#this ain't even crack bc it's something he'd absolutely do
thecraftymagician · 3 years
Giving Julian the silent treatment bc he ain't treating himself well- 🤌 anon
I'll be honest this one makes me a little uncomfy. Personally, I don't think the silent treatment ever helps aside from if you need attention or are waiting for an apology. Even then it seems hit or miss and might make things significantly worse. So I don't really condone or advice that 95% of the time but I'll see what I can do here for you 💖
Silent Treatment for Julian:
"I'm not talking to you again until you get yourself some sleep!" You'd said that last night at 2am. You had woken up to use the restroom when you realized he was up and reading. He hadn't slept a wink in days, claiming it was absolutely fine and not to worry. Now he was worried. All morning he followed at your heels trying to get you to talk. Walking in front of you to block your path? Didn't work. Tugging your sleeve? Nope. Hiding things so you'd have to ask where they were? Nothing. After a few hours of trying to be as annoying as he could he finally broke. Wrapping his arms around you and refusing to let go he finally started crying. "MC, please just talk to me. I know you're upset, I know you want me to take better care of myself and I'm trying but please, please say something! I can't take it a moment longer." You rub his back and finally crack. "I don't know what else to do! I know you're trying but damn it, Julian, you can't keep burning the candle at both ends. It's not healthy and I don't want you hurting." Attempting to pull back to look at him left him slumping forward into you. He'd stopped crying and was breathing softly, vaguely limp. He'd finally fallen asleep in your arms from crying and you rubbing his back. luckily you were right outside the bedroom so moving him wasn't terrible. You tucked him into bed but made sure to continue checking in to make sure he slept. Which he did for nearly 12 hours, thankfully.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
hi. i was wondering if you would do headcannons about severen with a reader who has bad nightmares?
Absolutely! I've done insomnia but not nightmares
Severen and a S/O with Nightmares
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- Whether you're human or turned; your sleep schedule is going to match his. I mean, it's not like he can become a morning person for you so you're going to have to be a night owl in order to spend time with him.
- He was sleeping next to you, snoring loudly and in a deep sleep when you woke him up midday. At first, it was just twitching and mumbling but when you started thrashing and crying out he jumped up startled out of his own slumber and forcing you to wake up.
- At first, he just brushes it off but if it becomes routine he's getting annoyed by it even if he's not necessarily annoyed with you. Just frustrated with the situation of you waking him and everyone else up with your nightmares.
- If you had a nightmare where you jumped up out of bed, he probably jumped out of his skin, ready to fight someone like a cop or intruder, only to bonk his head on something. Cussing up a storm and clutching his head when he realizes you're having one of your night terrors. God forbid you have a nightmare where you wake up swinging bc poor Sev is going to get a few wops upside the head from you fist fighting in your sleep. (Jesse and Homer laughed about it for days seeing you fighting invisible demons in your sleep and waking up to have Severen getting in the crossfire of it)
- He probably doesn't get nightmares often (He is the nightmare and nothing scares him) if he does get nightmares it's emotionally driven ones. (His family burning up in the sun in front of him, his s/o hating him, him accidentally killing his s/o etc) So he's unsure what to say or do for you to make it better.
- He's going to tell you they ain't real as if that's not obvious. He's gonna tell you to try to control the dream by thinking of something else as if you haven't already tried that before. He's truly clueless and unsure what to do when one really gets to you and you're offstandish for the rest of the night. He's the type to do something to fix the problem so if he can't fix it then he's just as stressed as you are.
- Whenever you start to have them mumbling and whimpering in your sleep and it wakes him up, he just tends to pull you tighter into his grip. Hugging you close and in a sleepy, raspy whisper tells you he's right here and you're safe in his arms.
- If you wake up crying he's right there comforting you. Whispering wise cracks as he rubs your back to lighten the mood and reassure you you're safe.
- If it wakes you up late enough in the evening, he offers for you both to head outside early to talk about it. The sky's dark blue with barely any stars out yet and walking or talking to you with an arm wrapped around you while you share the nightmare you had. He's actually more observant than he seems and talking to him helps.
- If you're nightmares involve him he's extremely curious and gentle about it all. I think it's bc he's secretly worried your nightmare involves mistrusting him and he'd be hurt by that. Now if it involves losing him or something of that sort then he's extra soft and smug with you. A content smile on his lips as he gazes down at you and tells you he isn't going anywhere.
- On a much less romantic note, if your nightmare is something 'silly' or 'out there' like a clown chasing you with a knife or something...No guarantees he won't laugh at it or tease you. Not only bc to him, it is funny but also, bc it's his way of trying to make you realize how unreal it is and to basically try to ignore it. And if he finds out you woke him up over a nightmare about a spider or something...
"I was asleep and thought you were the spider! I said I was sorry!"
- If you're nightmares cut into your sleep, he's going to be how I described him with a partner with insomnia. He's going to stay up entertaining you till your so tired you pass out or he's going to cuddle you soothe you as much as he can till you feel safe enough to fall asleep. His sleep be damned bc he is definitely a clingy cuddler (And spreader. Takes up the entire area your sleeping in and you have no choice but to cuddle up to him) when he sleeps. You're like his new teddy bear so if you ain't sleeping, he ain't sleeping. He slept alone for decades but now? He HAS to have you in his arms to fall asleep.
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