#theyre just like water- fluid. passive but not too passive..flirty but not too flirty
fancifulflora · 1 year
since i love 'to all the boys i've loved before' i wanna request a high school au where the the atoc LIs recieve a love letter from the mc. ty!
Honestly, this applies to either a university or a hs au, whichever works (Also for simplicity's sake I'm assuming you two are already friends and this is like- a confession letter in particular like in the book/movie)
They were certainly surprised to see a little envelope tucked into their library book
Last they could remember, they had gone looking for another reference for their classical literature paper so their mysterious messenger couldn't have gone far
Sure, they'd spare a glance around the room to see if anyone still lingered but probably weren't going to push it any further before opening up the letter
That's when they recognize the handwriting.
The very sight brings a smile to their face before they even begin reading
Reading over your words leaves no noticeable reaction on their face outside of the smile, most passing by could never guess that it was a love letter in their hands
They certainly wouldn't be able to detect the mix of amusement and fondness bubbling inside them as they drank up each and every line
If it's terribly cheesy or poorly worded there is no way in hell they aren't going to tease you about it, but they know to be merciful since it's still a big act of vulnerability
Above all else, they're already planning how they were going to respond to your letter
They'd play it casually, acting as if they hadn't read the letter around you
Though it's really just a ploy for them to be certain that the way they feel for you is real
So when the butterflies in their stomach still remain restless and your very presence continues to squeeze at their heart, they simply ask.
They'll be certain to ensure the two of you have privacy before finally turning to you, a small grin on their face, asking you whether or not you meant those words
And more importantly, how long you planned on waiting before asking them out on a date
Being more vigilant about their surroundings and their stuff, getting a note to them without their knowledge was difficult
Borderline impossible
So, it left you with no choice but to be upfront and hand the letter directly to them
It certainly startles them, leaving them a little unsure as to what exactly the letter is for
At least for a brief moment
When they do finally realize what it is, they turn red on the spot and ask you if it's alright to open it right now or if you'd prefer they open it later
If you choose to let them read it right there, they'd take their time going through it and doing their best to hide their reactions
Although anyone within range could see the red on their face very, very clearly
Having known each other for a long time though, the answer comes surprisingly swift
There's no duty to Arsur to uphold, no responsibilities they have to shoulder
Leaving them free in this universe to open their heart and happily accept your confession
But if you're far too shy about it and wish for them to read it at another time, they'll abide by your wishes, though the reaction remains the same
Instead, they'll find some time to pull you aside to present you with a small gift and take the chance to take you out on a date
It'd be the least they could do since you made the first move after all
Though friendly to those that dare approach, they tended to be on the shy, skittish side from a distance
That meant that there wasn't exactly a line of secret admirers lined up around the block for them- making the note they found in their bag all the more confusing
Just who could have left this?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice your handwriting though or the simple ruling out of possible suspects in their mind
The thought that you'd feel that way about them does bring a deep red to their cheeks though, honestly, if they were to open it in the privacy of their own bedroom, I'd bet good money they'd make a noise and cover their face with their hands
Maybe kick their feet a little if your words are especially well crafted
Once they do compose themselves, they decide to return your affection in kind, drafting a letter that they plan on sliding into your bag later on
Then they throw it away and draft another
And another
And maybe after the 4th try, they'll have something that they deem worthy of sending
Then all it takes is the perfect timing for them to hide their note amongst your things, being sure to flee the scene before they're caught
Just be sure to answer them quickly because, despite their best efforts, the only thing on their mind will be your words- their subconscious already beginning to daydream up a storm
They're a rather charismatic and popular character around the campus, so getting cute notes and presents wasn't too unusual for them.
Most of the time they'd do their secret admirers the courtesy of reading their notes, the only exception being the rather insistent ones.
Though, the moment they found your note in their gym bag, something about it felt familiar. Was it the stationary set they had bought you a few months ago? Maybe the scent of any perfume/cologne you might have sprayed.
Either way, something was telling them that this was a note that shouldn't be ignored
They're certainly glad they listened, finding great amusement in their not-so-secret admirer
A part of them considers trying their hand at poetry and writing you a flowery letter of your own, but they just don't have the talent for it
Besides, where's the fun in that?
Instead of being direct, the fiend spends the next few days to weeks teasing you mercilessly
They'll be extra affectionate with you, extra considerate
Extra close
It excites them to be around you and the reactions you make to their flirtations were addicting
And that's putting it mildly
Lucky for you, this torture isn't meant to last forever
Once they've had their fill, they'd lay the moves on you and just when you think they might be pulling another joke on you
They reference something from your letter, a phrase, something that makes all the gears click in your brain
It's real.
Their words real, the way they feel about you
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