#they've been together for centuries you think they'd know how to cope without each other?
kaixserzz · 1 year
LISTEN.. I know you love your fluff and comfort 🙄🙄 /s /lh but I'd like to hear abt what you'd think on this
Dottore and reader breaking up due to issues in both ends, whether be our fault or his, they're not longer together.
A heated decision, in which everyone inloved was hurt, it all came to a boiling point.
You leave dottore to his own devices, it qas a sudden decision but you and he were done.
All the while, he can't find himself to be angry at you then, but soon after, he grows upset.
It took him 48 hours to realise your were truly gone. When his segments told him you were nowhere to be found, he knew it was most likely, actually, over.
He'd take this as the worst betrayal ever done to him, growing resentful of what you did to him, how could you leave him?
Soon that resentment turned to restlessness, he didn't know how to explain it, but he was desperate to get you back. He sent fatuus out to find you, to bring you back to him, but you never came up.
You spent centuries of your life with him, surely you hadn't actually left him, he kept reassuring himself to be logical, to believe that you'd be logical enough to come back.
You never did. And when he visited your guys room, he found your stuff gone. The sight of that almost made him break down.
How did it turn out like this?
My phone is on 2% so I couldn't format this right :( anyways! I thought abt making a fanfic abt this, I love hurt/no comfort, but even this makes me feel sad 😭😭
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says the guy who thinks about killing reader ever conceivable long fic to make him suffer ^
dottore is definitely the type of guy who could never move on from a break up like that. like, how could he??? you've been part of his life for too long and you're one of the things that makes him genuinely happy!!
you don't even wanna see him anymore? talk it out? are you happy now that you're not with him anymore? did you feel like you've wasted centuries with him?
has he lacked as a lover? was he too prideful to notice what was wrong? to save something the cherishes? or was your relationship just fated to be doomed?
OKAY thats enough.... if you write this,, i will BAWL.. no no angst please noo NOO
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