#things and idk if its worth it and i came to the fonclusion its not but i still dreamt hat i dreamt
throwbacktears · 7 years
i literally just had THE MOST terryifyinh dream and my whole body is numb like i can move but its tingling and i cant go back to sleep anymorebc of how petrified i am
it was about me waljing on campus to my doem but it was in a nieghborhood/city setting and then i slowly see these cops accumulate like its nothing and the scene suddenly changes to night time and i look back and everything is in slow motion and all of a sudden i see a guy with a gun (he loooks scared) from the other aide of the street walking across and hes looking eight arvthe cops and he nervously pulls out the gun and i hesr screMs around me already and somehow i immediately dive into the ground james bond style so im looking back ar whats happening still and he shooys but doesnt get anyone and he gets more confident and shoots again and i can see the light in the gun when thebuller fries but it doest hit anyone and the cops spring into action ad try shooting him but then he runs down the street and disappears. one cop car chases after him. im on yhe grounsvthinking to nyself oh my goah, i just witnessed and survived a shooting but tHen a guy is walking up the same sidewalk as i was a couple minutes ago wearing a jean hacket black skinnies and shoes a buzzcut ans a sinister hard look on his face and i juts know he has a gun and he looks like hes ready to kill no emotion on his face other than bent up hollow anger and my eyes wifen as soon as i see him swiftly take the gun out of his picket and confidently points it at the cops and immediatelt things get more chaotic than before and its all in slow motion again but its like i hear nothing evergying starts to sound muffled and blocked like in the movies to the point wheee i can only hear the pull of the tirgger and the gunshot and hes shooting everywehre and somehow there was this cardboard cutout shielding mw idk how it tot there but he shoots and it misses me just barely and hen the guy stops and gets in his car and drives off
i try waling back to my dorm shaken that i just survived two shootings. i go home to my mom in a small but really nice LA modern looking home w white brown furtniture with succulents and shes chopping veggies and i tell her about everything and we walk outside togwther just for whatever all of a sudden idk i guess cus she wantsd to i felt v hesitant to go out but i waa like itso ger its fine dont be afraid so we walk out its birhgt and sunny like the movies people are strolling the neighborhood too ud never kno anythinf bad happened so my mom and i are talking about it for a lil but then she moves on and as we wait to cross the street (of the same two sidewalks where either gunman came from) all of a sudden i seee the fricking car of the second gunman come out of the blacktop where children play. everytging seems fine since the kids are still playing basketball and the playgorund seems fine but i freeze in fear bc i see him putting on tloves in his car and then he anggeily but swiftly turns and druves diwn the road in a sligtly dirty but clean lighr hlue 80s car like my neighhors have from my hometown. then the coast is clear for ppl to cross so my momabd i cross the streest same time as othee ppl as if jothing happened but once we’re at the other wide and startvwalking up the jill to the blacktop and the driveway the gunman juts drove off from i grav har arm and sat quietly mom i just saw the gunman and she said what and i said we have to go
it didnr immediatslt occur to me that he was after my mom i had the feelingbut i didnt know for aure until we were back home and my friend fdom high school was there (a girl that was nice to me and were aqcuantines but jothing swrious so it aas weird in hindsighr) waiting for my mom and me for tutoring help and just hanging out and my mom just goes back into the kitchen and sits on the tanle w her laptop and says wow its a good thing we left then huh and i still remember watchig him drive down the road secondsbefore so i try to shake off ny trauma and my friend goes omg u will not believe what i went thru today amd i was like u qanna bwt? i just survived 2 ahootings and i saw one of them drive down the street jyst know (i alao remembered when i saw him w my mom i needed to get his license plate just so he wont hurt my mom or anyone else so i snapped 2 terrible photos of the backplate but theyre forner pics so u only get one or two lettees from the top right and thebottom left) and then i suddenly hesr banging on the door of this guy and I GO COLD abd my mom greezes and my friend doesnt say anyting and he just keeps banging and says “HEY can u PLEASE open Up i just have to ask a qhick QUESTION” ovee and over again but he gets increasingly aggresive w the door (banging and trying to unlick it. we hearx him twisting the knob a lot) as we dont andwer and he just starts goinng CMON i just gave a QUICK question and HEY open the DOOR p LEASE and in a panic i violently whisper MOM WE HAVE TO GO COME ON and i get angry when ivsee her just slowly slip out of her chair im like ars uvfreaking kididmg me thsi is life or death rn why are u moving so slow and i push past my friend and unlock the backdoor and we try to silently walk downcthe strest w/o him seeing or hearing us and i suddenly remember i have a picture of his rull lifense plate from google bc i looked it up when i coyldnt get a good pic ans hes committed oher crimes so thne i piece the number andcrecognize they match w my pictures and i swiftly take my lhone from my pocket and call 911 as calmly as i can and thet ask whata my emergency andvthen i can hear the tunman tuen around as we walked down the sidewalk of our neighboorhood b4 we get to the makn road where everything happened and he shouts HEY and then my mom and my friend cry and screech in my ear bc of the approaching gunman and idk whathe wantscw my mom it freaked me out someone went after slmeone i love so mych and ivwas talking to 911 aw the guy got close but i was like this is a dream thisi s too real this is too real i hwve to waleu p now and i DID and it was only 6:30 or 6:49 or 6:50 AM and its 7:11 bow and my bones are still bent ovwe this
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