#this & the perpetual Danny sheen
seven-oomen · 4 years
I’m sorry you were feeling so shitty today, but I’m glad it eventually started to get better, and happy for you that you managed to surpass your writing goal for the day.
Omg, Chris as a cheerleader.  He would be so awkward, yet so determined.  Luckily for him I don’t remember the guys doing quite as much “dance-like” moves, at least at my school, they were more back-up and support.  We usually only had a couple of guys on the team, though.  Did Melissa ever do it, or consider it?  She likely had a similar gymnastics background.  (Did she ever lend Chris her uniform if she did?  Or if not did Peter or Noah just “borrow” an extra one?  Because I could equally believe it of either.  Do they ever gift him with one post-OUAT, just for the *cough*nostalgia*cough*?)  Did BH have a person in a mascot outfit?  Because if they did/do, I totally nominate Finstock to be the one running around like a maniac dressed as a cyclone.  And Jesus, they’d be bad enough with Chris as a cheerleader, but on the swim team?  Good grief.  How did none of them end up kicked out for inappropriate behavior?
I can totally see Peter on Student Council, too.  And I think Secretary (did someone mention roleplay again?) or Treasurer would be an excellent fit.  I can see him considering President, but deciding that it would take up too much time he could be spending with his mates, and working a power behind the throne angle instead.  Also, I think Student Council and/or cheerleading would offer an excellent lead-in for Natalie if you decide to add her, because I can easily see her participating in either or both.
I am never not here for more subtle MK nods, just saying.  And I love the idea of ROTC, especially because I’m pretty sure Boyd might have been in the ROTC, as well, and I’m always here for bonding potential between the parentals and teens.  (Also, I want to hug you just for remembering that he was in the military, because I swear 90% of fic authors seem to forget [even though it’s mentioned more than once].  It drove me nuts even years ago when I was just around for the Sterek, and only got worse when I came back and my preferences expanded.)  I also kinda like the idea of him doing track as a nod to Stiles doing that in the show (at least I’m pretty sure Finstock had them doing that in lacrosse’s off-season to stay in shape).  Poor Peter.  Between dealing with Chris mostly naked and soaking wet, and watching Noah in little shorts (it was the 90s after all) perpetually running away from him (and probably smirking at him every time he passed, lbr), he probably had to constantly carry a notebook or messenger bag to be sure he could cover up any “situations” that might “arise”.
I’m cool with whatever number you pick, if it even gets referenced.  I was mostly curious if I was just forgetting.  With the letterman jackets, I like to think that Malia has totally stolen Noah’s and wears it in the winter, because it’s warm and comfortable, and smells like him  (later on, she also enjoys wrapping Kira up in it if they’re out somewhere and it’s chilly).  If Peter’s has survived anywhere (the vault, perhaps?) I could see it going to either Jackson (as his mini me), or Allison (so she and her sister can match.)
Yeah, the yearbook thing happened because I was thinking about how some of my friends didn’t have a picture in the class listings, but did turn up in some of the filler pics.  I can see Chris skipping a regular photo (instinct to not be tracked), but ending up in team shots, etc.  And further bonus thought to that image - what if one of them knows someone on the yearbook committee (Lydia or Danny maybe?), and the kids all decide to do a similar pose to sneak into their own yearbook?  And surprise their parents when they’re going through the book with them later?  They could do Allison, Jackson, Malia, Stiles, Scott instead of Chris, Peter, Noah, Claudia, Melissa.
Looking forward to dance shenanigans for both generations.  And more fashion guru Peter.  I can see it now, Peter being like “I didn’t let your dads make these kinds of terrible choices for our dances, I’ll be damned if I let my kids do it"  "Scott if you even attempt to step out of your house looking like that I will show up as a chaperone and spend the entire night getting all up into not only your business, but that of all of my offspring, do not test me."  Him and Jackson basically acting out that "I have done nothing wrong ever.” “I know this and I love you.” meme.
And yeah, I mean, like most popular 80s teen flicks, Breakfast Club does have some great moments (there’s a reason it’s a classic), but it also DEFINITELY has some parts that have NOT AGED WELL.  I didn’t see it until probably at least late high school, and I don’t think I noticed as much then, but then saw it a few years later and was like “ooh, yeah, that’s super problematic in places."  For some visual assistance, here are a couple of group shots.  The line-up in the first one goes Bender (Noah [ironically the character’s first name is actually John, but I don’t remember if anyone calls him that, it’s been too long since I watched]), Andrew (Chris), Allison (Claudia, or Mel), Claire (Peter [I forgot how dark her skirt was.  Also putting him in pants would help with one of the more problematic parts of the movie]), Brian (Finstock).  Also, I’m including this image because I’ve seen it a few times, and it is both hilarious and startlingly accurate.
One thing I keep forgetting to ask about is a rough timeline.  If I remember correctly (I’ve also been re-reading some, and have realized some of my questions were answered, just several chapters previously), Chris moved to BH in 1992?  At the beginning of the actual year, or the school year (which would be August-ish)?  The kids were all born in early 1994, so they would have graduated in 1993?  Am I mathing right?  (If so that makes me sad because they would have been a little too early for "All For Love” from the 90s Disney Three Muskateers movie to have come out.  Such a great song for them, such a fun but inaccurate film.  [God, I loved it so much as a pre-teen.  Chris O'Donnell, Kiefer Sutherland, pre-crazy Charlie Sheen, Tim Curry, just so many things to enjoy.])  This is mostly just me trying to keep it straight in my head.
Also, unconnected to TW, but that post of Avengers memes that was 90% Carol and Bucky shenanigans gave me life.
As always, loving the preview, and the fact that I think any conversation between any two or more of the group could start out “Listen here you little shit” and still be completely accurate and in character.  I love how she apparently just shoves Noah down next to him (I’m surprised she didn’t just shove him in his lap.)  Speaking of, to flashback to the Christmas rant I’m pretty sure I went on at some point, may I also suggest inappropriate (would it really be, tho?) usage of the song “Santa Baby”, and perhaps a slight switch up to “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus”?  Because why not?
And, uh, thanks *blushes in social awkwardness*.  You are also awesome for coming up with all this in the first place, and being brave/generous enough to write it down and share it.  I’m pretty much always happy to talk fandom stuff and love finding other people as into my fandoms as I am, and this story is just so much fun and I love hearing all your expansions of my wild ideas and conversational segues.  I’m not really used to my weird interests being helpful, so I’m really glad to know this time they are.
I hope that you’re feeling better today (mentally and physically), and that work is overall easy (it’s almost the weekend, right? as a retail worker that doesn’t mean much to me, but seems to cheer others?) and allows you to make your writing goal.  Hugs and positive vibes!
I think I’ve been smiling at this for the better part of several days <3
And yeah honestly, I never really understood either how no one seems to mention Noah’s military background. Like the dude canonically served on the force before becoming a deputy. But you don’t really see it in the fics.
I for one would think Peter and Chris would absolutely try and find Noah’s military uniform (even just the ROTC one) and try and get him to wear it again.
Peter is def the secretary, I think Natalie (who’s one year ahead of them) would make a good Student body president though.
I think I answered the timeline one somewhere? Don’t have the energy to find it right now, but I know I probably tagged it with the usual.
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rainydawgradioblog · 4 years
Lost in the Sauce - Marshmallow Cream
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Yo yo yo, this is DJ Saffron reporting back from a two-week long okonomiyaki binge. It’s really one of the culinary world’s great pleasures, a testament to savory innovation. I think I’ve just about got my technique for it down now, but as we must do with all great things, I have to give it a break to savor that flavor. I’ll get back to you on the next recipe obsession.
My sweet tooth's been acting up majorly as of recently, almost in tandem with this whole okonomiyaki fascination. To do it justice in the musical realm, we’re gonna hone our attention in on a peculiarly sweet substance for this week, MARSHMALLOW CREAM. 
It’s one of the stranger creations that we as a species have produced, basically like whipped cream’s mysterious cousin; You don’t see it around too often, but when you do, you’re always wondering what’s going on with it. Staring into that omniscient white sheen, you get a sense of overloaded sweetness, floaty ooze, and whipped curiosity. It’s familiar and alien all at once. Also, people put this stuff in sandwiches. A trailblazer vibe. 
So, let’s get this body of songs whipped up. Playlist link is right here.
Vegyn’s electronic tunes are like pure ear candy at times. “Blue Verb” is no exception. There’s a welcoming sweetness about the whole thing, what with a number of smooth synths and pokey little drums bouncing around in tandem throughout. And of course, how can you not love a song that starts with a bunch of glass shattering? It’s not only the perfect way to open a song, but also a way to bring us into this wild assortment of sounds. We’re breaking through the sheen, you could say.
Was on a pretty major Yung Lean kick during the last week or so. At once, he seems like the chillest fellow you ever did see, while also giving off a vibe I can only characterize as “otherworldly time traveler”. Check out an interview with him and prepare to be amazed. And you could pinpoint the same otherworldly vibe in his music; there’s a sense of familiarity, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Listening to his new song “Violence” will no doubt conjure that feeling up, as he employs his hallmark and erratic hushed flow over some simultaneously spacy and lo-fi production from producer Whitearmor. I’ve played this one back nearly 20 times already, it’s that good. Also make sure to check out that music video.
So as to get even quirkier, Lizzy Mercier Descloux materializes out of the reverb decay with the mysterious “It’s You Sort Of”. This song kind of sounds like if you took a 1930s black and white noir film and colored the hell out of it with oversaturated poppy colors and then translated that to audio format. It’s also akin to being in a candy shop with the lights flickering on and off. There’s all these crazy little harmonic sounds fluttering around you, and somehow they make a cohesive product.
We’re gonna inject a little bit of funky jazztronica into the mix here with Thundercat’s “Funny Thing”. While it comes off of his latest effort It Is What It Is, this one feels very reminiscent of Drunk-era Thundercat, what with its lyrics about love, drugs, and partying under a playful and sentimental vibe. It’s one to really get you jumping and crying at the same time, and what’s not to love about that syrup-y bass?
Upping the reverb a tad with the boys from Vansire, as they bring to us a tune called “Halcyon Age”. According to the words of their Bandcamp page, their music can be characterized as “dream pop”. With gentle vocals, soft synths, and tappy percussive flourishes, this song (and many others from Vansire) elicits the serene feeling of laying on a cloud. One of the fluffier songs I’ve heard in my time.
Moving from serenity to bliss, Australian plunderphonic maestros The Avalanches give us a real dancer in the form of “If I Was a Folkstar”. While the cheerful sample-laced production gradually glides into focus, Toro y Moi’s vocals calm and soothe with some adventurous existentialism. This is a song that never fails to bring me some joy, even in the worst situations. There’s even a Queens of the Stone Age sample in here, the cherry on top.
More sample-y goodness comes to us in the form of MF DOOM’s “Benzoin Gum”. I’ll challenge you to find any song with a more satisfying piano sample in it, because this one just goes. Feel free to practice your flow over this one too. To me, MF DOOM’s production really hits the sweet spot between chillness and bangerism, leaving a little bit of something for everyone. He’s also got the right idea about connecting food and music. A pioneer.
Have I talked about bliss enough yet? JPEGMAFIA’s “BALD!” is an absolute staple in that realm. Arguably one of the most innovative and unconventional producers in all of American hip hop, his beats and rhythms scratch nearly every auditory itch I have. And this might just be my favorite thing he’s ever released. Pure song of the year material. The beat starts out like a breath of new life, rising out of the ashes, then hits this perpetual motion that never lets up, even when the beat changes briefly. Blast this one loud.
I recently stumbled upon Flying Lotus’ lesser-known back catalog as of recent. Massive thing, that back catalog. One of the most beautiful secrets hidden within that mountain of sounds is this song called “Sangria Spin Cycles”. If I wasn’t already a massive fan of his sound, Flylo raises the bar in starting the song with a sample from one of the greatest fictional characters ever, Dr. Steve Brule. He’s truly a man of culture. And the beat? Just pure cosmic dynamism on full display. We’ve got some ultra punchy drums underscored by these fluttery twinkling synth arpeggios, more ear candy for your audial taste buds.
Bringing our playlist to a close is another outing from The Avalanches, featuring some guest wisdom from hip-hop’s crazy uncle, Danny Brown: “The Wozard of Iz”. I think a lot about music that has a feeling of finality to it, ala “walking-off-into-the-sunset” type tunes. This one really checks off that box. For me, it conjures up the image of literally walking off into the sunset, which may be due to a vocal sample that sounds reminiscent of a spaghetti western soundtrack within the mix. Those movies always end like that, with a killer Ennio Morricone score to top it off. Anywho, close your eyes and enjoy this one with whatever imagery you want to come up with!
That’s all for this week! I’m off to find some more recipes.  Cheers, DJ Saffron
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