#this bitch got a sad ted gps
ted, depressed and experiencing a traumatic ass event:
sassy, immediately:
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thenixkat · 3 months
So reading L.A.W. : Living Assult Weapons instead of like eating breakfast
LAW opens up with some powerful fucker just zapping the moonbase Watchtower and all the Justice League there to somewhere the fuck else who knows
Vic Sage (The Question) in his day job urges the public to stay calm
Ted Kord once again having financial problems but fixing this time it by selling a gps system to the US government.
which yeah, I would assume that the billionaire inventor would sell shit to the army, like, why else did Kord Inc have an experimental weapons lab? Granted in other continuities Ted specifically did not wish to profit from making weapons, but like yeah I can see war profiteer Ted Kord.
also of fucking course Vic has blue eyes. What the fuck is up with so many of the white superheroes having blue eyes? That's not a common trait, where's the love for brown-eyed white people?
our villain is The Avatar, who wants to destroy all symbols of war and the warrior class
also Captian Atom is here b/c his day job is being in the military, man is legitimately just a supercop, also he gets captured b/c The Avatar draws power from the natural elements and radiation is a natural element
Captain Atom gets kidnapped to I assume be used as a battery
you cant exactly go 'dont be sad/scared kid' after murdering a bunch of people in front of said kid. especially since it looks like the kid got roughed up a bit too
Vic, what the fuck is wrong with someone attacking the military installations of largely imperialist and colonialist nations? They're attacking fucking soldiers who signed up to die. What's the issue?
Vic said he's tired of reporting the news, he's about to go fight the news
also I know this man comes off an an angry weirdo to his coworkers
there's a bureau of metahuman affiars of course the USA would have one
wow you mean countries that hate the USA would side with a viilian attacking the USA's military? wild, imagine that
also again so many blue-eyed bitches in DC comics
ah so Peacemaker is a mercenary who does covert shit for imperialist nations to 'protect peace' more reasons to dislike him
excuse you, Ted is ambidextrous and has often been shown doing shit with his left hand? Also, Vic don't break into other supehero's secret lairs, you could literally just ask
also, the other superheroes have been laughing about Ted getting carpal tunnel saying he got it from jacking off when they know he's a fucking engineer and does computer programming
Vic you gotta give trust to get trust It is rude to just take info without giving any back
why would a neuropulse gun work on demons? They're demons
also these demons might be a bit unclear about what mythology they're from. I'm not sure if Hinduism has firey pits of hell, but I can look it up
just I'm not rooting against a villain who's attacking USA military outposts including the secret covert ops ones that they send to do shit that would cause an international incident if they did shit openly
So The Avatar is supposed to be an actual demigod? That just makes them going after imperialist and colonist countries' militaries even more valid
so many blue-eyed mfers in this universe
not Judo Master? getting a call from his deity telling him he has to stop the evil that is his ex-student fighting the militaries of imperiealist nations. Good gods the propaganda of American superhero comics
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