#things are building up to a s5 rain fight and love confession
teambyler · 26 days
Mike, Will, and the Only Lie They've Kept
As early as the first episode, the show makes clear that Mike and Will are the only friends who NEVER lie to each other. “Friends don’t lie.” In the first few minutes, Will tells Mike the truth about rolling a 7. In s2, Will is completely open with Mike about his visions, and Mike makes clear in words and deeds how much Will means to him:
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Dustin and Lucas lied to Mike about the roll being a 7. El lied to the group, screwed with the compass, and led them away from the gate. Dustin hid Dart from the group. The series establishes that Will and Mike are the most honest characters in the party. Will usually only feels he can open up to Mike. Mike, meanwhile, more than anyone values honesty, and it's key to his leader role in the party. He enforces the party code, and he never lies on important things among them.
So isn't it strange that he starts lying to El in s3, and his entire arc in s4 is his difficulty “being honest” with El to say he loves her? Isn't that strange? And isn't it strange in s4 that Will is dropping truth bombs to Mike and El, telling them to stop lying and to be open about their feelings, but then to his BEST FRIEND, he lies for the first time about the painting?
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Isn't that a lie that will come to light between these closest of friends? And isn't Mike lying about something, too, by not hugging his BEST FRIEND after months apart?
These two are honest with each other in a way they aren't with anyone else. Aren't they nurturing their ONLY LIE to each other?
And hasn't the show used s4 to reestablish that they ARE best friends again, who "don't lie" to each other?
Isn’t everything pointing toward Byler at this point?
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