#theyre like a rainbow tie dye colour
sunsetzer · 10 months
Edgar would definitely tie his hair back with colourful scrunchies in a modern AU
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mshortprint · 4 years
Week 3
I first began working on my brain concept to see where i could go with that, I started by working on some quick thumbnails to get down some ideas. 
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I wanted the ideas to be quite crazy and out there to really show how ‘wack’ a childs brain is. from this I think im going to look into developing the sort of idea of the top two on the right. I like the use of different lines and i think it will look interesting rendered in colour. I also feel that they have a good mixture of crazy yet clear enough to understand what is it showing. 
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I began creating different renders of the brain. when it was in black and white it looked quite simple but adding colour made a huge difference. I wanted to go for light yet bright colours to bring in the childish aspect. the rainbow tie dye brain i chose not to go forward with as it wasnt matching up with the direction i wanted to go in. I added in larger blocks of colour and shapes to give more dimension to the illustration but I may want to work on my sizing at theyre taking over the brain. 
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This is what i finished with. I preferred this approach with the big blocks of colour over the other shapes as it brough focus to the brain while still adding a pop of colour which is eye capturing, I extended the lines to largen the image and help give more direction into the centre. I am unsure if the lines are possibly too thin but ive decided to leave them for now to see what my peers think at the interim. 
I then worked on my next concept which was the dog. I wanted to make a balloon dog so i created one in illustrator using masking to create the shadows. I was really happy with the balloon dog but it took a very long time for a concept that i may not end up using. Because it was a simple concept I decided to play with the text and bring some of it in. 
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I feel that the thicker type works better as my eye is drawn to it faster but the body text in the second poster has a better flow to it. 
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having the dog in colour and everything else in black and white adds a point of interest to the poster and can be used as something to draw the viewer in to read more. I need to adjust my paragraph rules and heirarchy in my text as looking at it now i dont like how it looks. the straight box looks a bit too showy like im trying to display something, but the rocky path also isnt quite right to me so i need to experiment with that more
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I chose to change the colour to purple as i wanted a brighter colour and i put the box on a slope to help with the direction and flow. I feel that there is still a lot of work to be done with this and im not happy with it but ill see how it goes at interim. 
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I played around with the text for this concept and decided to use a similar structure to the previous poster but instead have three columns and have them centre aligned to have consistent flow down the centre of the page. I can see theres a lot of improvements needed but im liking where this is going especially with the illustration side of it. I also decided to have the illsutration a thicker stroke as i found it more capturing yet balanced that way. 
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 i didnt have much time to work on this concept but i really wanted to show my possible concept of using photography so i found a placeholder image and greated the scribbled illustration on top, theyre similar yet different to show how each child is different. I wanted to go for a vintage look with a bright colour on top to add contrast. to add to this i used a san serif font to give a more vintage feel to it. although this was a quick render I am quite liking the direction this is going in. 
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