#they've gotten so unsubtle about what they're going for his plot in the final episode was:
theorderofthetriad · 2 years
as a venture bros fan in this current media landscape, i feel myself often suppressing the urge to be like "venture bros did that first" "venture bros walked so [X] could run" about a lot of things that are comparatively recently trending in media, especially in regards to using geek genre satire as a jumping off into a bigger concept. like i could bring up a lot of examples on this
but i'm writing this post because i can't help but think of the thing venture bros did first that they didn't mean to, which is create a character that's a critique of hyper-masculinity that a certain subset of fans completely missed the point on and uncritically treat as a idol to look up to and emulate.
walter white who? rick sanwhat? the crown of uncritically idolized paragons of toxic masculinity belongs to Brock Samson.
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