#this bit makes me laugh but it doesn't fit the rest of the fic tonally
mydetheturk · 8 months
while it is still sunday, instead of six sentences, have a couple of scrapped paragraphs from a fic that might tentatively go up tomorrow
The waitress brings Vash his coffee and says something about family.
Domina looks at her and smiles, and she knows how unsettling she must look with her too-pale eyes and thin smile when she says, “Oh, this is my brother in law.”
Stampede’s eyes go wide in shock and Knives goes speechless with how hard he’s laughing up against Domina’s spinal column. The waitress congratulates them – for what, Domina’s not a hundred percent sure, but it was fine.
“What the hell was that?” Vash hisses as soon as she’s out of earshot.
Domina’s smile drops. “Oh please. What your brother and I did is far more intimate than human marriage.”
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