#theyre babies ur honor!!!!!!
mishacakes · 11 months
hello! what are sof's and hiro's powers, plus weapons of choice?
Sof uses twin throwing axes (ono) that she can throw and teleport back to her hand with object teleportation. It’s easier with objects she’s familiar with, but if she pushes herself and REAAALLLY WANTS SOMETHING she can poof it to her. She isn’t able to shapeshift with her body, but eventually a power upgrade she’ll get is the ability to shift her axes into ONE BIG HONKIN’ AXE!!!!
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Hiro uses a bow and arrows (yumi/hankyu and ya) for long range, and a short sword (tanto) for defense. He inherits his mother’s shapeshifting abilities, but while she’s completely a cat he takes on a more reptile/lizard like appearance.
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