hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
Showhonon! Again! Because i have no life ((help pls.)) How likely do u think shownu being sad that he almost ruined their friendship just went fuck it!! Im bad w words so imma dance for him. And he wants to make it special so he dances to one of wonhos songs(w/o knowing the song was meant for him cuz wonho was just like dude listen to dis isit good?) then they end up slow dancing together (after lots of crying n confessing)
kHFJKSAHKSF WHAT A MOOD STOPT my life is rly mx shownu nd then shownu pairings :/// but !!!!!! i talked abt this a little nd like . i decided to just Bullet point the Fuck out of this but ,,,, here we go . also i stuck this under read more bc it got so long yEET
can u imagine shownu Just floating around in the pool after hurting wonho’s feelings nd hes so frustrated w himself nd he’s so like !!! wow !!!! im dumb as hell !!!!!! i really almost ruined our friendship bc i just dont know how to communicate
but then he gets the Brilliant idea of dancing to convey his feelings (nd bc wonho’s always hoping shownu will One Day understand that the songs he writes is for him he always gives shownu a copy) nd shownu grabs minhyuk nd hes like “i need ur help can u tell me what u think of this choreo” nd minhyuk is like wtf do i Look like a dancer to u but he judges shownu anyways bc what are bffs for !!!!
the choreo itself is pretty slow nd like . intimate ? bc shownu wants to convey years nd years of hidden feelings to wonho nd by the end minhyuk has tears in his eyes nd hes like shownusus u are truly the dancer of our generation nd they spend the whole afternoon just getting the practice room ready (nd by ready its literally just cleaning it up)
minhyuk gets wonho to the practice room by telling him that he needs wonho for a modeling practice thing or w/e nd wonho is like :D sure :D but when wonho gets there minhyuk is nowhere to be seen and in the center of the room its just shownu whos nervously playing with his shirt nd wonho is abt to be like >:( wheres minhyuk when shownu speaks up nd hes like “listen i know ur Mad at me and i wanna tell u how i feel but im just . Not Good with my words bc i have so much i want to say so i choreographed something to ur song nd minhyuk also ,, nudged me in the right direction nd i realize that the songs u’ve been showing me are for me” nd wonho is like ? o worm ?? nd shownu just . does a lil gesture like u can sit down if u want 
wonho takes a seat nd hes like . expectant . bc whats shownu gonna do nd then the music starts nd its really Slow but very like . ardent . bc shownu is really doing his best to get his feelings across nd at the end hes breathless nd tired but he manages to squeeze out a “i like you, i do, i’ve liked you for such a long time” nd wonho is just Floored bc hes been pining for what ? since they were teenagers ?? nd here is shownu just Handing his own feelings on a silver platter nd wonho is just staring at shownu w his mouth open like :o nd shownu for Some Reason takes this as a sign he needs to talk more so he just starts fuckigng Rambling
hes like “i guess it was when were were thirteen and sleeping over at my house nd u were asleep by the first half of the second harry potter movie nd i looked at you and i thought you were just . really pretty and soft and i kind of hated myself for thinking that bc we’re both guys but i couldnt help it nd it just . spiraled from there . i hated the fact that u dated boys and girls that werent me nd i hated that i didnt say anything abt it” nd hes abt to continue when wonho gets up nd just plants his hands on either side of shownu’s face nd hes frowning nd shownu is like Damn lol i fucked up but then he’s like “ur so Dumb u know . i wrote songs for you, pretended to date so many people so that Maybe u could open ur eyes a little more, i even complained to minhyuk because i couldnt get u to see how i felt” nd shownu is like Huh . so u did . nd then shownu’s like hold the phone lol are u saying u’ve been flirting w me this whole time nd wonho is like holy shit ..... ur one whole dumbass Yes Shownu i’ve been flirting with you since we graduated High School nd shownu’s like Huh .... wow . me too nd wonho’s like ???? how
nd shownu launches into this lil story of how he tried to b touchier nd smilier w wonho nd offer to work out with him all the time nd wonho’s like ,,,,,, wow we need to work on ur flirting skills lmfao ur game is Weak ! nd shownu’s like yeah it rly is but he cant even find offense in that bc hes looking at wonho so Softly nd wonho breaks the silence by being like “so... can i kiss u ? will u be ok w that ?” nd shownu’s like Oh Yeah totally go ahead nd its so cute nd clumsy ?? bc theyre both leaning in but bump noses nd then wonho is pulling away nd laughing nd shownu cant help but feel so Endeared !!! hes in love yall !!!!! nd they try again after wonho’s like ok u go this way i’ll go this way nd shownu’s trying to hold back a laugh nd they finally !! kiss !!!! nd its so sweet nd chaste nd they pull away like :0 worm that was kinda . Nice . that was really nice why didnt we do this before
nd then shownu accidentally starts up all of me by john legend nd hes like hm . worm . wanna dance ? nd wonho loops his arms around shownu’s shoulders nd starts swaying nd shownu follows his lead nd theyre just slow dancing in a practice room at 9pm nd just !! bein so soft . smiling at each other nd laughing when they make eye contact :-(
they break the news to everyone else after a week nd everyone is like stfu we Know we’ve known for the whole damn week bc jooheon walked in on u guys making out and came running to us on the verge of Tears bc his shirt was underneath wonho nd it was his favorite shirt too nd showho are like o worm jooheon we’re so sorry we’ll buy u a new shirt but jooheon is Fake Sniffling nd being upset nd hes like Screw u guys i let shownu sleep in my apartment . in my guest room . nd yall wanna make out like teenagers on top of my laundry . >:(
showho end up becoming That couple like . constantly doting on each other nd being cute but only in each other’s company,,,, its all Sweet nd soft ...... the end
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