#theyre back in town lets goo
deathianartworks · 6 months
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Back on my bullshit, let's fucking go!!!!!!!!
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another-om-mc · 4 years
The Beach Episode
we get there and it stinks of magic, we both look at each other n confusion and outrage, as a couple of beach kids. (Shan and Ami are both from beach towns, be it very different ones. they are fully offended)
Lucifer: what’s wrong    Shan: where’s the dead seaweed smell??? The salt?? The beach fleas???  Asmo, behind us: the WHAT Ami: The fucking crabs?! The sea spray???? THE HOT ASS SHARP SAND?!
both of us: THIS ISNT A BEACH ITS A LIE     Lucifer,, getting a headache: yes it’s not. It’s magic   Shan: I want a refund     Lucifer: you?? Didn’t pay to be here???
Beel: I think you made them cry? (Shan is sad crying, Ami is mad its fake and crying about it)
and it’s super funny cuz Lucifer did all this work to get everyone vacation and we’re just being brats. its also the first time Lucifer sees Ami actually sad and theres like half an ounce of feeling about it. but only that little.
Lucifer: you can’t even tell this is a fake beach    Shan: I have four years and a piece of paper that say I fucking do
We get over it, do the episode but at the end demand to take the boys to a real beach
Alternately - Everyone: okay time to go swi- Shan: *already running full speed into the water*  Ami: adamantly not going near it because fear of sea monsters
Satan: *opens his mouth*    Shan: I know more than you
Shan goes and gets Ami buckets of water for her sandcastle and mammon yanks it out of her hand so he can do it instead
Ami but quietly: let him do the thing and hug me while he does it. win win
Mammon complains about that too, he is informed he can only do one at a time. hes still upset he cant do both.
Shan: *hugs you whine he does stuff for you* Mammon: hey! Stop touching her! I’m the only one that gets to hug her! Shan: okay so I’ll get the things for Ami.  Mammon: no! I’ll-    Shan: you only get to do one
Shan and Mammon get in an argument about who gets to do what and Ami goes up to Beel like 'im scared of the water but i need some, can u help me?' hes got like 4 buckets. Theyre sad but Beel and Ami have made a magnificent sandcastle.
Ami has, at some point, while hiding behind Beel, squirt sunblock on Lucifer's pants. like a 12 year old boy.
We get the boys to a real beach and  they’re all like ‘this is exactly like Diavolo’s magic beach’ and then Shan slaps them with seaweed. Ami already has a dead fish in hand and ready to chuck it at the next idiot to say theyre the same.
Shan and Ami go crabbing and they come back with one or two and r very excited and then beel eats them. Shan has a sad.
Shan: :( they were my friends. I was going to introduce them to Levi
depending on where the beach actually is, Ami has caught a catfish Satan: But you didn't have a pole? how? Me: its a catfish, cityboy. u stick ur hand n a hole and when something bites u pull it out and avoid the barbs
Shan finds all the invasive species of crabs and let beel eat those guys
Satan: I read in a book Shan: I ReAd In A bOoK - *grabs more crabs with my bare ass hands*
ppl would stare at us and hit on all the boys tho. too many pretty boys in one place for that to not happen
Ami has a slingshot shoddily made of drift wood and a hair band, and a jellyfish in it. She starts beaming girl’s in the face who get too close to Mammon or Beel. Shan is cheering her on (So is Blphie but not for the same reason)
some pretty bitch gets it n the face "Get wrekt"
Satan is also enjoying the violence 
Shan gets buried in the sand: I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! Posideon quivers before me!!!!  Lucifer: Luke doesn’t even quiver before you
Me, having climbed a tallish rock: WITNESS ME! Plicks Lucifer in the head with another jellyfish  Lucifer: WE ARE GOING HOME
Lucifer has several more grey hairs going home than he did arriving
Shan has sunburn from head to toe; in immense pain. Ami only ever gets sunburn on her shoulders (hence the freckling there) and her nose/cheeks.  Ami starts peeling and flicks the dead skin at Asmo as torture. Shan hates it.
We both pretend Shan is dying from the sunburn to fuck with the boys, as Amk has slapped the shit out of her back, but with a handful of AngelAloe stolen from the botany class (she plucked a piece and regrew it in her room) and the boys just see Ami holding ooze on Shan’s back who is trying to not scream and they play it up.
“Shes dying! The sunburn is making her leak out all her internal goo! Guys she’s gunna leak to death!“ Theyre in a panic. Shan starts playing along cus its funny, but then it turns out that mammon and beel both grab her, no aloe, and shes yelling all over again. Ami is laughing too hard to tell them that theyre actually hurting her now tho.
Lucifer doesn’t bother punishing any one because everyones already punished themselves in this scenario, but human anatomy books start popping up around the house
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typicalhippiegirl · 4 years
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Let's talk about something.
First off, I'm not putting this messed up, peely, gross looking tattoo up for anyone to judge (I'm not happy with it either). I'm putting this out there to help others learn from my mistakes & hopefully prevent them from going thru what I've been dealing with.
There's a tattoo expo coming to town with featured artists from out of town. I find one thru IG whose work looks clean & I like her style so I DM her about setting an appt. Shes got time this weekend yay! no waiting for the expo. -Do you see the mistakes I made already? It's so obvious to me now😓
Saturday's here, I head to the shop (for the first time) for the appointment & the moment I walk in it's like Uh, wtf? Half the shop is taped off & in the middle of a remodel (no dust or active working, just shit all moved around). I brush it off, theyre getting things ready for an expo right? They need people tattooing there, not playing pool so ya, no wonder it's a bit messy.
Next she shows me the stencil and its fuckin huge. Like I specifically said between 6-8 inches max bc it's going on my forearm & i'm not Stretch Armstrong. Shes like Oh I kept it between 8 & 10. Well ya didn't fuckin listen bc what woman has arms that long? So it's resized & idk what we were casually talking about but she def rolled her eyes at me. Look man, I'm a pretty easy going person and depending on the situation I may take a slight without saying shit. Also like low self confidence helps with that right? So anyway, at the point I should have been like Alright dude, we're not really clickin & I'm not feelin this anymore & walked TF out. I didnt. Like an idiot. I'm not gonna lie, part of it was losing put on the deposit the other part was just me telling myself it would be fine despite in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't.
So we start. Yo, she's a Fuckin. Bitch. I wanted a theme right, this chick is supposed to be a Texas pinup, I wanted certain colors in her clothes. I asked "What colors are we thinking for her?" She actually scoffed and says "These ones" while motioning at her cups. Wow. Ok, well, fuck I don't want to ask her anything anymore so I shutup & go with it.
This shit HURTS. I'm not a pussy when it comes to pain. I have several tattoos, including fingers, toes and a whale that was particularly painful because it goes directly over my very bony shin. I've been cut, I've had a baby without drugs. Mags remind me of getting a razor cut and I find pleasure in the feeling. I can tolerate some pain and this shit sucked. Yo, at the end she switched down to a single needle and that was KILLER. I felt like I was being carved into (which, if you'd ever seen my back you'd know, I know the feeling).
Alright so finally we're finished & I roll into the next day. I'm a bit worried about the appearance and not just bc she looks like she broke her leg. It looks wet. I continue my aftercare as normal: antibac soap & aquaphor. Day 2 I'm researching infections bc it's super painful, red but mostly it's wet. I'm afraid of infection also bc this chick had the trash can right next to the station. I mean Right. Fuckin. Next to it. To the point that the trashcan lid fell onto the pad where my arm is. I want to ask her to move it but she's in such a bad mood I think it'll just make things worse & she'll be even rougher. By day 3 I've tried antibac goo & it seems to make my skin bubble where its been applied so I quickly quit using that. My arm hurts so badly at this point I cant put it down without getting shooting pains up my arm. I let it dry out so things are crusty but at least I don't find them medically disturbing. Regardless, I spend a lot of this day crying. Day 4 I'm still researching infection and come across overworked tattoos, scars & "hamburgering" My heart pretty much drops bc this is it, this is what's going on. What's even more fucked up is that I find this on forums for people learning to tattoo. Like apprentice's first few tattoos having this problem. Rookie shit, ya hear?😑
The pictures are from day 5. You can see splitting along the black lines, there's holes in the sun & near her belt. Oh and that's a thing. The hole is the sun is bc somehow a drop of green got in there so she went over it and over it and over it again with more red. Can you imagine my frustration at that point?
So look, I got this done Saturday, here it is Friday. My skin is very shiny and puckery where the peeling has come off. The scabs are thick af, I've only been moisturizing the places safe to so as of today almost everything but the cactus. Did I mention my arm still really hurts? I can't straighten it, there's pains that shoot out from the center, and why why why is my bicep sore?! I'm really worried about how the cactus is going to turn out. My skin looks bumpy between the cracks of scab. I think she used a crappy cheap green. I'm really left wondering about her experience as a tattoo artist. I'm just saying: My first tattoo was done by a scratcher in a dirty apartment bedroom. He did such a shitty job that I took the machine from him & finished it myself. Might I mention I was 16 and completely coked out of my mind? Also, I didn't hamburger myself and there was no scarring over that disaster of a tattoo (which thankfully no longer exists thanks to the aforementioned painful whale)
This whole thing has fuckin sucked. I don't want anybody else dealing with this. Let me outline some things I should have done differently so if you find yourself in the same situation you can make better decisions than I did.
1. If you're looking on IG for an artist make sure they also post healed pics not just fresh ones.
2. If you're not vibing with your artist it's ok so call it off. Look, a 60$ deposit aint shit to lose in the grand scheme of things, can you get a cover up for 60$? How about bad work or a bad experience lasered off? You can't get those deals, oh who knew? Sometimes losing money is saving it.
3. Don't get shit from travelling artists. Maybe they woke up a 3am & drove 8 hours & now they don't give a shit about anything but going home.
4. If the shop doesn't look great, walk out. Again, whats 60$ compared to your health and happiness?
This is a long post & it's not something I usually post about (lol who am I kidding? Personal tragedies are kinda my thing). It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed how she came out, I'm embarrassed I didn't speak up, I'm embarrassed I didn't just go to the person I knew could give me a good tattoo. It wasn't even about money, I didn't get a deal on this pinup mess. All I can do is move on. Thank goodness this wasn't my first piece or I may have been totally turned off from getting anymore ink. Now all I can do is continue my aftercare, hope for the best and when the time comes I'll go visit Vinny at American Tradition and get something else on the backside of my arm to distract from this mess.
Much love my inked up friends❤
Hey and if this speaks to you like you've been in this situation or are currently in it, feel free to DM me.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Nintendo Switch review: a brave and fascinating new console
At 280 the Switch is a gamble, but Nintendo has again done its idiosyncratic best to challenge the way we think about games hardware
Nintendo remains a puzzling phenomenon for a lot of modern gamers. The company never makes powerful consoles, or cool consoles; it never pushes the processing envelope, and it always seems a little eccentric when it comes to online infrastructure. Unlike Sony and Microsoft, it isnt trying to make gaming PCs designed to resemble dedicated games machines it just makes games machines.
The Switch is the latest evolution of an idea Nintendo has been playing with since the arrival of the Wii in 2006 a console for everyone, with an interesting, accessible and flexible interface. The console itself is basically a tablet, and completely portable, but plug it into the stand and the action immediately appears on your TV. It is a weird hybrid, a new mid-point between home and handheld.
The big question is is it fun?
The basics
Priced at 280, the Nintendo Switch is a hybrid system a cross between a home console and a handheld. When you buy one, you get the console itself, as well as the two JoyCon controllers, the stand for plugging the device into your TV, and a controller grip. HDMI and power cables come too.
Nintendo Switch whats in the box. Photograph: Nintendo
Games are on small cartridges (that rattle rather suspiciously) and they slot into a port at the top of the console. Unlike with PS4 and Xbox One, you dont need to install the software on to your hard drive, which is just as well as the Switch drive is a measly 32GB. Theres a Micro SD slot at the rear of the Switch, which adds additional storage capacity.
Optional accessories include a wired LAN adaptor and pro controller which offers a more refined and traditional interface for 65. Extra Joy-Con controllers (necessary for multiplayer games like Arms) cost 75.
Size: 10cm x 24cm x 1.4cm (with Joy-Con attached)
Screen: 6.2-inch LCD Screen, 1280 x 720 resolution
Processor: Nvidia Custom Tegra processor
Storage: 32GB (with Micro SD card slot for additional space)
Connectivity: wifi (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) and Bluetooth 4.1
Weight: 300g (400g with Joy-Con attached)
A design of two halves
The Nintendo Switch looks like a very small, budget-conscious tablet, with the same sort of build quality (ie solid and kind of sleek). The capacitive touchscreen is not as precise as youll find on your new smartphone, but its a definite step up from the spongy Wii U GamePad and reacts to the slightest touch rather than a frustrated jab. The experience really does merge the accessibility of playing on a tablet with the added controller accuracy of a handheld. Its like a modern take on the multifaceted approach of the DS and 3DS, but with a larger screen and much more granular control.
When you want to plug it into into your TV, you slide the Switch into the dock, until it clicks into the port. This is a smooth, seamless procedure, but the console does rattle a little in its toaster-like home. The dock has HDMI, three USB ports and a power socket but thats all. Its just a hunk of plastic.
Nintendo Switch compared with a Wii U GamePad. Photograph: Keith Stuart for the Guardian
The Switchs built-in 6.2-inch display is 720p HD, and the picture quality is usually very good, with rich colours and a nice sharpness. When you plug the console in to your TV, Switch can output in full 1080p (though not 4K). On a larger display, its very clear this console is far behind Xbox One and PS4 in terms of visual fidelity the graphics have that familiar Nintendo look; cartoony, slightly hazy, but also artful. Titles like Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart and, later, Super Mario Odyssey do look beautiful, but in a more stylised way than the photorealistic aspirations of the other consoles.
Shared pleasures
Once charged, the Switch can be taken wherever you go and this is a key feature. With this console, you can put the screen down wherever you are, slide the Joy-Con off, hand them out and start multiplayer sessions with friends. The fact that the controllers can be used independently means Mario Kart, Bomberman, Just Dance and SnipperClips can all be played without the need to buy extra pads. Its the whole games-for-everyone philosophy of the Wii, joyously emancipated from the home.
On top of this, the console offers ad-hoc local networking for up to eight Switches. The idea of being able to meet up with pals wherever you are and play Mario Kart or Splatoon 2 together in big team sessions is an enticing one and the concept becomes even more interesting if/when we start seeing community-focused titles like Monster Hunter and Pokemon coming along. It was the former that more or less kept the Sony PSP alive, exploiting the machines ad-hoc connectivity; and we saw how powerful Pokemon Go was as a roving social experience. If Nintendo can harness this potential, it would be a major plus for the console. Sitting in a park with a whole bunch of people playing Mario Kart is a really fun proposition.
Joy or con?
Perhaps the most intriguing element of the Switch is its two Joy-Con controllers, which can be used separately, or snapped either side of a plastic grip to make a standard pad. Each Joy-Con has an analogue stick, a button array on the front, and four shoulder buttons along the edges. They also have built-in accelerometers and gyroscopes for motion control, while the right Joy-Con has a motion-sensitive IR camera, which can sense movement in front of it. Theres also a Capture button which lets you take, store and share in-game screenshots (but not video just yet).
The Switch Joy-Cons, close up. Photograph: Nintendo
The Joy-Con are small, but theyre very comfortable in the hand and the plastic is good quality. To make them more sturdy, there are wrist strap sections that slide on to the side of each controller, clipping into place. Theyre easy to get on, but removing them is an unnecessarily fiddly process of lifting a small locking mechanism, pressing a tiny black button then sliding them off it takes some practice (and brute force) and if anyone accidentally puts one on the wrong way round which really shouldnt be possible they become wedged pretty fast. It doesnt really feel like the neat, graceful, child-friendly industrial design were used to from Nintendo.
But theyre definitely good fun to use. Gripped in your hands they become almost invisible facilitators of ridiculous interactions. Whether thats milking a cow or pretending to scoff sandwiches in 1-2 Switch, or cutting out shapes in Snipperclips they take on the forms that each game requires; like the computer mouse, they simply become extensions of your own movements. This could (and in Nintendos hands should) lead to whole new interactive experiences
The Zelda box?
The Switch is launching with eleven games, but many of these are updates of already released titles like I Am Setsuna, World of Goo, Skylanders Imaginators and Just Dance 2017. One exception is Super Bomberman R, a re-invention of the classic multiplayer maze battler.
Of the two major Nintendo titles, 1-2 Switch really should be bundled with the hardware. This collection of competitive mini-games is fun for a while, but its purpose is to exhibit the capabilities of the console and with no lasting challenge to any of the 28 tasks, youll soon tire of it. Even a limited demo of the game would have been a welcome addition to the console package.
The key draw right now is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and honestly, what a draw it is. Expansive, refined and exciting, it could well be one of the greatest launch titles ever released.
Later in the year, well get Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Arms and Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which all look wonderful; then there will be Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and a Fire Emblem title, pretty much capturing the RPG market. Nintendo claims there are 100 games in development from 70 publishers highlights include the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim conversion, a Dragon Quest, a Sonic game, Ultra Street Fighter II, and follow-ups to cult titles like No More Heroes and Shin Megami Tensei. Thats a lot of fun to be had.
The big draw The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Photograph: Nintendo
Nintendo has announced 60 indie titles as well: successful releases like Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight, Cave Story and Overcooked are on the slate, as are newcomers Yooka-Laylee, Snake Pass and Wargroove.
The big test of course is whether the big hitting franchises will come over. We know EA is making a Switch version of Fifa, and theres a Switch Minecraft, but will there be a Switch Call of Duty (and if the series goes back to WWII this will really matter), a Switch Red Dead Redemption?
So far it feels like theres more industry positivity around Switch than there ever was around Wii U. If Zelda starts shifting machines, the big publishers will want a part of that especially with the costs of producing high-end Xbox and PlayStation titles exploding with every new hardware iteration.
The end of the Miiverse
One disappointing aspect is that two favourite connected services Street Pass from the 3DS and Wiiverse from the Wii U will not be returning on Switch. Instead were getting a more conventional online subscription service offering multiplayer gaming and other content including monthly free titles.
At the same time, online lobbies and a voice chat app will replace the community hub that made your Wii U desktop feel like a thriving virtual town rather than a staid menu system. Indeed, the Switch desktop is rather sparse, so far consisting of large icons for any games youve played, as well as smaller options for the eShop, photo album and controller settings. Youll be able to import your Nintendo Account ID, make your own Mii character and set up friends lists, of course but currently the UI is very bare and uninspiring (although you could also see its simplicity as a bonus, especially as it also has to function on a smaller, portable display).
In many ways, Switch is going to be a lot more like Xbox and PS4 in its connected philosophy and thats a shame. And whats missing from this more conventional set-up is apps: currently there are no video-on-demand options like YouTube or Netflix, though Nintendo has said its considering them. Furthermore, we still dont know how much the subscription will cost, but it will be free until the autumn. On a more positive note, the eShop looks to be getting some excellent support from indie developers who are looking to support and explore the unique feature-set of the console.
The Nintendo Switch is a brave and fascinating prospect. While the Wii U hinted at a dual screen future (and provided some truly brilliant games), this update truly gives us a strong standalone handheld platform as well as a home console that produces beautiful visuals and trademark Nintendo experiences. Those who well say buy a PC/Xbox/PS4 instead are too entrenched in conventional wisdom to understand the appeal of Nintendo hardware, which has always stood slightly to the side of the industry product pipeline. The Switch is playing in a very different space, a space of its own, and we now need to see if the rest of the industry, and a large enough audience of casual gamers, will join it.
Whatever happens, Nintendo has once again done its idiosyncratic best to challenge the way we think about games hardware. Right now, it has the best launch game in at least a decade, and enough compelling possibilities on the horizon to warrant enthusiasm and hope. At 280 it is a gamble; when the price drops, as it inevitably will before Christmas, it may prove irresistible.
Pros: fascinating hybrid concept; interesting controls; good quality screen; some excellent games on the way
Cons: areas of fiddly and below-par hardware design; limited launch line-up; unclear digital strategy
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mfox6X
from Nintendo Switch review: a brave and fascinating new console
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