#theyre trying to make him as nonthreatening as possible
redstrewn · 1 year
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kurgy · 3 years
i am asking you abt cotton candy. also based on that illustration i think its abt some murder twinks and their simp. the pic looks like theyre just like. casually killin. celebrity killers. fans are like "omg i got 2 meet the pink one and i got stabbed 💖💖💖." the logical endgame of putting flower crowns on serial killers-
m crying omg ok it is indeed about murder twinks and their eventual simp. my murder twinks arent human! theyre shapeshifting creatures who can only copy a face after theyve consumed it, and theyve been boppin around the country feeding, never getting caught purely because theyve based their entire personas on being as pretty and nice and nonthreatening as possible. they stick to small towns and spend a year or 2 infiltrating the community, becoming liked by being whatever anyone wanted them to be and making themselves the least likely suspects once their feeding begins.
when they kill they specifically have to remove the face as cleanly as possible and devour it. they essentially lure people out with looks and lies and then pounce on them like animals, incapacitating them and removing the face, leaving the body torn up and faceless, and the string of nationwide murders became a popular media topic
simp boy goes to the same university as them in their current town and has crush on them. hes a photographer and got caught taking a picture of the twins and labeled a stalker which the twins Do Not care about bc w/e not their problem but then he catches them committing their first kill, causing them to flee into the woods and disappear for 2 days. emo boy is terrified because it was like seeing a man get eaten alive by evil contortionists and stays quiet thinking he mustve imagined it but then the twins come back and make it very obvious to him that it was real and deciding theyre going to be best friends from now on. 
the story follows them manipulating mansplaining manwhoring their way out of every situation while emo boy is hopelessly trying to prove theyre killers but everyone thinking hes just a crazy stalker 
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