#theyre just buddies! who fuck nasty and commit atrocities!
foxboyclit · 1 year
fuck it im doing a ship meme for spiders' kiss i gotta write about them
blank version of ship meme here
How they first met: Iphis had known of Nydalla previously, mostly because what she was doing in West Wall was causing a pretty significant stir; you dont hear about a mid-tier consort transitioning and seizing an entire House every day. He needed a way to climb Menzo's hierarchy and help with making a bargain with A Whole Ass God, so he approached her at a ball or some other high society social event
Where their first date was: they don't really go on dates in a romantic sense. they have scenes and planned events; that's probably the closest to a traditional date they get, but they'll occasionally go for walks on a whim, or play Sava together
When they had their first kiss: god, this one had me and red chewing on this for a bit, because their first kiss isnt actually something they'd consider significant. there's 3 potential answers, which is
in an empty corridor, both of them desperately groping and teasing each other before having to part ways or Present Themselves Properly
in Nydalla's quarters, after sneaking away from an event hosted by her House
sometime during or after their first scene
its debatable whether they remember quite frankly
Who cooks: they have a cook on staff, so neither. i dont even think they know how to cook, they've never needed to
Who proposed: Nydalla, although it was probably more signing papers and going through Menzo customs of acquiring a consort than anything
The dominant one: Nydalla
Their favorite pass time together: i've said playing Sava, second only to sex, but they also love the theater and i headcanon Menzo having some sort of gladiator matches, or sensationalized public executions; they get very riled up watching heretics get torn limb from limb, Iphis especially
Who kissed who first: Nydalla kissed him first, most likely
Who is the flirt: Iphis, he's also more talkative/flirty in general. Nydalla's the tease, the subtle commands in public to turn her consort a beautiful shade of indigo
Who is the romantic: neither of them, actually! outside of the d/s dynamic, as well as the political context of Matron/Head Consort, they're just friends. best friends with a scary loyalty to each other
Who wakes up first: Nydalla, she has more duties than him and she likes having enough time to get everything done
Who comforts who the most: i wanna say Nydalla comforts Iphis the most, i think she reaches for taking her stress/issues out on others (good if you're her consort, terrible if you're her rival)
The cuddler: neither of them are very physically affectionate, but Iphis gets needy during aftercare, so Nydalla sometimes cuddles him after a scene
The big spoon: Nydalla; not only because of when they actually cuddle, but shes also bigger than him and he would be a backpack to her otherwise
tagging @thespacelizard just because it feels relevant to your interests
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