#thinking about hina and koeun and lami
tddyhyck · 1 year
i don’t even have anything to say besides sm is a company that overpromises and consistently under delivers
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
You Make Me Stay
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synopsis: in which valerie has thoughts of quitting
warning: angst, emotional breakdown, feelings if sadness
5 years. 5 long years of training and being away from home, yet still nothing. At this point Valerie has no idea if this would still be worth in the end.
What makes me so sure that the company is going to select me for the debut team? How many more years of waiting should I do?
Was choosing to stay a bad decision? She's watched a lot of her idol trainee friends who have left, get their chance. She's watched her other trainee friends from other companies debut.
Was she risking so much of herself just to be with the best?
Herin, Yiyang, Lami, Koeun, Hina, they've all left and went on to do better things while she stays here waiting for her debut that she isn't even sure would even happen.
And now she's here crying alone inside her dorm room while her trainee friends are practicing.
These thoughts consumed her. Every moving second of every minute, she's been losing hope of being the person she thought she would become. The person she desired to be.
"Xinyi, where are you? I brought snacks" She hears the muffled voice of Yizhuo, or Ningning, shout from outside of her room. She quickly wiped her tears, being careful not make it obvious that she was.
"Coming!" She shouted back. Xinyi fixed herself and gathered outside to meet with Ningning. "They ran out of corn chips so I just- Val? Were you crying?"
Once the question came out, the said girl wasn't able to mask her tears any longer, which she still tried to choke up. "Oh my gosh. Is everything alright? Do you want me to call Dongh-"
"No no no. I'm fine. Really. It's just.... it's been a rough week"
Yizhuo did not believe a word she said. Xinyi was usually a positive and happy person. She's the type of person the brings liveliness in the room and she's always one to think of good things instead of the worst, so seeing her in tears was distraughting.
"What happened?" The younger asked more firmly.
"I can't do it anymore Ning... I-I don't think.... I'm not sure anymore" All her walls broke down in an instant.
Without any word Yizhuo gave her a tight hug. In times like these, she honestly just doesn't know what to say because she knows all too well how hard it is. She knows all too well how she feels.
"I want to leave. I mean I'm thinking of doing it... I'm just... trying to make sure that's what I want" Valerie added.
"If you do... and somehow I hope you don't because I want to do this with you... but, if you do, I'll support you, okay? Whatever happens, whatever you decide to do, I'll support you" Ningning whispered to her older sister's ear.
"I'm.. I'll give myself 2 more weeks to think about it until after the monthly evaluations but I'm packing my bags now... just in case"
"Okay..." Ningning replied sadly.
Later that night, when everyone else in the dorm was asleep, Xinyi went out of the bedroom to grab a glass of water when she heard muffled crying atvthe living room.
Careful not to make a noise, Valerie tip-toed to get a sight of who it was, only to find out that it was the same girl who saw her crying earlier.
Ningning was hunched on the couch, her knees to he fer forehead while she hides her eyes from sight.
And that's when Xinyi realized one important thing.
If she leaves, she's not only leaving her dream behind. She's leaving Ningning. Ever since she became a trainee, she's witnessed so many people leave, and she knows how much that feels. Now one of her best friends will be witnessing another one.
Much more than the current trainees, her and Ningning grew a closer bond because they were both introduced as SM Rookies and trained with the same people that joined the company the same time that Xinyi did.
So seeing her cry, probably holding back her tears in front of everyone, especially Valerie, made the older girl realize that if she loved these girls so much, if she loved Ningning and every other trainee around her, she can wait just a little more.
Just a little more for these girls, whom she grew to care so much about.
It's been a good two weeks and the monthly evaluations has ended. Despite feeling a bit distracted, Valerie was luckily able to put on a good performance.
"Have you made your decision?" The girl heard her younger sister ask as she slowly walks over to her. They were taking a rest at the locker rooms while everyone was already at the dance studios stretching.
Valerie has. She's talked to many of her friends about her situation asking for advice,and she's finally come to a conclusion.
"I'm staying.... I'll stay for you"
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hi there! quick announcement to all the new nctzens who have joined recently and are telling people to calm down and stop talking about missing jaemin or hansol or even the girl rookies. shut the fuck up. thank you!
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beautifulblemishes · 4 years
About the SM Rookie girls leaving SM and not being part of aespa.
Koeun, Hina and Lami may not be well suited to the aespa image and concept. Based on images and the title track being black mamba, I feel like SM is going something towards girl crush, mystical and sultry, which is not something that seems to match with the image of Koeun, Hina and Lami that we have seen before. They seem to be better suited for a more public friendly image and concept, like red velvet, twice, gfriend etc., something a little less out-there, experimental. I'm not saying that the girls don't have the skills to pull it off but I think they may find it harder to pull off a concept that is not close to their own character and personality.
For that matter, if SM had intended to debut new artistes born after 2000, then Koeun would not have made the cut. Age matters in kpop debuts and to be fair, SM is more flexible on this (reference, Irene and Victoria), especially if the older member will really bring something special to the team. For Lami, I always thought of her as someone will have a career in acting. This is given her acting background. Of course, idols can also act but few idols have the successful careers of actors who only do purely acting. If we look at SM idols who made it as actresses, Yoona is probably the most successful, followed by Joy. Even then, if you compare them to actresses of the similar ages, e.g. park shin hye, kim soo hyun, the type of projects that they get are different. I think being an idol whilst acting and switching to acting after being an idol is not the best path for someone whose interest is acting and not singing/dancing, stage performances.
So I think it's right for the SM rookie girls to have left and I hope they find the right opportunities for them. Being from SM probably means you have the star quality and also skills. So it's about being given the right opportunities. And sometimes, it's about luck. EXO's choerographer Kasper was training at cube and didn't manage to debut, but he was decided to switch to dance and found SM's Shim Jaewon who gave him a job at SM. So I guess it's complicated like that. Missing out on something isn't the end of the world, it might not be the right opportunity in the first place.
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raminjun-blog · 6 years
Sky♡Sun, Rose♡Rain, Paper♡Wind, Star♡Moon, and Canvas♡Palatte // Huang Renjun
Synopsis: You’ve been training in SM Entertainment for like 3 months. Finally, you meet your moon. Your group and NCT Dream is using the same dance practice room. Because you are too embarrassed to talk to him, so you decide to look after him without no one knowing. You always put a drink with a cheesy note on it for him before you leave the room.
Pairing: Renjun x Reader
Words: 2k++
Genre: Fluff, but actually really cheesy?
Featuring: NCT Dream and SM Rookies Girl
Warning: this is just my imagination, there is nothing on this story really happen. This is pure came out of my imagination. And sorry for my bad English, it is not my first language. Also, there are some Korean words used in this story:
Eonnie: call for an older sister from a little sister
Sunbaenim: means senior
Oppa:  call for an older brother from a little sister
Gwiyowo: means cute
Sasaeng fan: over-obsessive fan
I hope you understand and hope you enjoy the story :)
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You’ve been going through a long freaking day. Finally, your last activity to do was dance practice. You were about to walk into the dance practice room. You saw someone that you’ve been always dying to see, Renjun. You saw he came out with some boys, NCT Dream. Your brain started to argue with your heart. 
 “You better give them a greet!” 
“Nah, you better turn around to anywhere, it will be embarrassing if they saw your tired ugly face,” you always wish your anxiety gone to another world. 
Because your brain started to malfunction, so you just stop right where you were stood. And you didn’t realize they were already walking in front of you. 
“Hii,” he was waving to you with a smile on his face. Just in a few second butterflies started to fly in your stomach. Once you see into his eyes, it just feels like looking into the sky with so many stars and the moon. 
You wished you could look at his face for a little time. Ups, maybe your cheeks ware already turned red. Embarrassing. 
“Good evening,” you greeted as you bow. 
“Hope your practice going well,” he smiled, again. Ugh, that smile could kill you just in a second. You bow again and then you got into the room with your soul was already flying to the sky. 
Renjun’s POV
We were walking out of the room with a laugh because Haechan fell into his own words. 
“Whoever gets the move wrong gotta pay us sushi tonight!” Jeno was mocking what Haechan said when we were practicing. 
When they were busy talking about it, someone caught my eyes. A little girl was standing before the practice room. So when we were walking in front of her I decided to say hi and gave a wave to her.
She looked at me with beautiful round shining eyes and red pinky cheeks, I thought it was cute. I guessed those eyes had so many things to say. She kinda took a while to respond.
“Good evening,” she responded and gave a bow.
“Hope your practice going well,” I said as I smiled. With her innocent face, she gave a bow again and then walked a little fast to the practice room with her hands were covering her face. So cute. I didn’t realize my smile kinda stay a while on my face.
“Hmm, I never thought Renjun would give a greeting to a girl and then smiling for such a long time after that,” said Jaemin. Shit, I should’ve got my soul ready to stay in green line before all these human started teasing me.
“Today’s practice is done. See you all next time.” said our dance teacher and then he got out of the room. 
“Ughhhh, finally this tiring day is done,” I said as I lay your body to the floor, feeling tired because after dance practicing for hours. 
“Guys, I have something to tell you,” said Koeun and then others started to pay attention to her, and some of us and of course me still kept laying our body to the floor. Kinda feeling don’t care at first.
“Every Friday NCT Dream sunbaenim will use this practice room after us. And maybe, our dance practice schedule gonna be a little shorther-” when she said that, just in a second we all already pay attention really seriously.
"Eonnie, seriously?!" cut Lami, and we started looking at Koeun very seriously. 
“Of course YES!” 
“OMG!” we all screamed so freaking loud.
“Every Friday I will see Jaemin oppa’s handsome face before dance practice. Thank God, I promise I will practice really well,” said Lami and then she got hit on his forehead from Ningning and we laughed at them.
My brain suddenly replayed the scene that happened hours ago before getting into the practice room. “OMG, I better practicing how to keep my brain working when seeing Renjun in front of me or I will look like a stupid little girl in front of him. But, how? I really want to talk to him. Ugh, I wish I’m brave enough. What should I do then?”
"Gosh, I think I could die because dehydration—" my words got cut by Lami at the door.
“OMG! They are coming!!” and we all began to panic as we packed our things and bag and started to walk to the door.
When they were panicked, I secretly put a drink on the table that I already put a note on it.
“For Renjun.
Did you take all the sun’s light? Today was actually kinda gloomy. Grateful, I could see you today. So, my day was still bright. Hope your practice going well! 
from a happy plain blue sky that finally met her sun, hihi.”
When the boys arrived, we gave them greetings and bow. But, his eyes met mine and his eyes locked my whole body and soul. My brain started to malfunction again. So, I was kinda late to give them a greeting and a bow.
He still looked in my eyes. Those galaxy eyes are my weakness. A smile on his face just cured my whole bad day. Did he want me to die?
So I just smiled lightly, and then we separated.
As we walked I lowered my head because I felt my cheeks were heating. 
“Do you all see how Renjun look at Y/N? OMG! I would die to see them talking to each other,” Hina said kinda screamed.
Just in a second, I raised my head, “Aniyo-”
“Look! Her cheeks are turning red. Aww, our Y/N is blushing,” said Koeun as she pinched my cheek. And the others started to tease me.
Author’s POV
“Renjun hyung! Look there’s something for you!” Jisung called Renjun as he raised a drink with a note on it from the table. Then gave the drink to Renjun after he came. All the boys also came to see what Renjun got. 
“For Renjun. Did you take all the sun’s light? Today was actually kinda gloomy. Grateful, I could see you today. So, my day was still bright. Hope your practice going well! from a happy plain blue sky that finally met her sun, hihi.” Renjun read the note. Of course, after that, they all started teasing Renjun. They are NCT Dream, remember? Let’s just wish they didn’t get chocked by Renjun.
As Renjun reached his room. He put the fourth bottle on the table. Didn’t forget to took the note and moved it to his notebook. 
He brought the notebook and he laid his body to the bed. He read again all the notes that he got from the bottle that he always received every Friday. 
“For Renjun. Did you take all the sun’s light? Today was actually kinda gloomy. Grateful, I could see you today. So, my day was still bright. Hope your practice going well! from a happy plain blue sky that finally met her sun, hihi.”
“For Renjun. I’m happy that I met you today. Just like roses in the park that happy finally met the rain. So refreshing! Do you happy to see me today? You don’t even know who I am right? from a happy bloomy rose.”
“For Renjun. Are you a wind person? Every time I meet you I feel like flying to the sky. Happy practicing! I know you always do your best, you can do it! from a paper that flying around in the sky because of the wind.”
“For Renjun. Hey Moon! Once you’re tired, please just look at the sky. There will always a star that stays shining every night to comfort you. Maybe it’s me? Wait, you don’t even know me right? -twinkle twinkle I’m a little star.
He got up from the bed and went to the window. He looked at the night sky that filled with stars and a moon. “I know who you are.”
"Y/N do you still want to continue practicing? We’re going to eat together at the sushi restaurant in front of the building, do you want to join?” Koeun said as others getting up and went to the door.
“Yeah sure, I’ll be there after I succeded remembering these moves,” she nodded and then they left. 
Today our dance practice was not really long because our dance teacher has an important necessary and I came a little bit late. So, I needed to practice a little bit more.
After I felt tired enough. I look at the clock, I still have some times to put the drink for him. So, I took my bag and grabbed the drink and put the sticky note that I’ve written on it. And put it with a big smile on my face.
“Hey Star! How was your practice?” that voice.
I turned around and saw he was standing in front of the room. “Damn, what should I do?”
He started walking to me. As he took one step to me, I took a back step. Until my body nudged the table, and I stopped.
He finally stopped right 1 step in front of me, “Can I uh--, see the drink in the back of you?” I took the bottle and gave it to him with a little shy smile.
“For Renjun. How was your day?” He read the first sentence and answered, “My day was kinda good, but it became better because I finally met my star. Wait, she is not my only star, but also my sky, rose, paper,” He looked at me and smiled.
He continued reading the note, “I hope your day was filled with colors like a palette. May look a mess, but still, look aesthetic because of the colors. Hey Palette, would you fill my day with your colors too? from a plain canvas.” As he read it, I lowered my head because I could feel my cheeks starting to burn.
“And also my canvas. Of course, I would,” he answered again and I felt my cheeks burn even more.
“I’m sorry if I scared you by secretly giving this every Friday and sorry if the notes were actually really cheesy.” I knew my face already looked like a boiled lobster. I made myself be brave to look at his face and gave a big smile that I couldn’t hide anymore.
He chuckled. He bent a little and made us face to face for a while. He gave my head a pat, “It’s okay. It gave me strength and happiness while practicing because I know these were from you. Even though, I need 1 month to found out that it was you.” 
“I wasn't scared, but the boys were scared. They even thought it was given by sasaeng fan.” we laughed together and lowered our head because embarrassed. And then, we looked at each other for a little time and,
“Injoong-aaa, wooo!” as we turned around we already saw the boys went into the room and started to teasing Renjun. 
“Good evening,” you greeted and gave a bow.
“Ooohh, so you are the drink fairy that always give Renjun drink every Friday? What is your name?” Mark asked.
“Uhm, yes it is me. My name is Y/N,” I answered shyly.
“Aww, gwiyowooo,” Jaemin said cutely and pinch my cheek softly.
“Ya! Don’t touch her,” Renjun took Jaemin’s hand from my cheek.
“Aaa, our Injoong is jealous!” Jaemin teased him and made others teased him even more. I just laughed and looked at how cute Renjun try not to kill them.
“Y/N-aa, you should buy us drinks too, not only for Renjun,” Haechan joked, and we all laughed.
Suddenly my phone was ringing. I took it from my bag and saw Koeun gave me a call, “Yes Eonnie! Ahh, yes I’m on my way, just wait right there. I’ll be there in seconds.” 
“Sunbaenim, I’m sorry I gotta go, my team were already waiting for me,” I bowed and gave a goodbye greeting to them.
When I almost got out from the room, “Y/N!” Renjun called me. I stopped and he came to me.
“See you at the cafeteria in hours?” 
“Okay, see you sky, rose, paper, star, and canvas!” he smiled.
“Haha, you better pick one of those callings. See you sun, wind, moon, and palette!” you said goodbye as you walk out.
“You should too!” he shouted, I laughed and gave him a wave.
So, what shall I pick from those callings for him?
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heyhyuck-blog · 7 years
Help From Hyungs (Jisung Hogwarts!AU)(requested)
Hey guys! So I added SR17G into this (bc I’m legit so excited for their debut my daughters aww)(But it’s really only Hina and then mentions of the others, sorry) and here are their houses: Hina: Slytherin, Koeun: Gryffindor, Yiyang: Ravenclaw, Ningning: Hufflepuff, Hyerin: Gryffindor, Lami will end up as a Hufflepuff. Enjoy!
Genre: Fluff
Tags: none
Characters: Park Jisung, Y/N
Word Count: 1,725
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“Look at our baby Jisung, being sorted into Slytherin. I was kinda surprised, actually. I thought you would be a Gryffindor. I’m glad you’re with us, though!” Renjun smiled at the younger boy, nudging him on the shoulder. Jisung just stifled a laugh and looked at the floor.
“I’m just angry that there weren’t that many kids sorted in Slytherin this year. Damn evil people, always making our house look bad.” Donghyuck pouted, walking on the other side of Jisung.
“Not all Slytherins, am I right?” Jisung muttered, embarrassed by his own comment. Donghyuck’s loud laugh stifled a small giggle from behind them.
Saying that Jisung was nervous was quite the understatement. In fact, he was absolutely terrified. Sure, he was a pureblood with parents that had been sorted into Slytherin themselves, but they would never tell him what it was like.
He was terrified that he wouldn’t make friends because of the stigma around Slytherin, even though it had lifted a little bit. He was terrified that he would end up as one of those bad people. However, he was most terrified of other people in his house.
“Hyung, I’m scared.” He suddenly blurted out. Donghyuck let out another laugh, embarrassing Jisung even further.
“Don’t worry, Jisung. It’s not as scary in the dungeons as one might think.” Renjun placed an awkwardly protective arm around Jisung, it was only awkward seeing that Jisung was significantly taller that Renjun.
When the whole house arrived at the common room, the incoming first years were instructed to stay in the common room while the older kids went to bed. Jisung, not knowing where to stand, ended up by himself.
“Hey freshies, I’m your prefect for this year. My name is Yuta, and this is my lovely assistant, Taeyong. He’s cool, I guess.” The upperclassmen addressed the first years very casually, which threw almost all of them off guard.
“Yuta, you’re scaring the kids.” Taeyong shoved Yuta’s shoulder lightly, which made Yuta stumble a little bit. “Sorry about him. I’m Taeyong, and we’re the head prefects for Slytherin this year. If you need anything, you can talk to us.” Taeyong then went on to explain the dormitory system and eating schedules.
Jisung went to bed that night thinking about how his life would play out here.
“Okay, you have to meet some of my friends. They’re pretty darn great!” Your long time friend and neighbor back home, Hina, dragged you down to the common room the next morning. It was safe to assume that you weren’t exactly ready to meet people yet- your hair a mess, crust in the corners of your eyes, and pajamas still on your body. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as Hina practically dislocated your shoulder from tugging on your arm.
“Yo, Hina! We’ve got new meat for our cult- I mean friend group!” A male voice called from down in the common room.
“Same, Donghyuck! This is Y/N, they’re my neighbor that Yiyang and I talk about a lot!” You opened your eyes to see three boys in front of you. One had brown hair and a tall nose, a wide grin plastered on his face. You assumed that was Donghyuck. One had dyed orange hair and soft features, you didn’t know who he was. The last one, standing in between the previous two, was very tall and had light brown hair. He seemed surprised and mildly terrified.
“H-hi, I’m Y/N.” You muttered out, your voice not quite ready for the day yet. The one with the dark brown hair, Donghyuck, stuck his hand out.
“I’m Donghyuck. The carrot-head over there is Renjun, this is Jisung. Jisung’s a newbie, like you, I’m assuming.” You shook his hand and nodded in agreement, taking the faces and names into memory.
“Y/N here should probably go get dressed. Go, shoo.” Hina pushed you back towards the dorms and you stumbled in to get dressed.
It had been a couple of months since you had arrived at Hogwarts. You had become close friends with Donghyuck and Renjun, but Jisung never really seemed to talk to you. He spent most of his time with a Ravenclaw first year named Chenle, and he had also gotten close to Mark and a few of Renjun’s friends, Jeno and Jaemin.
You were walking back from Herbology, and it just so happened to be pouring rain outside. You, luckily, had brought an umbrella with you so that you wouldn’t get soaked on your way back from the greenhouse. However, an unlucky soul hadn’t bothered to check the weather report.
You held the umbrella above Jisung’s head as he attempted to shove his herbology notes under his cloak. “Need some help?” You asked, flashing a small smile at him. He looked up at you and stood up straight, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Uh, yeah, thanks.” He smiled back at you. “Do you want me to hold the umbrella? I’m taller, so…” You handed him the umbrella and he easily held it above his head.
“Man, class seemed really long today.” You yawned a bit, the rain making you sleepy.
“Yeah, it seemed like Professor Longbottom would never stop talking.” Jisung laughed a bit. Not knowing what else to say, you two walked in an uncomfortable silence back to the Slytherin common room to prepare for dinner.
“Thank you,” Jisung handed the umbrella back to you when you got back to the common room, “I’ll see you at dinner.” He dashed up the stairs to the dorms at what seemed like the speed of light. A voice cleared her throat from the other side of the common room. You looked over to see Hina and Donghyuck lounging in chairs and attempting to study, smirks on their faces.
“May I inquire as to what just happened?” Hina asked, raising one eyebrow.
“What? I just let him use my umbrella on the way back from Herbology. Not a big deal.” You slightly rolled your eyes, catching onto what the two were insinuating.
“Probably not what he thinks…” Donghyuck muttered, barely loud enough for you to hear. Your face turning a light shade of pink, you made your way up to the dorms to prepare for dinner.
“Hyungs, you have to help me!” Jisung dramatically called, plopping down next to Chenle in the great hall.
“Is this about Y/N? Because, if so, I totally called it.” Donghyuck called, lightly pointing at Jisung.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa- is this the Y/N that I know?” Mark waved his hands, obviously out of the loop on what’s happening.
“Yes- to both of those.” Jisung hid his head in his hands, prepared to face teasing from his hyungs.
“Our Jisungie is in love, how precious. I’m going to get you two together if it’s the last thing I do!” Donghyuck called, probably a lot louder than he thought he did. Mark slapped his hand over Donghyuck’s mouth and shushed him, half of the great hall was staring right at their group.
Jisung could feel the heat rising even further on his cheeks, his embarrassment through the roof.
“Okay, I will admit, it’s really cute. But we gotta give Jisung some space, he looks like he’s about to pass out-” Renjun, placed a calming hand on Jisung’s back before Chenle interrupted him.
“Screw that! Where’s Y/N, we gotta let them know everything-” Chenle was then interrupted by Jeno.
“No way! We gotta be more subtle about it, ya know?” Jeno looked around for approval from the others. Jaemin nodded.
“Jeno’s right. We gotta form a plan.”
“Don’t worry, already got one. It should be pretty easy, all it involves is us, the room of requirement, and those two. Also midnight.” Donghyuck listed off the requirements on his fingers.
“Why do all of your plans have to happen at midnight?” Mark shook his head at Donghyuck.
“Do you have a better plan?”
“…You got me there. Let’s do it.” Mark, the unappointed leader of the group, gave in to Donghyuck’s plan.
Jisung still had his very red face in his hands.
You were shaken awake at some ungodly hour of the night by Hina.
“Hina, it’s late and I have an early morning class tomorrow, come on-”
“Come with me, it’s important.” Hina whispered, casting a light spell on her wand as she dragged you out of the Slytherin common room and through the dungeons.
Maybe it was your fatigue or poor lighting at this time of night, but a door seemed to appear in front of you on the wall. Hina dragged you through the door and you were greeted by bright lights and way too many people for this late at night.
“Okay, good luck. Do your thing, Jisung.” Mark called as he shooed all of the other people to a side room of the large open space. You could tell that all of the others were trying to listen in on your conversation because you could hear clattering and a lot of whisper-shouting.
Jisung didn’t look you in the eyes. He looked behind you, at the ground, at the ceiling, everywhere but your eyes. You began to shiver from the stone cold room, cursing yourself for not grabbing something to cover your arms while Hina dragged you to wherever you were now.
“Okay so there’s something I want to tell you.” Jisung spurted out, eventually.
“Wha-” You started to reach for his hand.
“I really like you.” You immediately retracted your hand, your face turning a bright scarlet color. Jisung had his eyes completely shut, his nose scrunched up. His hair was messy from previous sleep, a too-large sweatshirt covering his shoulders.
“I-um, I don’t know what to say…” You giggled a bit, only as a defense mechanism. You could see his shoulders drop in disappointment. “Actually, I do, I like you too.” You hears a light squeal from Donghyuck, which was promptly silenced, probably by Mark. Jisung’s head snapped up, a look of shock on his face.
“You’re not joking, right?” He asked, his voice small but his eyes big.
“Of course not.” You reached for his hand again, he brought you in for an awkward hug.
“Ah, young love.” Jaemin cooed from the other room. You giggled into Jisung’s warm shoulder, both your and his faces staying a light red.
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