#thinking about outis quite often this chapter.
rapidly oscillating between "outis is a wifeguy who misses her wife so so so so bad" and "outis is divorced as hell, broken ass marriage, first lesbian divorcees in the city" based on whatever feels right at the time
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lazingonsunday · 5 years
Tag Game!!
I was tagged by @gretavanfic and @bigthighsandstupidguys , thank you, lovelies!! 💛
1. What is your middle name?
Starts with G lol
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
Dec 2
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Everyone is putting like moon and sun and rising and I have no idea what that mean lmao, sorry! I think I’m a Sagittarius though
5. What is your favourite colour?
Orange or Yellow 🧡💛
6. What’s your lucky number?
Don’t really have one, but I always tried to be #10 on my volleyball jersey
7. Do you have any pets?
An old border collie named Riley
8. Where are you from?
Canada! 🇨🇦
9. How tall are you?
Like 5’7 ish
10. What shoe size are you?
Usually 9.5 or 10. I got big ass feet :(
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Way more than one human being needs
12. What was your last dream about?
I went to IT chapter 2 last night so safe to say I was having some freaky clown dreams all night lol
13. What talents do you have?
Um, I can say the alphabet backwards, which is super random lol. I can also kinda play guitar, bass, ukulele, and harmonica, but I’m not very good at any of them yet lol
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I used to think so when I was little, but not so much anymore
15. Favourite song?
Ooh, this is hard. Right now I really love When The Curtain Falls by GVF, but I would say an all time fave might be Forever in Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond because it reminds me of my mom
16. Favourite movie?
Oh, also a tough one! I think either Rocky IV or The Sandlot
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Jake Kiszka, obviously. But in all seriousness, anyone who is genuinely kind that I feel comfortable and happy around.
18. Do you want children?
I never thought so, but now a bunch of my older cousins are having kids and they’re pretty cool, so maybe one day if I found the right person to raise them with
19. Do you want a church wedding?
No, even though my mom will kill me if I don’t lol
20. Are you religious?
I was raised Catholic, but I don’t consider myself religious anymore.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes, I’m asthmatic af lol, and prone to breaking my fingers playing rugby
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No, I am a well-behaved child
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met the magicians Penn & Teller if that counts haha
24. Baths or showers?
For practical purposes of actually getting clean, showers, but I l o v e baths
25. What colour socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
While I daydream about it frequently, realistically I know I would hate it
28. What type of music do you like?
Literally the most random taste in music, it changes all the time. I don’t even have certain genres that I like, just certain artists or albums from a variety of genres
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes. I was very drunk lmao
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Three normal ones and a body pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side cuddled up with the pillows
32. How big is your house?
Typical white suburban neighbourhood house
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I typically pout in the kitchen for 10 minutes before I give up and make something completely inappropriate for breakfast lmao. Usually grilled cheese. This morning alphagetti. I hate breakfast so much lol
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Nope. No desire to.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes, we did it in school a few times
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favourite swear word?
Idk if it’s a swear word, but I say ‘goddammit’ a lot
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Not long, I’m a sleepy bitch. Probably 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
In 9th grade I found out this guy had a crush on my and told literally everyone but me lol
41. Are you a good liar?
I don’t lie very often, but mostly because I am a terrible liar
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Yes. I frequently get such strong vibes off of people and I can tell right away if they’re the kind of person that’s gonna stress me out
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not well
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I guess I probably have a Canadian accent, but not super strong. The region I’m from has a pretty neutral North American accent
45. What is your favourite accent?
Certain regions of Irish accent are so beautiful. Like Hozier’s accent
46. What is your personality type?
Quite shy, but generally very kind
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have a shirt that I got for work that was like a hundred bucks and I never wear it cause I sprayed foundation on it once and now I’m scared I’m gonna ruin it lol
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared or spiders?
Not really scared of them, but I don’t like them to be close to me if that makes sense
52. Favourite food?
Probably burritos
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Fairly clean
55. Most used phrase?
I really don’t think I have one?
56. Most used word?
Completely. I say it like to agree with someone or acknowledge what they’re saying
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends what I’m getting ready. For school or something I don’t really care about, maybe half an hour. For work or going out, probably over an hour.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck until I get bored and crunch it lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, a concerning amount. Like full conversations with myself at full volume, constantly when I’m alone.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
Not really
63. Biggest fear?
Never learning how to make meaningful connections , pushing all my friends away, and dying alone.
64. Are you a gossip?
No, I hate it! My friends try to tell me about people we went to high school with, and I just genuinely don’t care and don’t want to know lmao
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Idk what classifies as a ‘dramatic’ movie, but I guess the Rocky movies again
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I love long hair, I’m so jealous of people with really long hair. Mine grows so slow :(
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Maybe, if I thought really hard about it? I can barely remember Canadian provinces lmao
68. Favourite school subject?
I always really loved some topics in science, but then hated others. I was probably best at English.
69. Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert af
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, even snorkeling freaks me out. The ocean is some scary soup
71. What makes you nervous?
Pretty much everything lol. But mostly any social situation where there’s people I don’t know, or I don’t know exactly what to expect.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Really depends where I am. Usually no, but if I’m outside then usually yes, and after watching It last night, yes lol
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends who it is and what the mistake is
74. Are you ticklish?
Honestly, not really
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
Not intentionally
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Kind of? At work they have like hourly leaders who are in charge of the sales floor, and I did that a lot, but it’s not really a lot of power or responsibility. Also babysitting I guess
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Honestly, this is gonna sound so stupid, but I’ve never done anything other than alcohol and cigarettes. I actually high key wanna try weed, but again the whole ‘not knowing what to expect makes me anxious thing.’ Not even so much that I’m nervous to try the drug but that I’m nervous to try to buy it or get it, even though it’s fully legal in Canada and there’s a dispensary on every corner lmao
79. Who was your first real crush?
The first one I remember was a boy named Evan in first grade
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just my ears, and I rarely wear earrings so I always have to stab through them again when I do
81. Can you roll your R’s?
No, and I can’t whistle either! Which is deeply infuriating!
82. How fast can you type?
Fast enough to not look foolish
83. How fast can you run?
Not fast at all. I’m asthmatic and out of shape lmao
84. What colour is your hair?
An ugly medium mousy brown. I always wanna dye it a little lighter, but I go to the hairdresser like once every two years so it would look stupid when it grew out lol
85. What colour are your eyes?
Hazel-y greenish
86. What are you allergic to?
All sorts of environmental allergies; dust, pollen, animal hair, etc. I’m always sneezing and watery eyes lol
87. Do you keep a journal?
I carry a notebook, but it’s more like an agenda than a diary
88. What do your parents do?
My dad owns a drywall company and my mom is a stay-at-home mom, but she volunteers a lot now that we’re older
89. Do you like your age?
No. I think that being in your late teens and twenties can be really stressful because you feel like there’s certain things that you should have accomplished or experienced and it can be very overwhelming, feeling like you’re competing with all your peers to get your life together
90. What makes you angry?
Rude and disrespectful people
91. Do you like your own name?
Not really
92. Have you thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I’ve definitely thought about it but I don’t really have specific favourites
93. Do you want a boy or girl for a child?
I don’t have a preference. I’d probably like to have one of each
94. What are your strengths?
I think I’ve become a lot more kind and open-hearted in the last few years.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I feel like I have let fear dictate my entire life, and there’s so many things I haven’t done because I’ve been afraid. I need to step outside my comfort zone more often.
96. How did you get your name?
There was a character on a TV show called my name that my parents liked
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I am aware of
98. Do you have any tattoos?
I changed the question because scars was an earlier one. I have two tattoos on my right arm
99. Colour of your bedspread?
Because it’s summer, I have a lighter blanket that’s light blue. My winter duvet is navy
100. Colour of your room?
Light blue
That was LONG lmao but really fun! I’m too lazy to bold the questions so sorry if it’s hard to read!
Tagging: @frcmthefires @sweetkiszkadreams @okietrish @sammyscherub @gretavanbobatea @jake-thomas-kiszka @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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bronzeflower · 6 years
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Chapter 13: Roxy is Visiting!!!!
Also on ao3 and part of @wipweek for my favorite wip!
“How’s my favorite little brother doing?” Roxy put you into what was basically a wrestling move with how aggressive it was, but you were pretty sure it was meant to be a hug, so you tried to hug her back.
“Good.” You managed to squeak out. You really couldn't breathe that well with Roxy squeezing you like that.
After a few more seconds of Roxy hugging you, she finally stopped, and, therefore, you could finally breathe.
“How have you been doing?” You asked. “Hack into anything you shouldn’t have yet?”
“I’ve been doing great! And I’ve only hacked into something I shouldn’t have a few times.”
“Define a few times.”
“Like, at least a hundred.” Roxy frowned. “But that doesn’t matter because I’m here, and we’re going to have some fun. Where’s Rose?”
“I think she’s on a date right now.”
“What! Rose has a date? Who is she?” Roxy asked. “How many dates have they been on? Have they kissed yet? Are they in love? When am I going to be invited to the wedding? Dave, you need to tell me everything.”
“Woah there, Roxy. You might want to chill it a bit with the questions. I can’t keep track of them all. And you might want to ask Rose those questions once she comes back from her date. She should know that you’re here anyway.” You looked at Roxy somewhat suspiciously. “You did remember to tell Rose you were coming here, right? You didn’t just tell me and trust that I would tell Rose?”
“Well, uh, I may have… forgotten.” Roxy looked sheepish for a moment before bouncing back. “But, it’s whatev’s because I’m here now, and I’m staying with you, so it’s not like room and board is an issue or anything.”
“Rose is going to be so mad about not being able to get a gift for you when you arrived.”
“She doesn’t have to get me a gift every single time I visit. I’m her sister! And I try to make a habit of visiting as often as my job will allow.”
“How is your job going by the way? I trust it’s going as smooth as chocolate fondue that’s going to be spread on some cake or some shit?”
“My job is going super! But, now I’m hungry. We should go out to eat and catch up and stuff.” Roxy suggested. “Then I can tell you all about the shit I’ve been building. Oh, yeah, and I can tell you about my new coworker who's absolutely shredded. Like, woah. I don’t know what he did previously for a living, but he is completely jacked, bro.”
“Like, he can probably bench press you jacked or he can probably bench press a car jacked?”
“I’m pretty sure he could bench press a building if it was detached from the ground,” Roxy answered.
“Oh shit. That’s pretty fucking jacked. Do you think he could pick up a skyscraper? Or the moon? Imagine picking up the moon. That would be absolutely insane.”
“Dave, my brother.” Roxy put a hand on your shoulder and put her other hand into a loose fist. “I will make that happen. I will make it so my coworker can lift the moon. I will break the laws of physics to do it.”
“I have no doubt you’ll be able to do it. Haven’t you already figured out how to basically bend space-time to go faster than the speed of light?”
“Something like that. It’s still a prototype though, so it’s not actually safe to use quite yet. But, when it is functional and safe, you’ll be the first to know!”
“Will I be able to go to Mars in it?”
“Probably not. But, you could if you got the training of an astronaut, but I really wouldn’t recommend going through with that unless you really, really want to go to space because it’s super hard to become an astronaut.”
“Yeah, I’ll just keep making GrubTube videos.” You said. “Also, we should probably actually get going if we want to get to dinner unless you want to stay in here and make instant ramen.”
“Please eat actual food, Dave.”
“I’m just joking with you.” You laughed somewhat. “I actually do make enough money from GrubTube to afford things that aren’t instant ramen. I actually have a few vegetables in my fridge.”
“Do you eat those vegetables?”
“Do you?”
Roxy squinted at you suspiciously before laughing.
“Of course I do, you doofus! My wife makes me.”
“Because you’re clearly not responsible enough to eat them yourself. Didn’t Callie try to become a ‘meatatarian’ at some point, though?”
“Yeah…” Roxy scratched the back of her head. “But that’s probably why she’s so adamant about people eating their vegetables nowadays. She knows why they’re important.”
“Nothing like scurvy to remind someone that eating their vegetables is important.” You then pointed towards the door. “Also, speaking of vegetables, we’ve just kind of stood here talking without actually making any sort of progress in terms of moving out the door to get food in our bodies, so we should maybe, probably ollie outie out of here.”
“Oh, yeah, right.”
The two of you manage to leave and go to a noodle place nearby. Because, clearly, that’s the best place to go to right after discussing how important vegetables are to one’s diet. Then again, the noodle place did have a shit ton of vegetarian options, so you were probably fine in the vegetable department.
“Wait, isn’t vitamin C the thing that causes you to have scurvy? Not vegetables?” Roxy questioned.
“Shit. I think you might be right. Call Callie right away. She needs to know so that she can cut down on as many vegetables as she wants.”
“She does need to eat vegetables though.” Roxy insisted. “I lied when she said she’s very adamant about people eating their veggies. She still politely complains every time I put some greens on her plate. Callie always eats them though, the sweetie.”
“How do you politely complain about something?”
“You eat everything except the vegetables on your plate, and then you grimace slightly before eating your vegetables.”
“I don’t think that counts as actually complaining.” You waved your arm around. “I think you might actually have to, I don’t know, say or, like, sign something in order for it to be considered actual complaining. Which reminds me, did Calliope ever manage to get a sign language class?”
“Oh, yeah! She did! You should have seen her face when she got to teach sign language. She was so happy. She babbled on for ages about how excited she was to see how happy other kids would be to finally be able to talk to other kids normally through their preferred form of communication.” Roxy had a dopey smile on her face. “She was so cute.”
“That’s awesome! I’m glad she was finally able to accomplish that. She’s been wanting to start up that class for years now, right?”
“Yeah. It took her a long time to do because the school board thought that there wouldn't be enough interest from the students, so she had to do this huge petition of students who said they would want to learn sign language from her.”
“Really? The school board really thought that no one would be interested in learning sign language?”
“I know, right?” Roxy said. “It's just, obsolute, I mean actulute, fuck, absolutely, absolutely absurd.”
“I can't see why you WOULDN'T want to learn sign language. It's like a secret language except it's not really a secret language. You can communicate with other people without sound! How awesome is that? I think that's super awesome and kick-ass, and I could honestly write, like, a fucking book on how awesome it is.”
“Going to follow in Rosey’s footsteps? Going to write the next great novel that's going to be read for generations to come?”
“Nah. That's not really my thing.” You shrugged. “That being said, I do actually have dreams and aspirations that are completely unrelated to my GrubTube channel, and, hence, my source of cash.”
“I hope you achieve your dreams at some point in the future. You mind me asking about them?”
“I mean, sure it's not like they're some kind of deeply kept secret or anything. I want to be a museum curator someday. No idea exactly how to go about doing that, but I've got some sort of vague idea how it's gonna go down.”
“Well, I spose you’re gonna need some dank ass artifacts.”
“Hella dank artifacts.” You agreed. “Just, like, an entire section on bones, and another on weird ass pottery, and yet another on how gay some dudes were. Maybe I can convince other museums to give me their weird shit. You know, all the stuff they keep in the back because it’d be too embarrassing to explain. Well, fuck that shit, I’m gonna be showing tatas left and right, and look at that! There’s a dick corner all the way over there, and a vagina area right next to it. In addition, here’s a couple of statues fucking because no one else wants to showcase them to the public because it’s too ‘obscene.’”
“Hell yeah. Stick it to those old farts who refuse to show off the old farts.” Roxy laughed, and you laughed with her.
“We’re going to have the oldest farts in the business! Everybody will get to see the old farts.”
“How’re you even going to get ancient farts? Are you going to find them in the depths of the Earth and then quickly find a jar to put the smell in the moment you get a whiff of those disgusting old farts?”
“Truly the best way to capture a fart is a mystery to most,” You decided to put on your best stereotypically pretentious voice. “But I have no doubt my team of explorers will find a way to do it.”
“Who does your team consist of? Who are these archaeologists that don't get nearly enough recognition by society?” Roxy responded in the most reporter-esque style she could muster.
“Well, first and foremost, I have my most kick-ass leader of this group, the one and only Aradia Megido, and she is, of course, accompanied by famous book writer, Rose Lalonde, who archives the findings.”
“Speaking of Rosey, should we have brought her to dinner with us?”
“I mean, we’re already basically done at this point so it's not like we could invite her. We can get her to come with us next time we go out.”
“We should also probably tell her that you're actually here. How do you want to go about doing that? Are. You gonna tell her over pesterchum or text message or something, or are you just gonna show up to her place and be like 'what’s up, I'm here.’”
“Uh,” Roxy thought for a moment. “I'm just gonna message her. So that I don't have to deal with questioning face to face.”
“That does seem to be the most logical course of action. You might want to do that asap, though. I would tell you to have done that before you even began coming over here, but you can’t exactly go back in time to do that. And, even if you could, you already would have done it because you would have gone back in time to tell yourself to message Rose. And, there’s also the issue with, like, paradoxes and alternate timelines, so there’s def the full possibility that you could have done that, but then when you come back to your timeline, the timeline where you told yourself to message Rose could be a different timeline from the one you’re in, so it wouldn’t have been worth it to even go back in time in the first place.”
“Oh, yeah, no time paradoxes here. None whatsoever. I’m just gonna travel into the future at one second per second like everybody else. Though, tbh, I wouldn’t really want time travel as a superpower. Seems too complicated. I’d much rather, like, appearify stuff from thin air, you know?”
“Oh, hell yeah that would be sick as shit. Personally, I would much rather do some timey shit. Like, yeah, it would be, like, super complicated, but whatever. I guess I would just have to take that risk. Figure out all those alt timelines or whatever. And you do your voidy shit.”
“We’d make a hella team.”
“We’d make an absolutely bitchin team, Rox. I could just do timey shit, and you could do your voidy shit. Honestly, I don’t really know how well that would go, but, like, theoretically, you could go into the void or some shit where my powers don’t reach, which would allow shit I don’t want to do timey stuff on to stay stationary in terms of time while everything else gets a time makeover.”
“Speaking of time, I think it’s time for us to go,” Roxy said, pointing a thumb towards the exit of the restaurant. “We’ve kinda been chatting for too long, and I think the people working here are getting annoyed by the fact that we’re taken up a table.”
“Oh, shit, you’re right. We should probably leave. Can’t be stealing and hogging this table all to ourselves. There are people who need to be fed, and we’ve already been fed.”
You both left the restaurant found yourselves right back at your place. You feel like you two could have gone somewhere else, but nope. You and Roxy plopped down on the couch in your room.
“You know, Davey, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen your GrubTube channel. Care to show me a few of your vids?”
“Are you just procrastinating telling Rose that you arrived in town?”
“Goddamn it, Roxy. Just pester her already.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll allow myself to be vulnerable to her wrath. She will be the reason for my untimely doom. It will be an eternity before she forgives me for my slight against her. Me! A lowly peasant in her kingdom of prose, unable to escape the confines of vice. Even though I kinda did. I’ve been sober for five years, and I’m, like, hella proud of myself for that, but we’re working within the box of the metaphor, and I’m tryin to be as dramatic as possible.”
"Lamenting about your supposed doom won't do anything to stop it from coming," You mention. "Also, I'm hella proud of you too for being sober for five years. That's a huge fucking achievement, and you deserve recognition for that. You should get, like, a fucking medal or some shit."
"I know, right? Five fucking years! I should at least get a certificate."
"Maybe I could forge one. Just be like, 'This certificate is proof that Roxy Lalonde has been sober for five fucking years.' That's exactly what it will say, curse words and all because I don't know how to make a sentence without adding a curse word in the middle of it. This is exactly why I should never have kids. Can you even imagine? Little five-year-olds going off into kindergarten and getting in a shit ton of trouble because they said 'Fuck you' to little Suzy. But it'll be for a good reason, like little Suzy was pulling on some other kid's pigtails, and my kid jumped in like a fucking hero, but they're gonna be swearing up a storm while they do it." You push up your shades because they started falling off your face with the amount of moving around and gesturing you just did in that long hypothetical situation. "Anyway, you should message Rose. I'll even cheer you on as you do it."
"Ugh! Fine!" Roxy got out her phone and started typing up a storm. You're pretty sure you've never met anyone who can type or text faster than Roxy. It was actually pretty fucking impressive. It also probably had something to do with the fact that she was a programmer and hacker.
"How's Rose taking it?" You ask, wondering exactly how long it will take for Roxy to properly deal with the damage that came with informing Rose that she's in town only after actually arriving in town.
"About as well as expected. This might take a while." Roxy winced as if Rose was yelling at her in person. "A long while."
"I'll find someone to talk to then." You went over to your computer and spun a mental wheel as to who you should talk to.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: john TG: bro TG: were you informed of the fact that the one the only roxy lalonde is in town TG: she has decided to grace us with her presence TG: and we should be eternally grateful TG: also did you know that shes been sober for five years TG: fucking TG: five whole years TG: thats amazing TG: john TG: john TG: i know your online it hasnt given me that goddamn popup yet TG: john TG: johnathan TG: johnny TG: john TG: johnathan edison egbert TG: jk i know you have more than one middle name TG: edisons the only one i remember tho TG: john TG: john TG: who are you talking to right now TG: you could just tell me who youre talking too TG: or did you like TG: leave the computer and forget to say you were offline TG: that would be a dumb as shit thing to do TG: especially since the new update literally does it for you if youre gone for long enough TG: which means you couldnt have been gone for long TG: john
EB: and my full name is john edison sam sebastian october egbert. EB: just so you know!
TG: what really TG: one of your middle names is october
EB: no, i was pulling your leg on that one. EB: it's actually ian.
TG: so john edison sam sebastian ian egbert TG: thats a mouthful TG: and the initials spell out another name
EB: i could go by jessie in secret. EB: and it will just my full name's initials. EB: and it technically wouldn't be a lie if i said it was my name.
TG: in what possible context would you use a fake name and need to sound convincing enough to say it was your real name
EB: you never know what kind of situations you could be in! EB: also it makes for a great joke in my comedy sketches.
TG: what are you just going around making a joke about how your name spells another name
EB: pretty much!
TG: well shit TG: also when is your new special gonna come out on netflix TG: i been watching out for it but im still just human TG: subject to the desires of the shows netflix decides to have
EB: i think it should come out in about a month or two. EB: although it's probably closer to two if netflix isn't showing the release date for it.
TG: damnit TG: and here i was looking forward to sitting on a couch with roxy and laughing at your jokes
EB: oh! EB: is roxy in town?
TG: yeah pretty sure i mentioned that at the start of this convo
EB: i don't exactly always read your walls of text, dave.
TG: wow john im so hurt TG: not really TG: its understandable TG: anyway rox is telling rose that shes actually in town TG: which she neglected to do beforehand
EB: oh no!
TG: oh yes TG: apparently rose is pissed TG: probably because she wasnt able to go all out in welcoming roxy to town TG: but then again thats kinda what roxy wants to avoid TG: shes pretty lowkey you know
EB: yeah. EB: that sounds more like something they need to talk about though!
TG: fuck yeah they do TG: theyve got different boundaries TG: rox prefers smaller gestures TG: and rose likes to be loud and proud about shit TG: both are fine but they tend to clash because of it
EB: yeah :/ EB: should we intervene somehow? EB: make sure they've got plenty of time to talk it out? EB: maybe over tea or whatever. EB: i know rose has been dying to do some sort of tea party.
TG: fuck yeah TG: that sounds like a great idea TG: actually i should encourage rose to put into action the tea party TG: knowing her shes been lamenting about it for fucking ever TG: and isnt actually going to do it until shes pushed to TG: even though she really wants to
EB: she's gotten better at that sort of thing though! EB: like that girl she's dating! EB: what was her name?
TG: oh yeah kanaya TG: shes chill
EB: yeah! EB: rose managed to ask her out, right?
TG: yep pretty sure it was rose who did the asking out
EB: that means she's probably getting better at getting what she wants to get. EB: so that means she's that much closer to throwing a fancy party where we all have to wear suits.
TG: that might be the reason why she was so adamant about me getting a suit TG: cant be going to a fancy as fuck party in a tshirt and skinny jeans like some kind of jackass
EB: isn't that your entire aesthetic?
TG: no TG: maybe TG: just a little bit TG: but i gotta be a jackass in style john TG: i cant be a jackass at a party in a tshirt and jeans TG: i gotta be the jackass in the obnoxious red suit that you can see from a mile away TG: and also wearing those douchebag shades because thats just part of the strider style
EB: sounds like youve got this entire thing figured out. EB: but we cant forget to actually get roxy and rose to talk to each other!
TG: right of course that is the number one mission TG: unless they're already talking about it TG: roxy seems to be going at her phone keyboard like she has a personal vendetta against it TG: then we can all just have a good time at the party in roses fucking mansion that she doesnt need TG: why does she even have a mansion TG: why is it only twenty minutes away from my modest place TG: why does she keep it meticulously cleaned TG: actually i dont know that last part
EB: i don't think i've actually ever been to rose's place! EB: i've only seen it when picking her up for something.
TG: maybe she has something that is secret in there TG: like the gods of the void
EB: or maybe she just bought a mansion as some sort of passive-aggressive statement.
TG: yeah that sounds like her TG: she probably houses a bunch of homeless people there to spit the government and the rich people in the neighborhood TG: im surprised her lawn isnt a mess to protest the idea that dandelions are weeds
EB: we could always ask her what she does with her mansion!
TG: one of us should make a mental note to ask her about that TG: or at the very least investigate when she inevitably throws a fancy ass party there
EB: do you think she would buy all the people living there fancy suits and dresses
TG: i have no doubt of it
EB: well, this was a great conversation, but i have to go soon! EB: i've got new comedy sketches to write, and i have no idea what i'm doing, so it's going to take a while.
TG: completely understandable TG: have fun writing all that
EB: we should talk again soon! EB: i'll even tell you all about my secret comedy sketches!
TG: holy shit an egbert original TG: hasnt even seen the light of day original TG: it will be my lucky day when that happens
EB: well, see ya, dave!
TG: bye bye john
-- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
"Hey! Roxy! Have you gotten anywhere in your conversation with Rose?"
"Uh, no, sorry, Dave. Me and Rosey are having a long discussion about boundaries, which we probably should have had, like, a really long time ago. Who were you talking to?"
"John. He needed to leave to work on his comedy sketches though. I might message Jade next if you're still busy."
"Yep. Still hella busy."
"That's all good. Take your time. You are a guest here."
"Thanks, Davey."
"No problemo." You returned back to your computer.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: yo jade TG: whats up
GG: the usual GG: weve been getting some progress in building the car ai though! GG: i swear ive talked to so many rubber ducks GG: so many GG: i feel like we need a rubber duck the size of a building GG: everything goes wrong GG: but now less is going wrong so thats good!!!
TG: thats so fucking awesome TG: im afraid i dont know about the rubber ducks though
GG: theyre basically a sounding board GG: you know GG: something goes wrong in the code so you talk to the duck until you realize whats wrong with the code
TG: that makes perfect sense but why a rubber duck
GG: no idea GG: might have something to do with the fact that they are common and fairly easy to manufacture GG: but theoretically one could do it with another person or a stuffed animal or whatever GG: although a person might not be the best for it
TG: why not
GG: some of us have a tendency to throw the rubber duck really hard when we are particularly frustrated by the code GG: or mad that we didnt realize the mistake in the code because it was so goddamn obvious
TG: yeah i guess you would want to avoid throwing people at the wall unless they were a complete and utter douche
GG: oh no you dont throw those people GG: you just punch them GG: its faster GG: i would say shoot them but murder is illegal
TG: also the entire thing with guns
GG: yeah GG: i love guns but at the same time GG: there should definitely be restrictions on them! GG: there is a reason why babies should not duel wield flintlock pistols!!!!!!!!!!
TG: yeah no TG: dont give infants flintlock pistols TG: or any guns for that matter TG: your grandpa was kind of crazy
GG: :/ GG: he was GG: also he doesnt believe in gun control
TG: yikes
GG: pretty much GG: so, what about you? GG: hows your life going?
TG: roxy has come over but shes currently telling rose that shes in town TG: you know TG: after not informing her that she was going to be in town previously
GG: oh no!!!
TG: yeah thats what john said too
GG: no one really wants to face roses wrath GG: shes very scary when shes angry!!! GG: :(
TG: mood TG: yeah nobody wants to be within twenty feet of rose when shes pissed TG: but i think roxy has passed the angry part and has reached the part where they are having a conversation about boundaries
GG: thats good!!! GG: is there anything else thats going on?
TG: no really TG: kind of just been sitting inside and doing grubtube videos TG: the usual TG: you know TG: i feel like i need to do something more exciting for my videos TG: at least to celebrate hitting like a shit ton of subscribers
GG: you could have a guest star or something like that
TG: you mean just like ask one of my friends if theyd like to join a video
GG: yeah!!! GG: you just have to find someone whod be comfortable with it
TG: would you be
GG: no not really GG: im a little paranoid about having my face on the internet GG: my instagram doesnt even show my face at all and i keep it private!!
TG: i see your point TG: its completely understandable TG: i will be sure to ask someone else TG: like roxy or john TG: john or karkat actually would be a good choice TG: like karkat wrote the rant that made my channel super popular TG: it was already popular but the rant made it extra popular TG: so a kind of interview with him would be cool TG: and netflix is apparently gonna release johns new thing soon TG: so it could be kind of a promotion thing for both him and me TG: john would probably be chill with it TG: karkat on the other hand TG: probably not TG: he seems like the kind of guy who would try to hide his face anytime someone took a photo of him
GG: hes actually pretty photogenic!!!
TG: what really
GG: yeah! GG: he might actually accept to be in a grubtube video GG: but depending on the content he might not GG: but like GG: based on his distaste for your channel GG: i would at least wait until the two of you have a better relationship with each other
TG: point taken TG: john it is TG: might as well ask roxy just because shes currently in my house TG: just do an impromptu collab video TG: actually im probably gonna ask her about it right now TG: granted that shes done with her conversation with rose TG: she probably is because ive had two super long conversations with people
GG: good luck with the celebrating your subscriber count!!!
TG: good luck with your ai programs TG: pester you later
GG: bye!!! GG: :)
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
"Hey, Roxy! How's that conversation with Rose going? I'm not, like, expecting you to be completely done or anything, but I am wondering about how far you are into that conversation about boundaries and shit."
"Oh, yeah, we finished that convo ages ago. We started talking about the motifs in the newest book of our fav wizarding series."
"So, everything's good?"
"It's all good."
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