#this all reminds me of the time I used to do a lot of ina11 character designs and I love it
juustozzi · 6 months
"get back to ina11 when victory road comes out" succesful, but maybe a bit too well: Hino mentioned our capital in the launch timing image so of course I had to go and design a national team for my country (just because our actual national team is named after an animal and that makes a great theme for the team)
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soccerpunching · 1 year
3,4,5,10 and 15 for Kaleidoscope? (Also maybe extra question: Do the OG ina11 characters that didn't appear in go (ex: Jin, Shorinji) appear in this story?)
Thanks for being patient! I had trouble with choosing which narration and dialogue to take from this fic and there are not that many things that didn’t show spoilers for something in the story. Just a reminder also that this is from my rough drafts so expect grammar fails waaaahhh!
(canon compliant from s1 to galaxy; a queer story; taking place 1 year after the events of inago)
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3: What's your favorite line of narration?
Context: Endou is not and will not be romantically involved with Gouenji in this story. He’s married to Natsumi like in canon and that’s not about to change or will ever be implied to be challenged. Both Natsumi and Endou are not straight nor monogamous too.
In this scene, it’s the dead of the night. Raimon Eleven (go) had an overnight camping in the school (like the og did in s1 before the match vs Zeus). Something came up and Gouenji was his last saving grace but he was angry to be called for something unserious when he thought there was an emergency (he’s wearing jacket over his sleeping clothes even as he rushed to get there). Endou then “weaponizes” his doe eyes on Gouenji. I love this because it’s so silly and doesn’t reveal much of the plot but does say a lot about their bond.
Raimon Eleven just saw their coach at his most pitiable and couldn’t react. All they knew was that if he ever used that on them, they’d fold immediately; that’s not a sight they could stand to watch. That being said, the legendary flame striker’s gait was not only unaffected but had also become more fierce than they remember; eyes glinted and jaw hardened. Anxiety rose from them as they watched Gouenji’s face hard and uncaring… until he breathed. Sighed. “Well, I’m already here, aren’t I?” He begrudgingly closed his eyes and slipped his hands inside his pockets. The frightened team collectively sighed in relief, Gouenji seemed to calm down. Just when they were about to lower their guard, a blinding light came from their coach’s face. “Gouenji, you really are heaven's gift to me!” Endou beamed at the unimpressed striker. He clung to his arm in full splendor and what the kids would only call a desperate act of placation.  “Thank you so much!!” Some sensed a tiny change in Gouenji’s expression. He impassively let himself get dragged by his best friend without making an effort to push him away. The audience looked at the scene for a while before making a move. “Well, there’s a sight.” Without vocally acknowledging Kurama’s observation, the players all soundlessly followed the two to the scene of the crime.
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
I’m giving you two of them because I cannot choose!!
1. Context: [This one is still a script] This scene takes place in the opening of the first Football Frontier since Holy Road was abolished and Gouenji is still the chairman of youth soccer. He went to where the Raimon Eleven was waiting for Haruna in the parking lot riding a motorbike with her at the back before going to the stadium’s VIP room.
Endou: Yo! Shouldn’t you be even earlier than us, Chairman? *teases* Gouenji: *opens his helmet; voice muffled; makes no move to turn off engine or get off* I’m considered early, you know. Otonashi: *just takes helmet off as she jumps off* I’m sorry! That was on me!! You went out of your way for me, Gouenji-san! Gouenji: *raises his brow* Like I said, I'm considered early still. He just wanted me to be late. Endou made a loud chuckle that some were convinced echoed in the whole parking lot. Gouenji: See? *extends one of his arm to take the helmet from Haruna and hangs it on the throttle* He's just counting on me being late for something all the time. - other dialogues that I can’t reveal yet - Gouenji: *looks at the signages* This is far away from the entrance I should be using. See you later, everyone. *looks around as if looking for where he should be going then turns the throttle* Endou: Make me dinner if you do get late!! Gouenji: Jinx me and you’ll never taste my cooking again! *drives away* Endou: *waves and laughs* 
I keep on putting in all the parts with Endou because he's just such a guy!!
2. Context: My 13yo OC (named Yori) is in the process of being adopted by Kidou, now age 25 here. Kidou got angry at someone that I won’t be mentioning here and Yori witnessed that. They left the scene together…
“Whaaa!!” Yori barely stopped himself from colliding at Kidou’s back. The adult turned around, his head hanging solemnly with an indescribable expression. “I’m sorry, Yori. You didn’t need to see that.” His cracked voice pierced a knife on Yori’s chest. That was not something he knew the absolute commander of the field to be. He was always sure of himself, outspoken, snarky even; and his head would only lower for empathy. Yori tried to find the words to get him back to his usual self, “Oh… that’s…” “I should be better than showing such pettiness in your presence,” he said barely with a better tone than he did his last.  “Uh– you’re allowed to feel how you feel, Yuuto-san,” Yori stated with the confident tone Kidou usually had. “Besides, [Redacted] prefers that people tell him how they feel about him upfront. Like you did.” “I know, but this isn’t about him—” “—And I prefer knowing about how you really feel about things, too.” Kidou stared at him for a long while with his mouth slightly open, a foreign sight to the child who had only known him at his best. He then smiled; a small one but meant a lot to Yori. “You’re a great kid. But don’t push yourself too much.” He squeezed his shoulder, teeth on his mouth now showing. Yori could hear the gratitude in his revived voice. “The adults should be the one taking care of you.” Kidou looked at him more before motioning to continue walking. Yori smiled at Kidou’s back, guided by the memories they shared for the brief time they’ve known each other. ‘You already are…’
5: What part was hardest to write?
The story being OC-centric in general. It was difficult for me to find that balance on how much I should be showing the other characters and their side of things without coming off as if they’re stealing the OC’s show. Since my OC is a first year in middle school here who just enrolled in raimon and the other characters already went through their character arcs, it’s difficult to make a problem that they wouldn’t be able to solve for my OC. I found the solution to this by placing my OC in the 2nd team btw. Surprisingly easy solution but it also sounds like running away from the problem. But it went fine (I think) so far.
But concerning specific parts of the plot, all the emotional Kidou parts were devastating for me to write and I’m not talking about this one above. May the universe have mercy on this guy because my muse did not.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Hmm… I don’t really have a pairing for my OC since he’s aroace and not interested in one but there are a lot of ships here that people may be interested in. The ships for the recurring supporting characters that I chose here all mostly serve narrative purposes (not that anybody needs to for a ship, mind you), while the background ones are just what I like. These are the ones I can say for now: Kageno x Other OC, Endou x Natsumi, Max x Handa, Someoka x Fubuki, Sakuma x Fudou x Genda, Midori x Akane… aaaaaaaaand more!!
I was planning to watch all of areori first before going midway here since they have interesting characters that I may be able to add. I have a concrete outline of what’s about to happen though but I want to be sure about where I want the story to go first before actually publishing this.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
A lot about how the professional soccer players in Japan live their lives ig and what do they usually do or what is usually the issue with them that the public is concerned about. Also on what happens to those who don’t pursue a soccer career when they were considered a prodigy when young. I learned a lot about the political diaspora and read a lot about how bigotry is shown. Now that I’ve mentioned it, most of what I know about Japan that’s not in our textbooks here and not shown in their shows or anime is because of this fic wow.
I’ve also got myself interested in their period dramas, thanks director and producer Kageno.
Also maybe extra question: Do the OG ina11 characters that didn't appear in go (ex: Jin, Shorinji) appear in this story?
YES THEY DO!! Thank you for asking that OMG! Actually this story itself is set in Inazuma Town where my OC basically lives his life and he stumbles into the og Raimon Eleven a lot!!
First responder and firefighter Max (also part time delivery person) usually will be seen waiting for his fiance Handa who is the coach of KFC. Shourin has his own dojo around town that incorporates hissatsu techniques in their style (he won’t be seen a lot though because I can’t think of a plot-relevant thing for him to do 😔). 
Kageno here is the director and producer of a show called Inazuma Eleven that’s literally just the entire first season of ie that tells THEIR story!! But with teen actors (surprise Actors AU!!! Everything that we’ve watched in the first season is everything that is part of this “based on a true story” series by Kageno but with a few episodes with contents I will add on a separate AO3 series).
My OC is the actor for Shishido so he also meets him on the set because Shishido likes crashing there! He gives Yori pointers on how to act him and overall adds good vibes to the cast in there! The other actors who are also in middle school are people my OC will also find as his opponents in the field because of course they know soccer!! I promise there’s a purpose as to why they have this series! Trust me!!
OMG thank you so much for sending this ask!! I enjoyed talking about this! Motivated me more to write about it!!
And yes, this is a very ambitious project. I’m not even sure if I can pull it off but I want to tell this story since it means a lot to me. Like personally. So, I’ll do my best!
Ask about my WIPs here
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