#this blog has ZERO tolerance for ageism
scharoux · 4 years
That's Enough....
As a lot of my followers and mutuals know, I try to keep my blog 'discourse' and drama free. I strive to keep my blog a safe and accepting space for everyone to enjoy the fandom content we all want to see and share.
Unfortunately, I have to say something about all the disgusting ageism bs, bullying and harassment that some of the other fandom content creators have been subjected to recently.
I will NOT be putting this under a cut because it needs to be said and heard!
#TW: Profanities Abound
For those who are unaware, or are just plain ignorant to the fact because they choose to be, the Dragon Age series is an ELEVEN year old franchise. Dragon Age: Origins was released in 2009. At the time it was rated M, ie. appropriate for players ages 17 or older.
That means that people in the fandom who are currently between the ages of 17-19 were about 6-8 years old at its release. Which for those who can't do the math on the fly means that us 'old ladies' (who are in our thirties now) were either 19 or older when it began. That's only two years older than the recommended player audience (and here's some more math for you egotistical ageist offenders, that means we were the same age you are now.)
We were of age when we began this story. We got to enjoy the characters and experience their struggles and just generally enjoy the game for what it was. Naturally that means we also enjoyed the two sequels to the franchise when they were realeased in 2011 and 2014.
Did the fact that we aged with the games mean we miraculously lost interest in the games? No, it sure as hell didn't. We were just as interested and enjoyed those sequels just as much as we did the original. Just because you get older doesn't mean you suddenly stop enjoying the things you used to. Sure your tastes can change. You might not like something as much as you used to, or you may find you like something you absolutely hated before. However, I highly doubt that I am going to wake up tomorrow morning, and after 30+ years suddenly decide that I am 'too old' to like cheese.
You don't see us 'old ladies' sipping our cranberry juice while we air out our 'pussy stank' (that was fucking vile btw) coming at younger members of the fandom telling them they're not 'old enough' to enjoy it, or to come back when you're older. Why would we try to police what someone else enjoys when we also enjoy it based purely on their age? I am not embarrassed or ashamed to be in my thirties and playing video games, and I will NEVER apologize for it.
Age does NOT and should NOT define what we can or cannot like, enjoy or partake in if we are of an appropriate age to participate in it. No one has the right to dictate whether or not you're 'too old' to enjoy something.
I ask you;
Are you going to go to a skate park and bully or harass someone because they're not a teenager or in their early twenties, and ergo 'too old' to enjoy skateboarding?
Are you going to tell my grandparents that they're 'too old' to sit down and play Mario Kart together when they're clearly having a blast together and enjoying it?
Why is this any different?!
YOU trying to harass or bully someone because YOU decided they're 'too old' to like something makes you an asshole. That's it. End of argument.
IF you are planning on lying to me by saying that you won't or couldn't possibly be invested in any possible game, book, movie, music, etc in eleven years from now on the basis that you're tool old to enjoy them, then I feel sorry for you. You're going to have a very boring and entirely lack luster life purely based on the fact that you're too narrow minded to get your head out of your ass to see that you're being an entitled ageist bully and clearly have a lot more maturing to do.
I have zero plans to stop liking the things I like because you're egotistical enough to think you have any right to tell me I should. You can catch me playing Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc until I am no longer able to hold a controller and if you don't like it I'd advise you to get used to being disappointed.
You DO NOT get to tell me or anyone else that we're 'too old' to enjoy the things we like.
Now get the fuck off my lawn....
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