#think ive watched it even once (the dvd i mean) because well it's kinda boring i can appreciate the movie now and i rewatch it in my yearly
maddy-ferguson · 8 months
2012 for the movies ask game!
am i allowed to say the hunger games. i've seen it like 20 times i rewatch it once a year and i did that even before there was a thg renaissance
send me a year and i'll tell you my favorite movie(s?)
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forkanna · 7 years
It took me all night to stop feeling embarrassed about the scene Knives caused. Maybe deep down, I really did feel flattered that she cared this much, but it was buried under so much shame and annoyance that I couldn't even feel it accurately. Where did she get off inserting herself into my life as some weird kind of protector? Especially since I didn't need any protecting. At all. That was just some random crap I made up to make it clear that I wasn't interested in her hanging around and making me feel better. Not my fault she was too dense to realise.
A few days later, I saw her again. Just enough time to forget that the whole incident happened before I was freshly reminded because she came barging back into my life. Great.
"Are you stalking me?"
"What?" Knives asked, trying to casually drop down from the tree branch. She landed with a quiet tmp against the little patch of grass around the trunk, a would-be innocent smile playing across her lips. "Noooo… not at all."
"Because it feels like you're stalking me. And what's with that?"
"Nothing!" Her hand whipped to one side, throwing the binoculars so hard that they disappeared into the sky with a brief gleam. "Nobody was watching you since you left the house this morning, don't be silly!"
Sighing, I continued walking down the pavement. She kept pace with me; now that I'd found her out, apparently she had decided there was no point in keeping a low profile anymore. My hands clenched into fists in my hoodie pockets. "Fine. What do you want?"
"Well… I'm trying to do surveillance."
"Yeah, I got that."
"For the challenges? You know… see if I can tell from the outside anything more about what I'll face on the inside. So far, nothing obvious. But I wanna be ready!"
"For the imaginary challenges? Wow, quelle surprise."
"Are they imaginary though?" she breathed with a slight squinting of her eyes.
"Dude… you are so weird." For some reason, that made her grin at me, and I rolled my eyes. Didn't seem to be any point in trying to get rid of her anymore, so I just said, "I'm going to work. You won't have anything to do there but watch me watch old movies."
"I love old movies! Like, like… the first Harry Potter!"
Inwardly, I died a little.
                                                      ~ o ~
This manic chick actually came with me to the video rental store. I shouldn't have to tell you that in this millennium, especially after the first decade of it, there's really no point in even having a video rental store anymore, so we had no customers. It was literally hours of sitting around and watching movie after movie, while maybe one guy came in and asked where 'the good stuff' was kept. My glare sent him packing.
"So was it that bad wherever you went for uni that you ended up slumming it back here again?"
"Not bad," Knives told me as she sat on the counter, spinning the orange she had gotten from a convenience store on the way in her hands. It was the last thing either of us had to eat after we made our way through some cheesy Nineties rom-com. "Just not home. Toronto is just, you know? Like… everything's so cool here."
"Yeah, it's freezing."
"Not right now. Summer in Toronto is like, the best. Plus my friend Tamara lives here, I was hoping I'd see her."
There was something about how genuine Knives was that reminded me of Scott when we first met. That could probably play a role in why they were attracted to each other in the first place, and I might be more certain of that if I were some kind of TV pop-psychologist. As in, Scott saw something of his younger self in Knives, the way he was before he broke my heart and Envy broke his in turn. Yadda yadda.
Maybe that's why I hadn't thrown her out yet. Nostalgia.
"What?" I snapped, since I had been snapped out of my stupor.
"The movie's over."
"Oh…" Ducking my head, I reached over to pull the DVD of 'The Mystical Head' out of the player. "Shit…"
Head tilted to one side, Knives asked me, "What would you be watching if you had to pick? Right now?"
"Zombie Corpse Mutilator IV: The Zombining."
"Really? Is it any good? I don't watch very many scary movies…"
With a long sigh, I stood up and stretched my arms over my head. Knives tried to balance the orange on the bridge of her nose, failed, and caught it before it fell very far. "You probably just want me to put on some drivel like 'Let's Hope There's A Heaven,' don't you?"
"No," she laughed easily. "What about… 'Seven Shaolin Masters'? I like action, but not like, just a bunch of stuff blowing up. And I heard that one's supposed to be pretty authentic, it was done by a Chinese director."
The way she looked all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed reminded me of a squirrel spotting a nut it hadn't cracked yet. Maybe I was the nut. Who knows? But for some reason, her excitement and complete disregard of whether or not I crapped all over her good mood was getting past my defenses. So much so that I said…
"Sure. Think we have a few copies."
We watched it. Not a bad flick. I guess I like it about as much as I like anything, really. Not high praise, but you get the picture. Knives was eating it up. Really… the weirdest part is that she never complained about having to sit there on the counter, just hopped down once in a while to stretch her legs and lean against it instead. Like we had been doing this for years: her coming to hang out with me while I 'worked'. Felt like the plot of some low-budget indie film, shot in black-and-white to be 'ironic'.
About halfway through, she did go to the lavatory, and when she came back she stayed behind the counter. I started to tell her she wasn't allowed, but decided I didn't care enough. Maybe I'm getting soft at the ripe old age of twenty-four.
"Hey," I suddenly asked, during a boring part in which the main character was meditating.
"What are you doing?"
"Watching a movie."
"No… I mean like, going to uni. What's your whole deal?" I cringed; that was a pretty crappy way to ask the question. But, as usual, Knives didn't seem to mind.
"Not really sure. Just want to figure out what I'm doing. My mom wants me to be a doctor, but that is so not happening. Like… I kinda want to found a martial arts school. Super cliché, but I've never really been good at anything else, except fangirling. Which isn't really a 'job' I can get."
"Sure you could. Rent yourself out as a professional fangirl."
Her eyes went round. "You can do that?!" But for once, she seemed to get that I was teasing and smiled. "Aww, silly Kim. But… actually I wonder if there'd be any interest in it… maybe I could start a whole new thing!"
"What about you?"
That caught me off guard. "Huh? I'm a drummer."
"Yeah, but you aren't really in a band right now, right? You said you and Neil's sister are just kind of trying stuff."
"It's none of your-" But I cut myself off. This wasn't an interrogation, and Knives wasn't trying to pry. Wasn't trying to. "I just… am trying to figure that out. My life got kicked in the butt by a few events and I need a rebuilding year."
"But it's already been a year since your last band-"
She fell silent, turning away to finish the movie. She looked guilty, which wasn't really what I wanted; I just wanted her to take the hint that it's not the most fun subject to bring up for me right now. But I didn't know how to tell her that without getting all sappy and feelsy, so I didn't try.
When Comeau came in to relieve me, we split, and she followed along behind like a good puppy. A good stray puppy. One I never wanted, but for some reason, I didn't mind her there. We did start getting along toward the end of Sex Bob-omb's career, I guess.
"You wanna get some food? It's about dinner time. Or you probably have plans, huh?"
Shrugging, I managed to mutter, "Eh." I didn't have any plans. I never had many plans anymore; met up with Stephen once a week, or less. Steph wasn't so much a friend as a colleague… which I guess was where both of them stood with me. Where did everybody go?
"Cool. Wanna get Sneaky Dee's?"
"Ugh… too noisy. Not in the mood."
"Poutine? Sushi?"
I started to make a very vaguely racist joke about sushi being the wrong food for her, but decided it would be more hurtful than funny. Especially to Knives, who only seemed to get the most obvious jokes. "Poutine works. I could use some gravy-laden goodness."
"Cool. Let's do it!"
She skipped off down the path, hair bouncing on the breeze. I didn't notice before that she was still keeping it short, I was so focused on the fact that she stopped dyeing it in the front. Kind of a compromise between who she had been before Scott and who she was after, maybe.
Not that I knew why I was noticing now. I must really have been bored. "Wait up, you dumbass," I grumbled under my breath as I trudged after her.
                                                      ~ o ~
Somehow, grabbing dinner with this almost-a-stranger was fine. She gushed about college life, about some group of friends she found online and really connected with or whatever. I was only half paying attention while I chewed. Between bites she was drinking a ginger ale, and kept setting it down so hard that a few droplets would fly up and land on the table, or even on her face. That annoyed me, but it was also kind of… cute somehow. Maybe I needed therapy.
Once we finished up, we walked to the bus stop that would take her back in the direction of her house. It was awkward. There was no real reason for it to be awkward but it was; she looked down at her boots, rocking back and forth with her hands in the small of her back.
"U-um… do you mind if I drop by more? You seemed kind of unhappy to see me at first. If you really want me to leave you alone forever…"
"Yes. I do."
"Okay. S-sorry, Kim."
Now I felt like I was kicking a puppy. She wasn't really that bad; I just hated being forced to endure the company of anyone besides myself and my inner demons. "Ugh… just don't make a big deal about it, and shut up if we get too busy, alright? God."
Her mopey face turned into a wide smile over the course of the following five seconds. "YAY!" No seriously, she said 'yay'. And meant it. What the fuck was she even? Her arms sprang forward, and before I could tell what was about to happen, she had me caught in a crushing hug.
"Let GO. Dude, seriously! Off!"
"I'll see you tomorrow! Oh man, this is gonna be a great summer!" Without any further ado, she pranced over to the bus stop, walking backward so she could wave at me the entire time. Anybody could have predicted that she would trip over the old man's dachshund, but she picked herself up right away with a light giggle, apologising to both of them before waving again.
Our definitions of "great summer" don't have much overlap.
                                                       To Be Continued…
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 4 ignore this pls
1. Is the grass greener on the other side? It depends on perspective I guess. To me, not really. All of us are going through some stuff in the inside.
2. If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it does it make a noise? uuuuuh yeah, i’d say so!
3. Why does it always rain on me? (idk how to respond to this)
4. Have you ever sailed a boat? One time. It was kinda scary ngl but my brother basically did most things for me.
5. Do you love or loathe Harry Potter? Love. Bro, 2nd grade me reading books under the covers. Catch me with some Percy Jackson or HP.
6. Do you do your utmost for the environment? Of course mate. Though one person won’t have much effect on global warming, you gotta respect your surroundings.
7. Do you love or loather Eurovison? I only watched it once. Reminds me a lot of the Voice. I don’t really watch that type of stuff though.
8. Have you ever wielded a sword? YEAH. I got a plastic one for a skit in school and god it was so much fun doing choreographed fights. I felt cool.
9. If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? Maybe something small. Nothing too big. Depends what I did to become famous too.
10. Whats your favourite type of fish? Why the Blobfish of course.
11. Which do you prefer pony tails or pig tails? Ponytails. I wear low ponytails like everyday because my hair makes my face irritated sometimes.
12. Whats the ultimate cake topping? Fruit. Enough said.
13. Do you like marzipan? It’s no bad.
14. Whats better? Center Parks or Butlins?  (I’m assuming this is another British thing for hotels)
15. If you were in a band, what instrument/role would you play? I actually was in a band during high school with my friends, except we barely performed. We just hung out in the garage playing songs we liked. I was the bassist, or sometimes when the keyboardist couldn’t make it I’d play piano. I wanted to try drums but i can’t move my limbs independently enough. I tried picking up the guitar but there’s too many strings lmao i can’t memorize enough chords
16. Can you erect a tent? Nope
17. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck it until I get bored, then i CRONCH it
18. Have you ever used a telephone book? (yeah im old enough to remember these things) I used it as fuel for a fireplace lol
19. If you have an mp3 player what size is it? I used to have one. It was smaller than my hand.
20. Do you still have any music on vinyl or casettes? No :( I don’t have a vinyl player but I have old casettes of Chinese Children songs lmao
21. Do you still have a camera that uses conventional film? My dad has one, but it’s out of batteries.
22. Approximately how many DVD's do you have? A lot. I have one of those books with DVD holders and they’re just movies like Shrek.
23. Approximately how many Albums do you have? Downloaded on my phone - a lot.
24. Do you talk to yourself? When I’m alone. I’ve done it before at school and I got crazy looks
25. Do you sing to yourself? ONLY when Im by myself. God forbid anyone hears me singing.
26. Do you know any identical twins? I know two pairs that’s my age, and a pair that’s 27 I believe.
27. Have you ever given blood? No, I really should as someone with blood type O+ but im a big WUSS when it comes to needles.
28. Could you ever be a medical guineapig? Nah. I need something that’s been tested. Because if they screw up, chances are they won’t know how to fix it.
29. Whats your favourite radio station? Classical music station for short drives because I don’t know like any of the “mainstream” stuff. But I just connect my phone to the car and listen to my own playlists.
30. Whats your favourite letter of the Alphabet?  X feels so exotic
31. Which is better? rollerblade or rollerskates? Rollerskates.
32. Have you ever written a love letter? No
33. How many valentines cards did you recieve this/last year? 5. They were all from my friends :)
34. What are cooler? Dinosaurs or Dragons? Dragons for SURE
35. Have you ever made your own ice lollipops? No
36. Have you ever made your own Ice cream? No
37. Which foreign language did you have to learn at school? and do you still remember enough to hold a conversation in that language? I did two years of Spanish in middle school, but for high school I went the easy path and took Chinese. Then again, most people who take Chinese already speak Chinese. I did it to jump to AP faster.
38. Do you know CPR? Only from the Office, but I’ve never had to do it before. I heard you have to keep pushing until the ribs break?? 
39. Do you have any swimming badges? Nah, I can swim but I sure am slow
40. Do you prefer digital or rotary/analogue clocks? I’m alright with either
41. How tall is the tallest person you know? 6′7″. Mate, I’m 5′1″, I literally have to tilt my head so high just to talk with him.
42. Have you ever got lost in a maze? omg yeah in New Zealand there’s this thing called a sensory maze. And at one point you go into this room where the seizure inducing lights are flashing on and off super quickly and it’s filled with mirrors. Me and my cousin were basically crawling on the floor because we kept crashing into mirrors.
43. Have you ever been attacked by a wild animal? No and I hope I never do
44. Have you ever ridden a camel? No. Don’t see a lot of camels in California
45. Whats your opinion on rats? They’re alright. As long as they’re not in my house
46. Have you ever been to a gym? Yeah.
47. Have you ever been in a helicopter? No, but it seems kind of fun
48. Have you ever cheated at a test? Okay, maybe a couple times but after 9th grade i STOPPED
49. Have you ever ridden a tractor? Yeah, I even wore a bandana.
50. Are you a gossip? No. I only spill tea around people I know who can keep secrets.
51. Have you ever cried at a film? Yeah. The last time was during Avengers Endgame when Black Widow sacrifices herself.
52. When you're ill do you struggle on regardless or just curl up in bed as much as possible? Well, coming from an Asian family, I developed that type of mentality where if it’s just a cold, then I keep going. If I have a fever, then I stay home.
53. Do you need to write down things to remember them? Most of the times
54. Do you keep a diary/journal? I’ve kept one since 6th grade. It’s so interesting to see how my mentality and thinking has changed over the years. From my lowest points to my highest, it’s so cool.
55. Are you scared of thunderstorms? Nah, unless there’s lightning close by. One time I was at Taiwan and there was lightning like right outside my house. Bro it’s the scariest thing ever. You see a flash of lightning next to the window and the house rattles with a BOOOOOM. Legit, it’s so loud
56. Do you have any unusual fears or phobias? I mean, needles are a pretty common fear so I guess not.
57. Whats your favourite disney movie? Lion King. The remake wasn’t that bad imo.
58. Have you ever slept in a caravan? Nope
59. Have you ever painted a house? I’ve painted inside one
60. Have you got green fingers? I mean, I’m alright with plants. 
61. Whats the tallest tree you've ever climbed? Not that tall because I slipped and fell one time and had the air knocked out of me. Thought I would die there lol
62. Have you ever dialed the talking clock? (another uk thing)
63. Do you always wear identical socks? I try to but hey, if I don’t care, then it’s a free for all
64. Do you live by any motto or philosophy? A couple actually. A lot of comes from the Bible, specifically the whole  Matthew 5-7 sermon on the mountain
65. Do you lick the yoghurt or desert lid? Yes, there’s so much on there.
66. Do you lick the spoon clean after making something sweet? Usually, unless it’s like raw or something
67. Do you like the sound of music? (the musical/film) I remember watching that on those old TVs during elementary school. I think it’s a pretty nice film!
68. Have you ever made your own orangejuice? Yeah
69. Have you ever sucked on a lemon? yes and i think i had a sweet lemon because it was honestly not sour
70. Have you ever licked a battery? no WTF
71. Are you a good aim with a rubber band? Ah, not really.
72. Have you ever played golf? Yee
73 .Whats the most unusual name you've ever come across? I met a Jezebel before. The name meaning itself isn’t bad, but that character in the Bible is associated with pretty bad things
74. Do you prefer to wash in the mornings or evenings? Evening showers>>>> you literally CANNOt change my mind
75. Have you ever danced in the rain? No. because I hate getting my shoes wet.
76. Do you like long or short hair? Long hair
77. Have you ever sworn at an authority figure? Nope. I’m a good kid
78. Have you ever walked into a wall? Yes. So embarrassing.
79. Whats your favourite precious metal? N/A
80. Whats your favourite precious stone? N/A
81. Could you ever hunt your own meal? No way. 
82. Have you ever read any comics? None of your standard American DC Comics, but yeah.
83. Where do you like to go to on a first date? Somewhere personal. Doesn’t matter where really. I mean personal like, a picnic on a grassy plain, or under a starry sky. Studio Ghibli vibes.
84. Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes? Horizontal I guess
85. Have you ever baked your own bread? Yeah and it came out like pita chips lol
86. Can you believe I can't believe its not butter is in fact not actually butter? I don’t eat that much butter, but I guess it’s what it says in the title?
87. Can you name all 50 American states? Yes. Capitals though? Maybe 70%
88. Have you ever owned a goldfish? Ive had a beta fish and two guppies in second grade. 
89. What was your favourite school subject? Orchestra and Literature. A lot of people are surprised at my choice of lit. But I actually love reading and analyzing, though writing papers kind of suck. The problem for me when it comes to writing papers isn’t coming up with a topic, it’s wording it in MLA format. Like I could discuss with people all the time but its hard to organize my thoughts.
90. What was your least favourite school subject? Math. Which is a bit odd because I’m actually not too bad at it. But I’ve had the most mental breakdowns when it comes to math. Geez, AP Calc was a ride. I also cried in Chemistry once. 
91. Have you ever passed wind in an embarassing situation? Not that I can’t think of. And Im sure if I have, it would be engraved in my memories.
92. Have you ever played the bongos? Yeah. Pretty fun.
93. Have you ever handled a snake? Yeah it was a smol milk snake. He was a shy boy.
94. Have you ever assembled furniture by yourself? OMG YEAH from Ikea it was such an experience. The satisfaction of sitting in a chair you built all by yourself is so satisfying.
95. When did you last go to the beach? Like... a while ago. A year ago maybe.
96.  When if ever did you last go to london? Haven’t been there, but totally would!
97. What do you do to cool down when its hot? Sit inside with a fan, or A/C
98. Whats the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Okay now don’t judge me on this one but i LOVE century eggs. It’s not too uncommon to find them in Taiwan.
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