#they've gotten decidedly less wholesome and way weirder lmao
becasbelt · 3 years
the bellas as @chloebeale's wildest anons
Beca: ever wondered if you might have some narcissism? serious question, i sometimes wonder if i have some.
Chloe: some people have sex injuries, and some people, let’s call them me, have a fapping injury which flares up from time to time.
Aubrey: Remember, it’s better to walk in on both of your parents doing it than just one of them.
Emily: You ever wonder how long it took Adam and Eve to figure out what went where? Like what was that process like, did he put it in her nose, or her ear, or under her arm, before finally figuring it goes in the vag? These are the things I think about…
Fat Amy: 69’ing is overrated. The 96 is where it’s at. That’s an upside down 69, where y’all’s arses lay on the back of your partner’s head. Farting is optional.
Stacie: help! stuck in horny jail and need to raise money for bail!
Cynthia-Rose: If they started making donuts that taste like vajay, would you try one?
Flo: Did you know that when men are captured by cannibal tribes, just before they boil them, the tribal leaders show the men pornographic images so that they get an erection and there’s more meat on them?
Lilly: would you ever have sex in the woods? or a graveyard?
Jessica and Ashley: vanilla sex is the best sex 🥰
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