#they've always done a good job making them act their age depending on trauma and circumstances
kaeyazuha · 2 years
Plz I would probs hate Zhongli irl with a passion but in game I cant 😭 he just makes cackle everytime he opens up his dumb old man mouth like my mans is a boomer in a game 💀He defs is a terrible 'father' figure but tbh none of the Archons werent that great if you think about it. Venti got his ass best in 2 secs and is an alcoholic, Zhongli is...himself...and the original Dendro archon is..eh?? Like Nahida and MAYBE Raiden are the ones who are actually decent
Raiden lost her sister, had to abandon Scaramouche because of his softness and still feels guilty about it, and her one friend, Yae Miko did absolute jack shit. I feel like Sara was more of a friend to Raiden then Yae Miko was. Raiden is still trying to fix her mistakes on Inuzuma too! At least she is TRYING
Now if anyone needs a break, its Nahida! She was picked as the new Archon AGAINST HER WILL and people soon forgot about her?? While all she could do is sit back and try to her best??? Like people literally only hated on her because of skin tone, which is still an issue! But guys..SHES A FUCKING CHILD???? She is literally trying her best to be the best Archon AND not getting upset that her birthday cant be celebrated because the other Archon died??? Fucking excuse me?? I think Nahida should meet Klee and they should be best friends >:(
(I dont mind sharing my opinion on here because I feel like most of the Twitter Genshin community has left my page alone lmao)
FRR HE'S HILARIOUS it's the only reason I tolerate him- again I only hate how the fandom glorifies him, I do like him as a character haha
Honestly I love Venti bc of what he stands for. He didn't just abandon Mondstadt, he taught his people how to raise a nation and then let it run itself! "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. " And the parallels between him and the unnamed bard sljgs delicious
FR And despite Ei being a total tyrant, she was doing what she thought was best for her country after experiencing so much loss. If nothing else, I see that in a lot of moms, so I like that ideology being used. Doing what you think is best for someone but finding out it hurts them later on, and then she's actively trying to change and improve by listening to the people :')
YES FINALLY YESSS I adore Kusanali! I do dislike her design because I'm tired of Mihoyo's colorism and creepy sexualizing (especially with the kids) but I love her character! Especially in the new archon quest, she's so sweet, considerate, and does her best to help out wherever she can. And to have the mentality of a child while doing this? She's incredible! Kusanali and Klee solo the world yes PLEASE
ooh okok that makes sense- I was more worried about spamming people haha
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