#thinking abt how my s/o said smthin similar to me the other day that he thinks he can confidently paint anything thanks to his experience
fridgedeeznuts · 1 month
thinking abt this video im watching between two artists chatting and how at some point the painting part of painting becomes the easiest part of painting, and most of the work is actually about the preparation of the piece, and anything else that is more work during the piece is shit that u forgot to cover in ur prep work,,,,
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akaashipogi · 4 years
Hewo! I was wondering if you could do a hc with kuroo, suga, bokuto and oikawa (Separately) how they would react if they found out there s/o was getting bullied by other girls and found bruises on them? (You don’t have to write if you don’t want to qwq)
Hiyooo my ass is back (hopefully) sorry i went mia, I’ve been watching AOt gkshghs. Anyway THank you so much for your requestttttttt
Kuroo Tetsuro
Like the other headcanon, I do believe that Kuroo is a very observant person, especially when it comes to his person
Be it mood swings, new perfume, new shampoo, etc
So no matter how much effort you try to hide your bruises, he will notice them right away (unless like u use concealer or it's under ur shirt or smthin unless 👀👀)
“Babe, where did you get those bruises?”
“Oh haha ya know I just tripped.”
He immediately sees through you and asks you how you really got it
So you tell him and he's like “wtf??”
But tries to remain calm for your sake, and asks you questions about who did this
He would most likely try to convince you to tell your teachers or the guidance counselor abt it
I dont necessarily think he would confront your bullies face to face but best believe he wont let them get away with it 
Sugawara Koushi
Everyone’s pretty boy shgjsg bitch I have the phattest crush on him
Anyway,,, Sugawara is a sweetheart, he would always try his best to pay attention to you
Despite his refreshing and calm demeanor, he would probably freak out about your bruises
He would bombard you with questions about how you got them and stuff, not really giving you any time to think of another story so you tell him the truth right away
 Then he proceeds to bombard you with questions as to who did it and what specifically how they did it
While he shoots questions at you he would  be tending to your bruises by putting an icepack over them so they don't get worse
And after you tell him what happened, he would be fuming, on the inside though because he doesn’t want to freak you out or make you feel worse 
He would beg you to tell your guidance counselor about it,
He would even go with you and hold your hand while you tell the counselor about it
And he would make it his absolute duty to protect you and just be by your side whenever he can  to make sure nothing like that happens again
Bokuto Koutarou
Again, similar to the previous headcanon I do think that Bokuto would probably not notice your bruises or signs of you getting bullied at first
It's not because he doesn’t care or anything, he’s just really busy with volleyball 
He would probably only notice your bruises if he like held onto your arm or hugged you and then you would be like, “Ouch:
he would immediately react, “Did I hurt you? Im so sorry! :((” yea ur buff ass arms hurt me
“No. i just have a tiny bruise on my arm. it’s okay.”
He then asks you where you got it from and you just make something up so he doesn’t worry about you
He believes it tho because hes ain airhead kjghhgs
But as days pass by, he notices ow you always have new bruises and he concludes that you cant get new bruises every day from that
So he asks you about it, “Babe, be honest, how did you get those bruises?” 
Then you explain to him how some girls were bullying you
After telling him everything, he would just stay quiet, freaking you out a little bit
But then he would pull you in for a hug, being extra careful and gentle this time ofc
He would just comfort you and assure you that he will do everything to protect you and make sure it doesn’t happen again
The next day he goes with you to the guidance counselor’s office, and if you aren’t able to talk about it to your counselor, he would gladly be your voice for you
He’s such a babie i love bokuto hgkjs
Oikawa Toru
Our flat king 🤩
Another guy that i think is super observant 
Boy has eagle eyes, he would notice everything about you, honestly
SO it’s no surprise he notices your bruises right away
“Honey, where did you get those?”
He sees how you panic after he asks the question and how you scramble to come up with an answer
“Oh um ya know, I tripped haha silly me”
Oikawa raises an eyebrow, clearly showing you how he doesn’t believe a word you just said
“Y/N, why do you have those bruises?”  like I won't ask again kinda vibe damn thats kinda hot ngl
Then you tell him about those girls and what they did
He would then start fuming, not on the inside like Sugawara though
But then he sees how his outburst isn’t helping you in any way so he tries to calm down
He goes off into the kitchen to get you an icepack and gently places them over your bruises
He tells you how you need to tell your guidance counselor about what happened
He seems like someone who would clearly explain everything to get their point across
He would tell you that if it’s alright with you, he would absolutely go with you 
Bonus-ish: Oikawa is an impulsive bastard. 
So unlike the others, he would probably confront your bullies face to face, with or without your knowledge
Yes flat king beat their ass 🤩
Hello again! So if you or any person you know is experiencing bullying please tell an adult, such as guardians, teachers, and guidance counselors. 
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