#this au also leans into being a farmer/cowboy au if ya couldn’t tell
beeshoesometimesdraws · 2 months
It is I, Soup.
For the centaur au, have any fun little tidbits or facts about Sun and Moon?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think you have any major stuff about them on your blog yet, and I’m a little curious about them.
If you don’t have anything to tell yet, go ahead and ramble about some other random character, I’ll enjoy it either way✨✨✨
(Sorry if these aren’t the kinds of question you wanted lol)
*gasp* it is the great Soup! :0
You’re all good! I love all the questions lol
Yeaaaah I’ve kinda neglected sharing stuff about them since most of the focus has been on the others though I’ll be happy to share what I have about them! :D
Sun ☀️
Sun is based off a palomino tennessee walking horse
Sun’s main job on the farm is planting and taking care of and harvesting the crops and also taking care of the smaller animals like the chickens and goats and pigs
Sun is also the one in charge of actually going out and selling whatever goods they have (fruits, vegetables, cheese and jams, eggs, wool, etc) as he does better with socializing and has more patience and energy than Moon does
Despite not working in a daycare in this au (that being Earth’s job), Sun is still very good with kids and, if they’re not busy, will sometimes stop by the daycare and help Earth with the kiddos
Sun likes to cook and bake and make jams using the strawberries and blueberries they collect and they often bake with Earth and Lunar when they have the time—their favorite things to bake are pies, specifically apple pie (they know how to do all the cool design stuff with the dough and make it look really neat and pretty)
Sun will often times let her cats ride along on her back as she does the chores (though they aren’t allowed in the chicken coop for obvious reasons)
Sun is still really big on cleanliness in this au and can spend hours cleaning the house and the barn and whatever else they’re able to get to to clean—Sun is also big on keeping themself clean as well as has one of the sleekest and shiniest coats of all the celestial fam
Sun is taller than Moon, if only by a few inches
Moon 🌙
Moon is based off a black and white paint
Moon’s main job on the farm is working with the sheep, with the help of Solar, and Sun when he’s available (raising them, moving and herding them between pastures, sheering and collecting their wool, etc)
Moon is also the main handyman on the farm alongside Solar
Moon is a big coffee drinker and will even eat the beans straight if he’s in a rush, he’s the “I can’t function until I’ve had my coffee” sort of guy
Moon is less concerned about cleanliness than Sun and has gotten himself chewed out by Sun a couple times for coming back to the house covered in mud and tracking it everywhere
Moon cannot cook or bake to save his life and is not allowed in the kitchen when the others are cooking or baking
Moon, sometimes with Sun or one of the others, goes to visit KC when he can (they are working things out and getting better though they still aren’t on the best of terms)
While he is calmer in this au than in canon, Moon can still get very angry if triggered and can be pretty damn scary when he is; the coyotes and wild cats who have tried to mess with his sheep and other animals have been on the receiving end of this, and so has Eclipse-
That’s all the little tidbits I have to share rn! I’ll start working on the designs for these two soon since I finally have some ideas on what I wanna do >:)
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