#thinking about dragcon boscy gazing attentively at each one of their adoring fans and gently touching their arm or their knee
dayabot · 2 years
i am here to discuss soft dayasco hello
i've been thinking a lot about them holding hands probably because daya is an established Lover Of Hand Holding which lead me to think about reunion dayasco and daya clutching bosco with both of her hands (which i always need to reiterate. BOTH HANDS) which further lead my thoughts to bimbo betty being very overwhelmed and overstimulated (innocent connotations) and about to spontaneously combust before bosco touches her and just holds both of her hands in their own and simply Exists there with her until she's absolutely not going to explode and combust and. okay so i think about bosco comforting daya a lot in a very gentle and quiet way where she doesn't need to say anything because they don't Need words as they're always on the (daya voice) same wavelength and i think. daya is a pretty physical person therefore she's more receptive to comfort delivered to her being physical in nature and bosco is better at making her feel safe by just. you know . tenderly placing a comforting hand on her knee than by actually saying words and giving empty platitudes as stated before they simply don't need words they are emotionally connected on so many levels~~
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