cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
CornellMoment#4: The BP Moment
"Ooops. My bad. BP moment guys."
That moment when you accidentally spill something or do something socially unacceptable. (such as causing an oil spill...)
Example: When trying to steal food from a friend you accidentally fling it into your lap. "Whoops! BP moment guys."
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
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Cornell Clock Tower
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
CornellMoment#3: "You just DeBauered that!"
DeBauer; v. - to rapidly consume mass quantities of food. 
Synonyms: devour, gorge, chow down. 
Example: "Wow, you just DeBauered that burger!"
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
DTK - Don't. Tell. Kristin. 
One of our roommates has certain aversions, which has lead to the codeword DTK. When you drop that french fry for half a second and put it back on the tray - don't tell Kristin. When you see a girl walking down the street with bare feet - don't tell Kristin. 
DTK guys, DTK. 
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
CornellMoment#2: Hurricane Brownies
When the remnants of a hurricane hit Ithaca, NY, the simple solution is just to huddle down and bake brownies to share with your neighbours. 
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
When ordering burgers at 1.00AM, it is appropriate to give your driver an $87.02 tip for your $12.98 order because they don't have change for your $100 bill. 
Tipping, Cornell-Style. 
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cornellmoments-blog · 13 years
"Sundials are like pretty girls. You can admire them, but you may never understand them."
Bill Nye, The Science Guy, Cornell '77
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