#thinking too much of driftcells
blabberoo · 4 months
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sombritas-des · 3 months
Guess who woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep!
Enjoy the treat
It's been three days and two nights already in these forsaken wetlands, for as much as the beheaded could care it's been too many days feeling the wet atmosphere of this lake at this point any frog like attempt of ninja is going to feel their wrath. They took on a quest with drifter to find some sort of geometrical shape in the floors, this usually only take one night and then they would be back on the guardian base, but this time it's taking longer and with each day the drifter look more confused and lost that the day before, this annoys the beheaded more than anything.
What's annoying the beheaded the most is the fact that they have been sleeping out in this place,the fact that they have to protect their flame at night with all the rain and water almost everywhere is driving them inside, of course is not surprised they lost their temper once drifter suggest another night there.
-"THAT'S IT!"- the beheaded signed angrily, the flame topping brightly again the now settling sun -" WE ARE GOING BACK!"-
The drifter gives the beheaded a look of annoyance,he himself hasn't slept particularly well in the lake as well, somehow the wet atmosphere of the easter watershelf is making his coughing worst keeping him awake at night and confused in the morning, although he feels close to were the next module is, he can't go back.
-" you're over reacting, it's only one more night we'll find it in the morning " drifter spoke calmly as he started to find any remote dry spot to put on a campfire.
Before the drifter could walk further he felt something grabbing his arm and in a matter of seconds getting lift up, his stomach now resting over the beheaded's shoulder as his body is secure by one of the beheaded's arm, he's getting carried away... literally.
-" WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"- the drifter kicked away and the only result was his legs getting grabbed by the beheaded's free arm, without calling the defeat drifter hit the beheaded's back -" what are you thinking,put me down!"-
The only response he got was a slight tilt in the beheaded's flame with what it looks like an annoyed look, then the beheaded started walking, he kept trying to set free but to be fair the beheaded got him locked in place any time he tried to move or squirm away the beheaded's grip would only get more tight, after a few minutes the drifter surrender.
-"at least you know we're going....?" Drifter spoke annoyed, his body already dangling against the beheaded back.He felt two taps in his back, a way to translate a "yes" when the beheaded can't communicate with their hands.-" can you put me down then?"- a single tap, "no".
It took the beheaded a short walk but they managed to carry the drifter all the way to a pad, they stood in the middle waiting.
-"are you for real doing this.."- the drifter turned his body a bit to look at the beheaded, two taps against his back is all he got as he's still locked in the beheaded's grip. Drifter sighed and took out the warping pad a few quick taps and the warping pad shined up.
Once they arrived he couldn't be more thankful that it's dark already, no one in the village seems around as the utter embarrassment of been carried away couldn't eat the drifter more, his thoughts were interrupted as the beheaded walked towards the guardian base taking him off balance and gripping on the beheaded back.
Once inside he felt the beheaded slightly change posture, once again the feeling of getting lift up taking him out of the blue, instead this time his been placed back down on the floor and all he sees is the slight frown in the beheaded's flame.
-"you look like a wet cat, you should shower or something"- the beheaded signed, his flame now calmed down
-"are you for real scolding me, do I look like a child to yo-" drifter started ranting slowly annoying the beheaded once again, don't blame the guy they been out in a wet area with you body been only supported by a flame can only result on a tick bomb.
Once again this time lest gentle the drifter got picked up again, the now fuming beheaded now basically dragging the drifter, the drifter could see his drone almost laughing at him as the beheaded successfully made its way to what remains of a makeshift bathroom.
He was once again left down and the beheaded left the room. Defeated drifter just turn back and finally took that warm shower that his body so desperately needed. With his now wet cape and clothes left hanging to dry he head out to the common area of the small house to see the beheaded already sucked in the couch, the soft cracking sound of the beheaded's flame was the only thing anyone can heard.
-"you're an ass sometimes"- drifter spoke before letting himself sink in the couch as well next to the beheaded, he could feel the raising and falling of the beheaded's shoulder as they laughed
-" you like it"- it's all the beheaded signs before pulling the drifter closer-" besides you looked cute, little princess.." the beheaded signed as the drifter punched they shoulder, only ending in them now laughing more.
-" fuck you..."- the drifter spoke with a laugh as what he said ment something else, both them now giggling as they lay into each other. It didn't take long for both to be out, both arms of the beheaded wrapped protectively on the drifter, now both dry and warm could finally take on a good nap.
By the morning the drifter left quiet only to roam the town, a quick visit to the dojo could help him warm up for the day.
As quiet as always he entered the dojo, all was calm, the sword master training the little one again, although something was different.
-" morning princess"- the drifter turned to look at Altie, the dog hybrid now laughing at him.
Wait....did she call him princess...
-" you saw nothing!"- it's all the drifter spoke before her laughter filled the whole dojo.
He's doomed, she's gonna tell everyone...
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carnivoured · 4 months
cyborg au, characters and their stories (driftcells/hld x dc au) ⚠️ mild spoilers for hyper light drifter ⚠️
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the drifter
after being taken in by the guardian and allowed to stay in the apartment, he meets altie in the sword master’s dojo, who turns out to be the guardian’s roommate. the drifter loses his arm and half his face in the midnight woods. both the guardian and altie found him just outside the town and brought him back to their apartment where altie offered to create a prosthetic (which the guardian was opposed to, but kept themself silent). the drifter agreed, he didn’t want the loss of an arm to slow down progress on their journey. that was the start of many upgrades whenever badly injured that led up to becoming a cyborg like altie.
the guardian
after losing their spouse and child, the guardian decided to search for a cure to the illness and protect the townspeople from enemies and other trouble. altie has offered them robotic upgrades before but has turned them down (they would rather live naturally, like their family had). the guardian dies later on in the three’s journey to both the illness and a fatal injury. his doppelgänger, the knight (who would have been the guardian’s co-op version), remains alive and follows them until they defeat judgement.
altie (the alternate drifter)
after having her family slain, a young altie decided to use old broken parts to recreate figures of her deceased family members to cope. this inspires her to start creating mini robots with old parts and eventually get into creating prosthetics and other mechanical parts for the dying or injured. while scavenging for old parts, she keeps getting injured and decided to replace most of her body (it’s also why she’s very tall). she becomes roommates with the guardian after becoming a good friend of theirs, supporting them after their spouse and child had died. she gets a severe burn on her face after accidentally triggering an explosive she was trying to create and replaces her face with a mechanical one.
(also she is a black and grey dog. i headcanon that the in-game altie doesn’t wear a mask and just a mechanical jaw, so in this au she also is)
the shadow doppelgängers (co-op)
the shadow doppelgängers show up when judgement notices that the jackal is trying to lead heros to defeat it. judgement sends a part of itself to each hero that crawls out of the hero’s shadow. however, to judgement’s dismay, it loses control over the doppelgängers after they are sent/are too far away from judgement. the doppelgängers protect them when they think their original is in danger or are alone. until then, they live in their shadows.
altie’s doppelgänger showed up first, escaping from her shadow and often following her around. when she met the guardian, it returned to her shadow and hasn’t come out since (the guardian has never met the doppelgänger, and altie never mentioned it to them). the drifter’s doppelgänger shows up after he loses his arm. it was the one who brought the drifter back to the town where altie and the guardian save him. his doppelgänger seems to only want to appear when the drifter is alone, so altie and the guardian don’t know about it. his doppelgänger stops showing up when judgement is defeated. the guardian’s doppelgänger scrambled out of their shadow shortly after their death. it only showed up then because it was sent while the drifter and altie were traveling with them, so it felt unneeded until the guardian was dying (however, it was too late to save them). it travels with the drifter and altie until judgement is defeated.
judgement survives
the monster wasn’t truly “defeated”. it cut off connection to its body and retreated to the core in the back of the drifter’s neck that controls his arm in the form of a much smaller judgement. while the drifter and altie recover and meet the newcomers from the other world (dead cells), judgement attempts to kill the drifter from the inside, making his mechanical parts rust and causing him horrible nightmares out of anger that he and altie were able to reduce it to its current form.
this gives altie a really hard time, having to help replace or fix the drifter’s parts every other week. the drifter tells her that he should do it himself, but she insists on helping him.
the drifter prefers to stay around with his friends at all times, but one day he gets a weird feeling, tells the others he’s going out for some air, and meets his doppelgänger which freaks him out until he realizes that it finally came back out as a warning that judgement is still alive (it isn’t being controlled due to judgements tiny size and limited power. it also doesn’t know how it is still alive since the connection is still severed, it only appeared because it realized it was able to)
bobby silly gets close to drifter during their time there cause he’s teaching him how to behave and how their world is like and yeah they find out they love each other at some point. altie gets back into creating prosthetics for the injured and taking care of the drifter when the lingering affects of the illness get bad/when he needs to get his parts replaced or fixed. she doesn’t become friendly with bobby or laure for a while because of that and also because she thinks they’re weird lol. but she and laure also kiss at some point later haha
i’ll reblog or post the story of bobby and laure soon. this au was originally created for driftcells but i really love them all, so it’s kind of just a cyborg crossover au with ships in it (i guess anyone can be shipped together in this but when i write about them it will often be driftcells and altielaure. but the guardian, drifter, and altie are implied to have thought of one another as a romantic interest at some point while the guardian was still alive, but have preferred not to get into it because of their journey.)
also ik the drifter is supposed to die and it’s ending is BEAUTIFUL but this is just an au so i can draw and write about my faves
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blabberoo · 4 months
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what it feels like to not post art every 3 hrs..
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