#thing that you arent alllwed to be a part of because idk not enough people were shilling out for tickets
flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
When youve been hyped for the crankgameplays tour for months because american youtuber tours in the uk are a rare occurance and you bought clothes to wear with your friend and youve been waiting since november and now the tours gone simply because the european audience doesnt pay up enough and youll never get the chance to go to something like that again and youre mentally on kinda thin ice right now and youre sick and you have bucketloads of work and the substitue is a little doccumentary about the tour so we can see first hand what the non american audience is never getting the chance to experience because thats a great substitute and definitly wont just feel like a massive fuck you and probably shouldnt be worded like itll in any way be a substitute
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