#because im delusional
rynrising44 · 8 months
Valcarol in the MCU: casual booty call relationship. Friends w/benefits. Exes, maybe, that are chill w/ each other, but are still processing their past loves (as they should)
Valcarol in my silly goofy mind: In love, all the mush, all the 'I'd die for you,' 'Not if I die for you first,' kind of BS that goes back like 20 years and started kinda toxic bc trauma, but is now something inexplicably real. Also still processing their past loves, but doing it together.
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inumakkin · 2 years
Finally finished the manga a few days ago
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missygoesmeow · 1 year
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yes yes i've shared this image already but I *improved upon it.
*definition of improved depends upon how insane like me that u are :)
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kaixserzz · 1 year
LISTEN.. I know you love your fluff and comfort 🙄🙄 /s /lh but I'd like to hear abt what you'd think on this
Dottore and reader breaking up due to issues in both ends, whether be our fault or his, they're not longer together.
A heated decision, in which everyone inloved was hurt, it all came to a boiling point.
You leave dottore to his own devices, it qas a sudden decision but you and he were done.
All the while, he can't find himself to be angry at you then, but soon after, he grows upset.
It took him 48 hours to realise your were truly gone. When his segments told him you were nowhere to be found, he knew it was most likely, actually, over.
He'd take this as the worst betrayal ever done to him, growing resentful of what you did to him, how could you leave him?
Soon that resentment turned to restlessness, he didn't know how to explain it, but he was desperate to get you back. He sent fatuus out to find you, to bring you back to him, but you never came up.
You spent centuries of your life with him, surely you hadn't actually left him, he kept reassuring himself to be logical, to believe that you'd be logical enough to come back.
You never did. And when he visited your guys room, he found your stuff gone. The sight of that almost made him break down.
How did it turn out like this?
My phone is on 2% so I couldn't format this right :( anyways! I thought abt making a fanfic abt this, I love hurt/no comfort, but even this makes me feel sad 😭😭
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says the guy who thinks about killing reader ever conceivable long fic to make him suffer ^
dottore is definitely the type of guy who could never move on from a break up like that. like, how could he??? you've been part of his life for too long and you're one of the things that makes him genuinely happy!!
you don't even wanna see him anymore? talk it out? are you happy now that you're not with him anymore? did you feel like you've wasted centuries with him?
has he lacked as a lover? was he too prideful to notice what was wrong? to save something the cherishes? or was your relationship just fated to be doomed?
OKAY thats enough.... if you write this,, i will BAWL.. no no angst please noo NOO
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p1x1x · 19 days
i love making up meaning to justify using 🌙💚 as lethesaya ship emojis
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jugemusequencer · 2 years
Hello Mira law maker what are your Mira headcannons so I can consider them canon from the real life Mira
you have no idea how affirming this ask is buuuut
u already know it (transmasc gay any prns mira)
borderline personality disorder
schizophrenia / general psychosis
also going off of her fear of being forgotten - this guy has gotta have some form of abandonment trauma , obv shes a psych but thats just Not it . also !!! she suffers from severe paranoia and faces delusions of being stalked n the way they overcame that before he died was the camera that we saw in the queen of hearts game that arisu decided to have a staring contest with for no reason at all
it's also pretty antisocial apart from her job, he tends to keep to himself and usually just kinda stayed home on their days off . i like to imagine she had some form of instagram he'd post on . or twitter . mira seems like a twitter user . like she'd post something and call it a hit tweet when it got more than like 5 likes
his favorite drink is butterfly peach tea :] (this is the blue tea that turns purple/pink when lemon juice is added just in case it needs clarification) and her fav like . snack food is those spicy ramen snacks you can get in convenience stores or vending machines :]]
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You left me no choice but to stay here forever
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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clouvu · 5 months
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Mother and Father 🫶
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hansoeii · 11 months
did loki just compare thor falling for jane with what he feels for mobius?
"and when he came back, he was different. changed somehow. I thought it was weakness. I mocked him. said he'd gone soft."
He just said these words while actively defending mobius after sylvie hurt him. He said those words while thinking about mobius and while standing in the pie room where they had one of their most intimate moments.
loki is different because of mobius. he's become weaker and soft because of mobius. the exact same thing that happened to his brother has now happened to him, and he's completely aware of it.
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oddberryshortcake · 6 days
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I said I would make a powerpoint to express what I like about Sebek and Jamil as a pair so here it is!
I don't think I illustrated my point super well as I tried to keep the bullet points short and let the moments talk for themselves, but this should add some context for something I want to do next month.
Please consider this rarepair 🥺🙏🏻 Or don't lol
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skyxiiocrkblog · 3 months
Guys… guys… yall…
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Four-armed and part-dragon Dark Cacao??
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(Credits to this person for images and inspiration for dark cacao)
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can we talk about yamato in the new ending can we PLEASE talk about yamato in the new ending. he is my everything.
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Was makin a muscle study for fun and it wound up being that sunset shimmer anthro design I made because I'm delusional. good times. And of course I got carried away and didn't stop there
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Twilight is ready.
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Gohan wasn't in the trailer for DB Daima so I had to draw him in myself 🙄
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40+ year old men irl love me because i watched so many old sci-fi shows and they can talk to me about them but once they do they eventually realize i like them in a really cringe and gay way which is why they also hate me
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