#thinking abt that kiss meme and thinking abt Them ♥
yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
Do you think peter lukas and mikaele salesa ever explored each other's bodies?
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taniushka12 · 3 years
tagged by @gemsofthegalaxy on a writer ask meme!!!! thank you :)
under the cut bc i like talking so its long ♥
how many works do you have on AO3?
61, but some are translations and some are art i put there so fics fics only 51
what’s your total AO3 word count?
135,529 u_u
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
8 fandoms! in order: phineas & ferb (on ff.net), criminal minds (in deviantart), (i guess homestuck but never finished any fic so not counting it), haikyuu!!, osomatsu-san, star trek voyager, off (game), wolf359, and finally the magnus archives
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Antropofagia w/ 117 kudos, literally the only j*nm*rtin fic that matters from back when i liked the ship, bc im not a coward and I wrote web!mart cannibalizing someone like god intended ♥
Lipstick stains w/ 106, jon and tim and sasha get back from the bar and sasha kisses their cheek n lips respectively leaving some lipstick and jon has a bi crisis abt many things right there :)
The dance of the spider and the flame w/ 94 martin and tim (dark ver.) think abt slowly killing elias, and also make out <3
Ridiculous monster man w/ 89 small thing i wrote between waking up and going to class lmao. just jon telling tim that he trusts him and tim thinking he is, per name, a ridiculous monster man
how to cockblock yourself in three simple steps -a guide by Daniel Jacobi w/ 73 oh you know this one. what if eiffel and jacobi were to fuck but jacobi made the stupidest jokes known to mankind? bc hes a dick?
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i WANT to but sometimes i forget :/ i have like three reviews for the same fic from "488, 574, 578 days ago"
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh BOY, back in my hq phase i had a Dream Turned Fic where two characters marry but accidentally piss off a magic creature that curses them into turning into monsters and as the fic progresses one becomes more and more ravenous that at the end his husbands gotta put him down and right after that the creature that cursed them in the first place appears and gives the surviving guy the antidote as he cries for his dead partner, it was brutal, it was GREAT and i still love that fic so much lmfaooo
Sleep well my love, tomorrow is gonna be a new day, was the name ♥
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i like thinking crossovers but write them? is another story u_u
have you ever received hate on a fic?
i think once for the aforementioned antropofagia but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i just deleted it and never thought twice abt it. The one thing that Did make me mad beyond comparison was once a person reproaching me for using "—"s for dialogue, its like, oh not only i have to write in english bc a spanish fandom is nonexistant here but do you ALSO expect me to use english's fucking ugly dialogue rules too?
do you write smut? if so what kind?
i write smut but i suck at it :/ its annoying to write, annoying to edit, cringeworthy to reread, i have SO many smut wips that i never finished bc paja :/
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of either!
have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! by ME (to english, bc alas english sells better)
have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! i love juggling ideas but writing smth w/ someone? idk if i'd Want to... im p territorial when it comes to fics u_u
what’s your all time favorite ship?
sigh................. min/ffel :') everytime i think abt it gotta pace around the room bc i cant contain my love u_u jon with either tim or sasha come very close
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
LIKE ALL OF THEM! hhhh i have so many tma wips that i'd love to finsh bc they fuck but i have trouble finding motivation to write them bc tma is such a disappointment of a podcast i dont want to even think abt it too long bc i get angry at the wasted potential ;_; (plus i have to relisten some parts to get a grasp of character's voices again but ugh.. dont want to)
what are your writing strengths?
hm... i want to think i come up w/ cool concepts? and when I have a grasp of character's voices i think i make some pretty good dialogues :)
what are your writing weaknesses?
i am Not Good at long fics, not bc i cant plan a whole thing but bc its extremely hard to stay motivated enough to finish them :/ also i suck at writing domesticity or normal settings bc u know i love suffering ♥
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
its a complicated issue. bc the thing is, ppl that are billingüal most likely will mix and mach those languages when talking or thinking, and putting that in a fic isnt a bad thing, but when ppl that obviously only know english do it without any sense of structure its literally cringe worthy, im literally wincing here, its painful
if you dont mean peppering words and straight up writing lines of dialogue in another language then fuck yeah that sounds great! if you know what tf you're saying
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
phineas & ferb when i was like 10 :')
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
written AND finished? A tie between Sweet Irony (martin/elias, sort of unrequited attraction on Both sides considering its two scenes w/ years of difference) bc i like elias being struck down by his own hubris and also martin being horny lmfao, and Desperately Safe (peter/mikaele, mikaele taking a rest on peter's pocket dimension of loneliness while resisting the urge to just, stay there) bc i love sad lonely men in love u_u ♥
TAGGING uhm...... @dawhitebag, @astratic, @sagittaritits, @assassinduckie (yall dont have to do it, it Is p long u_u)
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betrayher-arc · 3 years
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───     @nequeos​     transmitted  :     “    ♥     go     crazy     go     stupid     aaa     ”     *     POSITIVITY     MEME  .
minnie listen. i’ve already spoken at length abt why i love ur clara so this is going to 100% be about u, the mun, the absolute sweetie behind the screen who i have come to think of as one of my best friends in the last few months. it’s so easy to like u! you’re hilarious, and witty, and your enthusiasm is so infectious... and you take muses whose development is lackluster at best and turn them into these beautifully realized concepts that are just a joy to see on dash. bc that’s something i love too - taking someone underrated and giving them a new spin - i always feel really connected to u when i read posts about oswin or the differences/similarities between clara’s echoes or what have you. ik i said this wasn’t about your portrayal and it’s not, really, bc the reason i love that is that it’s the way YOU see her.
talking to you is never boring. it always goes somewhere i don’t expect and i’m always laughing along, because whatever’s gonna happen is gonna be entertaining, pretty much guaranteed. whether that’s in a funny way or a sad way bc u decide to start rambling abt a certain someone contracting cholera is anyone’s guess but i know i’ll enjoy it either way.
i also know you’ve had a touch of trouble w self esteem lately so i just want this post to serve as a reminder, whenever u might need it, that ur enough, and loved, and very very much an important part of my life and so many other people’s. your kindness is so apparent to anyone who knows u. you’re always hyping us up, always there when we need someone to listen, always treating your friends with the same energy whether you’ve known someone for years or for days. i am so glad to know u. kisses <3
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spacebunslewis · 7 years
For the ship meme: Leon and Max, Emre and Leroy, Jule and Sead and ... (because I love you) Dele and Eric Dié!
Send me a ship and I will rate it: Leon and Max
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
and answer:
Who is the most affectionate? Uhm…. they’re both pretty affectionate with each other… always grabbing the arm of the other one, sprinting to each other to celebrate a goal, hugging..
Big spoon/Little spoon? Leon’s the big spoon bc i think Max likes to be held and he’s smaller so
Most common argument? household chores shdjhsd.. like maybe max was supposed to unload the dishwasher and put the laundry in the dryer but he just didn’t feel like it and that got Leon pissed
Favorite non-sexual activity? just chilling on the couch.. watching series
Who is most likely to carry the other? LEON! bc max is so small
Nicknames? ‘Großer’ and ‘Kleiner’ and Leon calls Max ‘Ernst’ bc he’s so funny. Oh and Leon calls Max babe sometimes and Max calls Leon ‘Schatz’
Who worries the most? Leon
Who tops? Leon
Who initiates kisses? i was gonna say Max but then i found this gifset again and now i think its Leon
Who wakes up first? they both hate to wake up early but Leon’s not as bad as Max.. so Leon
Who says I love you first? Max 
Send me a ship and I will rate it: Leroy and Emre
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
Who is the most affectionate? Leroy! He’s rly needy and Emre indulges him (of course!)
Big spoon/Little spoon? Emre’s the big spoon and Leroy the little spoon. Emre just likes to hold his boy.
Most common argument? they steal each others clothes sometimes so maybe they can’t find a specific piece of clothing and confront the other one abt it
Favorite non-sexual activity? chilling and recording embarrassing videos of each other
Who is most likely to carry the other? EMRE. Just watch this video
Nicknames? Emre calls leroy babe sometimes but idk about other nicknames
Who worries the most? Emre
Who tops? Emre
Who initiates kisses? Leroy
Who wakes up first? Emre. He tries to wake up Leroy who then gets grumpy bc he hates mornings
Who says I love you first? Leroy. I just feel like he’d be more of a ‘Let’s just go for it’ type of guy
Send me a ship and I will rate it: Jule and Sead
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
Who is the most affectionate? Julian! He’s rly cuddly and usually all over him
Big spoon/Little spoon? Sead’s the big spoon and Julian the small spoon
Most common argument? Who was supposed to feed their pet hahah… i feel like they’d have a pet and each of them sometimes forget the schedule
Favorite non-sexual activity? A good party with friends
Who is most likely to carry the other? SEAD!
Nicknames? Julian calls Sead ‘Mein Großer’ or ‘Superstar’ bc he loves to see sead blushing. And Sead calls Julian ‘babe’ and if they want to embarrass each other they say ‘schnuggi’ or ‘schnegge’
Who worries the most? Sead
Who tops? Sead
Who initiates kisses? Julian… he just can’t get enough especially after they haven’t seen each other in a while
Who wakes up first? Julian.. and then he makes breakfast for them
Who says I love you first? Julian
Send me a ship and I will rate it: Dele and Eric Dié
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / MY OTP BABBIES
Who is the most affectionate? Eric bc he wanted to hold Dele’s hand at WHL, he always goes in for hugs, he kissed him when Dele scored a goal and in general he’s always rly proud when Dele scores and gently strangles him to show his pride :D
Big spoon/Little spoon? Dele’s a noodle so he’s the little spoon and Eric’s pretty protective of his boy… even in his sleep. He loves to hold Dele
Most common argument?
Favorite non-sexual activity? bantering and recording embarrassing videos of each other hahha
Who is most likely to carry the other? ERIC!!!
Nicknames? Del, Delboy and maybe ‘love’ or ‘sunshine’ for Dele and i think Dele calls Eric ‘babe’ sometimes or sth ridiculous to make Eric blush
Who worries the most? Eric… he’s a worrier
Who tops? Eric
Who initiates kisses? Dele
Who wakes up first? Eric. Dele’s not an early riser at all but Erics always up at the crack of dawn, walking the dogs, doing a few household things and then Dele wakes up and watches Eric making their breakfast while trying to distract him so that Eric burns their toasts
Who says I love you first? Dele. Eric also thinks about saying it but he’s too shy
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