#this also pretty much does away with how in the anime Pokémon Centers also functions as hostels/backpacker accommodation
Paldea Pokémon Centers are convenient and streamlined, but I miss the café/pub ambience that they had in Alola and Galar (I always felt happy going inside an Alola PC and hearing the special music) and honestly I think it’s inhumane to make poor Joy stand there with no protection from windchill in such a breezy outfit. She really does look like a konbini/gas station worker rather than a nurse which seems like a demotion!
I wish at the PCs in snowy locations she had a nice warm parka and leggings on. I wish she had a SEAT!
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owlf45 · 3 years
quick! if you made a monster/animal au with bnha what would it be about and why yes i am asking this for very obvious reasons
If it’s something simple, I’d do a Pokémon mystery dungeon esque style monster au with friendships and just friends being friends and adventuring. The institutions (UA, the Commission, etc) might be similar but I probably wouldn’t have them be exactly what canon functions them to be
Another idea I had was to make my current WIP Quaternary structure into a monster AU. It’s Yaoyorozu centered based on the idea that she could technically make viruses since they’re non-living, and how her parents trying to commercialize her ability as a child forces her to run away, only getting the attention of pretty much every other group who wants her quirk (for medical purposes or otherwise). It’s heavy vigilante-esque momo & quirkless Izuku friendship (pre UA—she saves him from the sludge villain). I kind of wanted to make Momo a monster. Not sure if it’ll be Bc or some whumpy experimentation from Chisaki trying to utilize her quirk or if I want to go more extreme/fantasy route and have the viruses shes forced to create (some manmade) spiral out of control and totally warp Yaoyorozu, who hosts the almagamation of virus in her body,,
I’m also immensely enjoying the OFA-users-and-afo come-back-as-animals-that-keep-ending-up-on-Izuku’s-front-porch ideas and that might be a cute small animal au.
If it’s something more hardcore, I’d probably set up greater worldbuilding shit. Many different lands and fights between mystical creatures (Probably gonna see some Wings of Fire influence in there if I ever tried to pull something off). Or a wandering MC hopping between or within worlds. (Maybe like a sort of “guardian angel” Izuku, but he’s not an angel and he’s a monster? And he can slip through shadows and does his best to watch over and protect the human versions of monsters he’s met with once upon a time as a favor—idk. And the canon characters are all fucking freaked out of their mind cuz they see shit under their bed and it’s Izuku but he’s not actually trying to hurt anyone??? And throughout the story you start to learn how Izuku met the Other versions of the characters before watching over the humans.) Kind of like in BR where Izuku meets different versions of the same people (some of which who will be monstrous or inhuman like), I’d probably do a similar concept except Izuku (or whatever MC) and all the characters would def have to be a monster as well. Wasted potential otherwise.
Uhhh fuck what’s more centered in the actual BNHA universe tho,, think canon think canon,, I don’t think I could do a monster quirk by itself, it’s fun to read but I don’t have the patience… there’s always nomu characters which is fun. Tho if I want to focus on only one character being a monster/animal and everyone else human,,, probably some kind of quirk curse thingy that forces a character to become monstrous and dealing with those ramifications. Or like, I love the AUs of spirits bonding with people to cause quirks, and I’d just love to see AFO or Shigaraki be reverted to a hella scary spirit that eats away at everything and is so very detrimental to even himself,
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