#this anime is so excellent im so distraught about it
chainreh · 1 year
rewatching mygo bc im very sane and normal about this anime its so clear to see that soyo is just using anon as a means to get to tomori. when anon says she wants to do vocals she just doesn't respond and instead talks about they should get a keyboardist and drummer. even when anon gathers up the three crychic members soyo says "how about the three of us try the band again; me, taki, and tomori" and tomori is actually the one who says she wants to do the band with anon too. pushing against playing haruhikage "that songs fine for practice but we should do something else for the performance, maybe a cover" and even dismissing taki when she wants rana to rehearse with them more arghhghhhg i feel so fucking normal about this anime!!!!<3
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bisexual-queenie · 2 years
Hey yall Im back with Part 4 of my BNHA Pixie Hollow AU! Im suprised it is kinda becoming a seroius thing, but Im rrally happy that I haven’t given up on it! So without further ado, heres mire info! Its mostly plot stuff that focuses in the kiddos!
- All 20 of the faerie kids (Shinsou is one of the 20 since Mineta is a human. In addition, Melissa Shield is a part of the 20 and takes Todoroki’s place since he’s a human as well) arrive in Pixie Hollow at the same time, which is very rare.
- Apparently 20 human babies had their first laugh at once, which is unheard of! Usually only one faerie arrives at a time, or even in small groups, but 20 at once??? (This is completely different from what's actually cannon in the movies but it my AU i can do whatever I want :) ) Although, one of the faeries, Shoji, had deviated from the group, and ended up in the Winter woods, and thus was a snow fairy! So the 19 remaining faeries landed on the warm side of Pixie Hollow! Everyone had been shocked that so many faeries arrived.
- That didn’t stop All Might though. He welcomed them with open arms, and proceeded with the talent choosing ceremony. They go in order based on their cannon seating arrangement in the show, so by that logic, Aoyama goes first!
- To make this faster, here's a recap of what type of faerie everyone is:
- Aoyama: Light Talent Faerie
- Mina: Garden Talent Faerie
- Tsuyu : Water Talent Faerie
- Iida: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Uraraka: Light Talent Faerie
- Ojiro: Animal Talent Faerie
- Kaminari: Light Talent Faerie
- Kirishima: Animal Talent Faerie
- Koda: Animal Talent Faerie
- Satou: Baking Talent Faerie
- Shouji: Frost Talent Faerie
- Jirou: Light Talent Faerie
- Sero: Water Talent Faerie
- Tokoyami: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Melissa: Tinker Talent Fairy
- Hagakure: Light Talent Faerie
- Bakugou: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Midoriya: Tinker Talent Faerie
- Shinsou: Dust Talent Faerie
- Momo: Water Talent Faerie
- The story takes off from Midoriya’s POV, where you see him navigate life in Pixie Hollow as a tinker talent. He excels greatly at his role, and ends up being a sort of apprentice to one David Shield (surprise he appears! We can't have his daughter without him!), another Tinker Talent. Midoriya also learns a lot from Tsunagu. (This is where the story actually splits into a side plot, which focuses on Tsunagu’s antics, where he eventually decides to cross to the Winter Woods and meets Shinya.)
- Like the movie, Midoriya learns that faeries go to the mainland in order to to change the seasons, perform talent-associated duties and watch over Nature. However, he soon discovers that Tinker Faeries can’t go to the mainland. He’s distraught over this, and Bakugou, who has been antagonizing him since the ceremony, definitely does not help. Que Midoriya goes on his journey to be accepted by everyone. After trying to get All Might to let him visit the mainland (to no avail), he tries to change his talent by doing the things his friends do.
- Everything goes wrong though. Everyones efforts to bring spring to the mainland are ruined. Midoriya, however, was able to fix everything using his inventions, with the help of Dave and Tsunagu.
- After everything was solved, All Might let Midoriya visit the Mainland.
- After that whole adventure, Midoriya and company live their lives happily. One day, while in the Mainland, they come across two humans! One appeared to be a older man with a fiery red beard, and the other was a young boy with white and red hair with a scar on his eye. Hey look, it's the Todorokis! Excited about meeting humans, Midoriya rushes over, much to his friends' dismay (mostly Iida). Out of curiosity, Midoriya follows them to their summer home. Shouto leaves out a hand-made fairy house, which Midoriya is fascinated by and enters.
- Bakugou gets annoyed at Midoriya ignoring his warnings and slams the door shut, accidentally jamming it. When Shouto returns, Bakugou tries to free him to no avail, resulting in Shouto discovering Midoriya and taking her home. He attempts to show Midoriya to her father, but Enji seems to be very busy. However, seeing all the butterflies he has pinned on display for research, Shouto decides to keep Midoriya a secret.
- Bakugo, witnessing Midoriya’s capture, gathers the “Dekusquad” as well as the “Bakusquad”, and a couple of the adults (Aizawa, Mic, and Midnight) to save him. After trying and failing to sail across some water, they reach the town where the Todorokis live. Before reaching the house however, the Dekusquad and Bakusquad get separated. The Bakusquad ends up seeing another human talking to some of his friends.
- This is their introduction of Mineta, a teenage boy opposed to finding and studying the supernatural and other creatures, which include faeries. Much to Bakugou’s dismay, they end up following him to his home, where they are horrified to see pictures of how to capture faeries. What ensues is a game of cat and mouse where they almost get murdered by Mineta. They get caught in fly traps, get soaked with water, all that jazz. They eventually escape, and end up catching up with the others.
- When they get to the house, “Operation: Save Midoriya” starts. They burst into the home, startling Enji greatly. Seeing that Enji is about to capture Midoriya, Bakugou quickly bumps Midoriya out of the way and gets caught instead. Ignoring Shouto’s pleas, her father takes Bakugou and plans to show a special committee. Gurns out Enji also believes in faeries and wants to use one for research purposes.
- A chase ensues, and after stopping the car, the faeries band together to use their pixie dust to distract and practically beat up Enji, which causes him to drop the jar Bakugou was in. In disbelief, Enji sees the value of faeries, not just for research, but in general, and they all say goodbye to each other and go back to their homes. (I didn’t want Enji to be an asshole in this can you tell).
- When they get back to Pixie Hollow, they happily shared their adventures to anyone who listened.
Hope you liked this addition to the AU! Next up is the other plot with Tsunagu and Shinya, as well as little anecdotes with these characters!
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
Ok so I just got some bad news about my dog yesterday, she’s tiny and wild and she’s jumped from something and ended up with a spinal injury so her legs aren’t working properly anymore. I’ve been so so distraught she’s my little walk and cuddle buddy and she’s basically my favourite thing about everyday. So everytime I look at her I burst into tears and I was like I gotta occupy myself and stop crying.
I don’t know what happened but somehow I stumbled back upon hero and the first time around reading I really really loved it. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an emotional mess right now but rereading I feel like I missed something in it first time round, reading now it’s like breathtakingly beautiful but in like a nightmarish way. It’s so vivid and real but presented in such a dreamy whimsical way I felt like I’d dropped into this world where dreams and nightmares are all one but it reads and feels so real that it could also be right outside my door. You see and feel every characters feelings and everyone has so many sides to them and you see the huge flaws in them and they aren’t hidden or excused but the good parts in them are also shown so, even though inhuman, everything feels so human.
All that rambling aside what I wanted to say was thank you for giving me something to take my mind off of the shitty things that are happening. There was a solid couple of hours where I wasn’t super sad. So thank you so much
oh anon :( i am so so so sorry to hear about your doggo. animals are extremely resilient and adaptive. im hopeful that once she gets her injury tended to shell be able to continue on as your cuddle buddy with a high quality of life. i had a cat that was an excellent jumper until he fell from the back of a chair, got stuck, and broke his femur. for a long while he wasnt able to walk properly but he healed well and was back to a normal life, just without his super high jumps. give it time, even though i know it hurts a lot. pets are so special and sacred, and she still loves and adores you. she needs extra cuddles right now and so much love. its ok to cry with her too. you can give each other support <3 
that said, i am really touched hero was able to give you a moment of relief. i know it sounds strange, especial because, like you said, that world is nightmarish and hyper real, but its my sacred escape place. its where i pour my tension and my pain, all my anger. theres so much i put into it, and im so glad that it was a mimetic way for you to see all the ugly feelings youre going through on paper. sometimes stories like that help us process the things we are actively trying to escape from. so i am utterly touched this was the story you went to. and im even more happy that on your second read through youve find new things to enjoy new nuances to the plot. this message really is special to me, and im just glad it was there for you when you needed it most <3 
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