t stand out – like Odagiri himself—but it’s an important part of the ensemble! He prefers to play standing. Punctual & never misses rehearsals. He thinks he’s not that good but everybody respects him because he only started learning bass recently. He’s also the trusty treasurer. Secretly wants to go to karaoke with everybody cause he’s never been to one. Religiously follows social media accounts of artists and orchestras he likes.
Fukumoto: trombone
Doesn’t look like it but is good at improvs. Always trips over something (his foot, his case, his chair, his cat) even on stage. So chill he never looks nervous (which can be annoying lol). Buy snacks at cheap wholesale stores to share during rehearsals. Plans the ensemble’s food outings cause he knows all the good restaurants.
Gamou: viola
Everybody always forgets the viola but he’s there and he’s good at it, okay? He’s nice and friendly – but always texting on his phone and mysteriously disappears during break and right after practice. Everybody thinks it’s because he has a secret girlfriend and he’s so attached, it’s become a running joke.
Sakuma: cello
Rehearsal captain (keeps time, attendance, etc.) who tries to keep everybody in line (impossible—this is the D-Ensemble!). Gets scary-mad when people skip or come late to rehearsals, but is actually observant and always ready to help (Do you need help tuning? Do you need water? Need a ride home?)
Plays by the book and struggles to improvs. Generally clueless about pop culture so he gets teased a lot. His schedule is basically work/gym/play music/sleep. Everyone is secretly planning a surprise for his birthday (with raw egg involved).
Yuuki: he can play almost any instrument, of course!
Artistic Director of the Ensemble and sometimes conductor. Rumor has it he used to be a concertmaster for a famous orchestra abroad but nobody knows why he stopped. Though he gives a lot of artistic freedom to his musicians, everybody goes to him for music advice and respects his opinion.
Thanks to him, the ensemble somehow manages to survive, gets rare copyrighted music material, and lands really good gigs despite scarce funds. Nobody is sure why but he seems to have some shady but powerful connections—as shady as his recruitment procedures even (because seriously, how did he find these misfits and get them to join the ensemble?!)
He also enjoys the occasional drinks and cigar but he doesn’t usually join the ensemble’s social outings. Everybody forgets that he is in their Skype Conversation group so they openly speculate and gossip about him there. He thinks it’s hilarious!
Emma: cheerleader
Official sunshine of the ensemble! Everybody loves her. Sometimes she’ll cheer for them during rehearsals but sometimes she’ll fall asleep too! They like to let her play something easy like the tambourine or triangle—which she’ll do with great enthusiasm! Everybody argued on what instrument she’ll learn when she’s big enough—until Yuuki shuts them down and tells them that Emma can choose for herself. Hint: it’s going to be an instrument that works well with the ensemble. Go Emma!
Sergeant Pepper (Sarge): Sakuma adopted a senior dog from the shelter that he sometimes brings to practice. Sarge is a big, old, gentle dog. Loves coming to practice because everybody gives him treats and back rubs and stomach rubs and behind the ear rubs and all the rubs in the world! Everybody says they’d rather see Sarge’s face in practice than Sakuma’s (rude). Frate looks up to Sarge and wants him to run around and play with him but good old Sarge just wants to listen to music and take naps :’)
 And now I want to draw everybody and their instruments but that’ll take me weeks if I ever get to it T_T
Disclaimer: I don’t actually play any instrument so this is not based on musical knowledge and whatnot. All mistakes are mine but I’m happy to be corrected ^_^ I just happened to go to my brother’s youth orchestra rehearsals a lot when I was a teeny teen and I love love love Nodame Cantabile (mukyaaa~!!)
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