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dexterous-world · 3 years
Can we earn money from CryptoTab Browser?
CryptoTab Browser Review: Is CryptoTab Legit?
CryptoTab browser is a legit form of business.
It is the world’s first online browser that mines Bitcoins.
Earning with the CryptoTab browser is possible via the BTC mining & referral program.
Online community warns of the CryptoTab browser virus.
CryptoTab is an internet browser with a built-in mining function. “With CryptoTab you earn cryptocurrency just by visiting your favorite sites, watching videos, and chatting online”, claims the official website.
The idea sounds beautiful and exciting. But isn’t it too good to be true? Is CryptoTab legit or is CryptoTab a scam? Dexterous-World takes the challenge and explores the promising browser. Follow this CryptoTab browser review to know more about its usage, pros & cons, and, finally, is CryptoTab worth all the efforts?
What is CryptoTab?
CryptoTab is the world’s first browser, created specifically for mining Bitcoins. It has a built-in mining algorithm, that allows users to earn Bitcoins when web-surfing, watching movies or doing any other activity online.
Besides that CryptoTab acts as a referral program. This means the browser offers to earn Bitcoins for promoting CryptoTab on social media and inviting friends to join it. Launched as an extension a few years ago, CryptoTab already has over 10 million users for the time of publishing.
So, let’s have a look at how it works, and how could you earn with the CryptoTab browser?
CryptoTab browser mining
Despite payments in Bitcoins, the CryptoTab browser does not mine Bitcoin directly. Indeed it’s software mines Monero (XMR) privacy coins and converts them later to Bitcoin at the current exchange rate. This means why Bitcoins are the only currency displayed in user balances. The website though plans to add additional digital currencies someday in the future.
Meanwhile, if you are familiar with Monero mining, you know that XMR is only mined by using a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm called CryptoNight. This algorithm requires access to devices’ memory and to increase in latency dependence. This allows CryptoNight to resist powerful mining hardware like ASIC and offer equal possibilities for all the miners.
As it is known, each new Monero block is minted every 2.01 minutes and offers around 1.4 XMR coins as a reward at the time of writing.
According to CryptoTab, its mining algorithm uses only the unused computer resources and does not interfere with normal computer usage. This suggests that mining on a browser does not slow down the device.
How do you use CryptoTab?
Basically, there are two ways to earn Bitcoins with the CryptoTab. The first includes mining via the browser. The second involves affiliate marketing and offers rewards for referring new users.
Speaking of cryptocurrency mining, CryptoTab supports browser mining both for Windows and Mac OS. CryptoTab Browser is available as well for Android and iOS devices.
Let’s quickly run through the step-by-step instructions of how to mine Bitcoins via the CryptoTab browser.
How to mine with CryptoTab on Windows and Mac OS
Download the CryptoTab browser installation file from the official website. Click here to Download.
Install it. Run the setup file, complete, and confirm the installation.
Start the CryptoTab browser. You can make it a default browser and add a shortcut to your taskbar for more convenient usage.
Set up the account. Open Settings in the drop-down menu on the right side. You may use your Google account or social media account to log in. This will help you to make sure no data will be lost if you reinstall the browser or log in by using other devices.
Activate mining. Open the CryptoTab browser, click the CryptoTab icon in the right upper corner, turn the mining mode On, adjust your mining speed.
Since you have installed the browser, activated the mining mode, and adjusted the mining speed, you will be mining digital coins anytime when the CryptoTab browser is open.
How to mine with CryptoTab on Android and iOS
Download the CryptoTab app from Google Play or App Store. You may choose among the free Basic option and paid Pro option ($1.19 on Google Play, $1.99 on Apple Store). The Pro version is more advanced and includes multiplied speed mining, server-dependent mining that does not drain the battery, an unlimited number of connected remote devices, and other features.
Click here to Download the Pro version APK for free.
Install the CryptoTab app.
Set up the account. Open the CryptoTab app to set up an account. You may use Google or social media to log in.
Activate mining. Turn on the mining mode and adjust your mining speed.
CryptoTab referral program
In addition to cryptocurrency mining, the CryptoTab browser allows earning Bitcoins via its referral program. Referral programs offer a reward for sending new customers. This means users may benefit from promoting CryptoTab and inviting their friends to it.
The CryptoTab referral program works as an ordinary affiliate marketing scheme. It offers a 10-level earnings pyramid, which means the more affiliates you have, the higher commissions you get.
The principle of a referral program is simple. Imagine, you invite one friend to start mining with a CryptoTab browser. CryptoTab then gives you 15% of the Bitcoins that your friend has mined. If your friend persuades his friend to use CryptoTab, you get another 10% from your 2nd level affiliate. And when that friend invites his acquaintances, the process goes on and on and on to the level 10.
The main way to catch new users comes from actively promoting on social media. CryptoTab even provides the free branded material to make your post more compelling.
Moreover, it encourages buying traffic to boost earnings from mining. This is a highly risky activity, especially for the new ones. Have in mind that the return of investment might not be significant and only come in the form of Satoshi, which is the 100 millionth part of a Bitcoin.
Is it possible to earn with CryptoTab?
Following the quick online search, CryptoTab user experiences are different. Some of them claim they struggle to earn above $15 to $25 per month. Others share earnings of over $69 (time period not specified), most probably generated from the referrals, that included over 5211 other miners.
Despite the fact that the referral program plays an important role in generating a higher profit on CryptoTab, the mining speed is also important. CryptoTab allows users to choose the mining speed option. Although keep in mind, that mining at the maximum speed may affect the device by slowing down its performance and making it heat up.
In order to withdraw your earnings from CryptoTab accounts, you first need to have your own cryptocurrency wallet for Bitcoins. The minimum amount of withdrawal is 0.00001 BTC.
At the time of publishing CryptoTab provides payments manually twice a day and aims to switch into automated-mode someday. CryptoTab, however, shares the history of its users’ withdrawal transactions in the payments journal.
Is CryptoTab safe?
Is a crypto mining browser safe to use? Is CryptoTab legit? To be honest, there are various criteria to evaluate before making your own decision. And they both need your attention and consideration.
Form of business
First, CryptoTab is based on a business model that is legitimate. Officially referral programs are a legal form of business. However, there is a fine line between legal and illegal ones.
Referral programs that require financial commitment before you are involved, are considered illegal. And as far as CryptoTab doesn’t ask you to invest funds to start crypto mining, it is a legit form of business.
The team
The team behind CryptoTab is anonymous and there is little information about them online.
DailyCoin has found out that CryptoTab is developed by CryptoCompany, a private limited company based in Estonia. The only board member of the CryptoCompany and also of CryptoTab is Vadim Tuulik, the mysterious man with a scarce online history and 5 Linkedin connections.
Listing on app stores
Respectively, the CryptoTab app is available to download from Google Play and Apple Store. Apps listed on both of these stores must go through thorough tests. They have to be verified to be free from viruses and malicious software.
As you may know, both Apple and Google Play banned the cryptocurrency mining apps on their platforms back in 2018. The move was mainly based on the explanation that cryptocurrency mining apps cause battery draining, generate excessive heat, affect device resources, and finally damage the devices. Both companies only allowed crypto mining apps that mined digital assets outside of the device (e.g. cloud-based mining).
Being available on both Google and Apple platforms suggests the CryptoTab browser is safe. However, it does not guarantee CryptoTab is profitable.
Click here to Download the Pro version APK for free.(Mobile Version)
Otherwise it will charge you 0.99$.
Click here to Download the Desktop Version.
Warning of virus
On the other hand, there are warnings online of the CryptoTab browser virus. According to them, the virus may infect the computer and extract sensitive information from all the browsers on it.
The warning also claims that CryptoTab’s software may not be malicious by itself. However, lots of hacker-made versions of it are easily available on the internet (data of May 2020). They may be rebranded versions of it or direct fake copies.
The website that has announced the warning is an online blog and forum, that covers malware attacks, data breaches, and privacy-related stories. It also has no reputation for being a scam.
Pros & Cons
Payment Journals
Supports Android & iOS
Supports Windows & Mac OS
Low earnings
May affect device performance
Unknown founders
Virus warning
So finally, is it worth using?
Well, it’s for you to decide. Answering the question of is CryptoTab legit, we can say yes, it is. The business model of CryptoTab is legit, but it does not mean it is profitable. The amount of earning with CryptoTab mainly depends on the number of affiliates you have in a referral program. The more you invite, the more you get back.
CryptoTab claims the browser runs on unused resources of your computer. However, users share opposite opinions and blame crypto-mining apps for affecting the performance of their devices. Besides that, you need to be extra cautious of not infecting your computer with infected options of the mining browser.
So in summary, what our recommendations will be? Try it if you think small earnings will be enough. But better stay cautious and first experiment not on your best devices.
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Ariadne and Theseus - Chapter 1
So yeah, here is the first chapter of my attempt on actual fanfiction with several chapters. It’s the start of Human Revolution from my OC’s, Gillian Thorndale’s point of view who is also part of the Illuminati. I want to cover the attack on Sarif Industries, how the scientist got to Omega Ranch and what happened during the 6 months between the intro and the actual events of the game.
I will post on this blog and on Ao3 as soon as I get my account. If you are not familiar with my OC, feel free to check her bio and Page’s as well, since I write in my own verse which sticks to the canon as closely as possible. 
Dark, impervious rain clouds covered the city of London, and kept the old streets within their tight grip. They crept over the city like a menacing shadow, a dim guardian, whom concealed and prevented those bright illuminating rays of sunlight from reaching the ground. They were an unwelcomed harbinger with a strong voice, proclaiming their master's arrival, whom would haunt those who dared to walk the streets, knock on every single window, and ascertain that the citizens behaved and bowed before its will. Nothing would remain unseen. The white haired CEO stepped out of the old, wooden elevator, and knocked on its metallic frame with the remarkable iron ring on her right middle finger without making a sound. Five deep breaths, and she placed the old-fashioned black, unused, umbrella into its stand right next to the entrance. She had been lucky. She had been spared. A little nod towards the blond secretary, fifteen firm steps on dark parquet, and one gentle press against the door's automatic lock - this is all it took to open the gates to her own little liar: The outpost to her kingdom, unfolding to her majesty.
Her oddly coloured eyes - one blue as the ocean, the other shining like an emerald - glanced over the office with its grey and dark tones, which pleased her sight without any disruptive elements. On the contrary, it all merged into a comforting unity. Just the way everything was supposed to be. Old oil paintings adorned the grey walls, framed into gold and silver and an astonishing amount of books occupied the side to her left - only the rotating holo-globe casted some calm blue light. A room with a tale, a clash between new and ancient, but the ink of the history books had not dried yet.
With elegant and silent steps in polished black shoes, she approached the carved wooden chessboard and brushed her delicate fingers over the ebony figures. The black king and queen stood together, as they always did, never leaving each others side. There was a deep hope, a whisper, to finally get the permission to move some of those pawns - like a soldier with a nervous finger laying in the trenches as he had to observe the enemies move. But for now she had to stay patient and remain a silent watcher as she heard the clocks ticking. Soon, so she promised herself, the moment for the right shot will come and their carefully laid out plan will unravel itself, causing an avalanche no one could withstand or stop and no one was supposed to - they were the masters who watched the stones fall, piece by piece, and created the picture they desired. A perfect maschine in which even the slightest part worked in harmony with this others. 
Her fingers twitched, ready to act - or perhaps it was just the loyal demon of nictone-dependency which decided to visit her once again. His claws buried in her shoulders -  a friendly reminder she was not without marks herself. While the lean woman slowly walked towards her archaic timber desk, she took off the scarf made of the finest silk from her pale neck, exposing it, and threw the warming servant on the armchair across the room without paying attention to its fate. It served it purpose well enough; now it was time to dispose of it. A silent click, and the leathery cigarette case opened like a mechanical clam and revealed the little precious pearl in it: the poison the heiress longed for, exactly 7 doses of it. She placed a flawless exemplar between her blood-red lips, and the calming taste of exquisite tobacco on them stilled the hungry monster, pushed it back into its cave as it purred like a cat. She ignited a match without hesitation and the warm light of the petite flame brought the only accents to this monotone, cold place. For a short moment she glanced into it, fascinated by this display of controlled destruction she moved it to the tip of her life-donor, lighted it up and flooded her tainted lungs with the desired smoke. - causing a warm and welcomed feeling, especially as her eyes wandered across her desk. There it was: A plain silver plate, placed by her assistant, and on it an antique porcelain pot filled with the most precious liquid she could think of: Perfectly brewed Earl-Grey. Smirking with satisfaction, she poured her beloved drink into a simple mug next to it, drowned a sugar cube which weighted exactly 0.55 grams and let the heat take over her lifeless hands. The first rain drops gently knocked in her windown, a slow drizzle.
The woman adjusted her round glasses, checked her watch - 3:58 PM - and turned herself to her terminal to prepare everything for what was supposed to happen in exactly 126 seconds. The sky outside had the tone of the dead device in front of her. Like an automated worker, her fingers over the mechanical keyboard, typing in the commands she knew in her sleep and had used countless times. A routine, but one that secured the fate of the world. Their world. It just took a few moments of her time, just one drag of the delicious cigarette, to establish several secured connections around the world as the huge screen in front of her turned to life - ghost hieroglyphs, cryptic lines and symbols emerged out of nothing. Several faceless heads slowly took form - merely a shadow, the masked members of this private ball. But the holo-sensor, hidden behind a little marble statue of the infamous creature of Cerberus, remained turned off - no buzzing in three-quarter time to accompany this faithful event. This time she wouldn't participate, she wouldn't speak. No, today she took the role of Morpheus - assuring the rest of the world continues to participate the dream they dictated and like a mercyless guard she paid attention that no one would inadvertently wake up from the consensual illusion had been created with so much detail. The short-haired woman looked over her left shoulder and smirked as she spotted her black Belgian Malinois sleeping in front of the fireplace. Cerberus, guarding the gate to hell.
Now it was just a matter of a few seconds until the elusive meeting could start. Her own ID brightly flashed on the screen: uk.ti.22535. The CEO smiled once again as the other numbers started to join in, a series of soft pings announced their arrival like an old-fashioned door steward. The guardian took a final deep drag, let the smoke gently escape from her grip before squeezing out the cigarette. As loyal as someone could be, it took a short moment to take out their light forever after they have served their purpose.
Splendid, everyone managed to arrive and the connections looked stable -  no one dared to step in her marble with muddy shoes. It was the non-verbal permission to finally rest and take a seat herself. She hungrily took the mug of the precious liquid and sat down in her massive leathery armchair - it offered the perfect listening position for the conversation which took place behind her, and all over the world. She didn't need to see the silhouettes, something else demanded her attention. A deep sip, and the last remnants of unrest were drowned. Three clips, fifteen buttons pressed into her keyboard, and the precious files unfolded on her terminal. Connection established. Remote Access: Sarif Industries. Another click, and she allowed a special participant of the meeting to see the same data she glazed at. Now she could close her eyes - even if just for a brief moment. Breath in, breath out.
"Is everything in place ?" hummed a voice she was way too familiar with through the speakers - even through the distortion she added to conceal the true identity. For a short moment, she imagined how he must be standing in his own office , a cigarette rested between in his well-manicured fingers as he gazed at the stunning view of Hong Kong the holographic window revealed -  like a king admiring his very own empire. A view she had the pleasure to see herself often enough.
"Almost." And there was the other Chinese metropole. The unnatural one, reaching for the sky as the unfortunate left behind suffocated on dust and dirt. A hive, where the drones did not matter at all.
"What do you mean, almost?"
"I have spoken with Montreal. The broadcast satellites are ours when we need them. A few weeks of discomfort and the public will be primed for our recall."
The Welsh woman did not look at the faceless icons floating behind her, who coloured her desk in bright yellow as they spoke. No, her differently coloured eyes firmly clung to the terminal in front it her, tinted in dark gold, as she eagerly read the classified reports and analyses she had waited for so long. There it was, the holy grail the whole world longed for, reaching out with their greasy dirty hands, like beggars who dragged on your pants and stained it with the pathetic hope that they would get your pity. Hoping you would spare a golden coin. But as soon as their crippled hands reach out for you, someone else will forcefully remind them where they belong before they can even see your face. And soon, this reminder would have to be made again as an unwelcomed person, one who seems himself as the messiah - the great liberator - stepped on the chessboard, although he was ignoring he corpses he was walking on. But he was fragile, like a house of cards - remove the core and it will fall into itself and nothing will be left if its former glory.
And they knew exactly how to reach these parts. Another deep warming sip down her throat, and her fingers ran over the cold keys again. "Have you seen her research?"
This time, she opened up a private text channel with the mysterious creature who head the great privilege to lead this meeting. She had to admit, she was surprised the Hydra allowed the disciple to step out like this. As she hit enter, she  her eyes closed again and listened carefully to her partner's voice and to the others response . The world was quite, as if someone had emptied the hourglass just for this moment, before it would be refilled and run as usual.
"And the clinics?"
"We control their purse strings. They will do as we say." The ice queen left her ivory tower in Geneva and stepped on the chessboard.
Quietly the CEO took little sip of the Earl Grey and warmed her hands after this sudden moment of coldness. A shiver down her spine as the almost unbearable French accent rang in her ears. She would increase the distortion for that line next time. Ping and finally a response showed up on her second screen. "Yes." Satisfied with this simple word she smiled again and took another, deeper sip.
"I still think we should wait for the referendum." The diplomat, collected as always. His line appeared to be the most fragile, since he was calling directly from the UN building in New York. It was careless to call from such an exposed place -  he nearly asked to be attacked as he showed his bare neck.
"We can't afford to wait! America's science board convenes next month." The Grand Knight aggressively proclaimed, like a crusader kicking a door in. The woman hasn't seen him in a while, she should pay him a visit in his castle again.
"But the mood among the delegates is shifting. I'm positive that given more time…" The diplomat nearly bowed in awe.
While the others still discussed the matter, a closed case in her eyes, the CEO opened up a report from the borrowed files from Sarif Industries's internal servers. A file that confirmed yet again what she and her husband had suspected for a long time and the world was about to get exposed to - like an highly infectious disease it would spread around the world and change its face forever. Unless they would stop them before it could even leave the lab it was currently located in. She could feel how her heart started to beat faster and opened the chat again. "She has found it. The gene sequence we need." Another sip helped her to control the little rush of excitement before she added: "But she is out of our reach."
"No, by going public with this discovery Sarif is forcing our hand." interrupted the disciple.
"The world will not change overnight just because David Sarif wills it. Besides, we can do nothing until our biochip is ready." The charming Hephaestus calmly spoke from his workshop in Singapore like an old mentor - the smith of this golden age who has created the impossible. How ironic his magical anvil was unable to create a cure for his crippled feet. The short haired always wondered if this man would fall from the Olymp one day as well.
"I thought you said you were close." There was it again, the arrogant voice of the Dragon from the east.
"Finding the correct nerve interface has proven more challenging than anticipated. Fortunately, thanks to David I now know where to look."
Suddenly the whole screen turned red, a minor alarm was triggered and activated the anti-hacking counter measures Morpheus, she, rigorously had programmed herself to keep those who dared  to open their eyes and wake up from their dreams back into neverending sleep. Quickly she put the mug away and typed a few commands to see what was going on. Her heart beat faster again, a car rushing to an emergency.
"Intruder detected, secured connection compromised. Intruder has been blocked and identified: -  auto.prog.plague.2213 - Hengsha - China. Affected connection: hk.pi.02052 . Secured connection re-established."
Cold sweat on her forehead, the CEO exhaled deeply out of relief, proud of her own construction at the same time. She left the protocol open, staring at it with a twitching eye, before she decided to take a deeper look into the threat. She was confident that she could trace the bot back to its origin, those who were brave enough to try forbidden fruits were often the mindless ones. Another cigarette was the right tool to choke the undesired feelings of restlessness . "Is she?" flickered in the private text channel just a few seconds later.
"Finish the talk, we need to discuss our next manoeuvre in private."
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newssplashy · 6 years
The new feature allows users to do video chat in Instagram Direct, either with just one person or a group.
Instagram has rolled out new features - video chat, camera effects and topic channels in Explore.
The Video chat gives users' experience of real-time video in a private space and helps to feel close and connected to friends when you can’t be together.
The new features are now available on Android and IOS apps.
Instagram has introduced a video chat through its direct messaging service, new camera effects and topic channels in Explore features as part of its new updates.
The photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook rolled out the new features on Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
With the video chat, Nigerians can now interact with their business partners and get closer to friends and families in a video chat. The group chat can also work as a conference chat between business owners.
The new features are now available on Android and IOS apps.
Video Chat in DMs
Now, you can video chat in Instagram Direct, either with just one person or a group.
Instagram added that the Video chat gives users' experience of real-time video in a private space and helps to feel close and connected to friends when you can’t be together.
Your friends are already on Instagram, and with video chat, you can seamlessly connect across iOS and Android and without a phone number.
How to use it
- To start a video chat, swipe into your Direct inbox and open any message thread.
- Tap the new camera icon in the right corner, and the video chat will ring your friends’ phones so they don’t miss it.
“While on the video chat, you can minimize the video and multitask on Instagram, sending messages and photos in Direct, browsing your feed, posting a story and more,” Instagram said in a blog post.
- You can video chat with up to four people at a time, and the video will expand as more friends join. If there’s an active video chat in a group thread, the camera icon will turn blue. Simply tap the camera to join in the fun. You can video chat with your friends for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready to leave the video chat, tap the red phone icon at the bottom.
- To update your video chat notifications, tap the gear icon on profile and find the new video chat control in Push Notifications.
- You need to update your Instagram app if you cannot find the video chat icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Topic Channels on Explore
Over 200 million people visit Explore every day to discover new ideas and find inspiration. With Topic Channels, users can now find it easier to browse through posts you want to see and accounts you want to follow.
With topic channels, you can be more intentional about how you navigate posts on Explore. When you open the page, you’ll see a tray at the top with personalized channels. This includes a ‘For You’ channel, which has a mix of posts tailored to your interests. You’ll also see channels on topics you might like such as Art, Sports, Beauty or Fashion – as well as a list of hashtags, giving you more ways to explore your interests. Now, when you want to get inspired by the latest fashion trends or discover a new travel destination, you can easily find posts you’re looking for and follow those accounts or hashtags.
How to control Channels
You can browse through a variety of interests by swiping from the grid to grid, or you can go deep into a specific interest by tapping on a channel and scrolling up.
If you’d like to remove a topic channel, press and hold the channel and select ‘Mute’ from the menu. This sends the channel to the end of the tray, giving you the option to unmute it at any time.
New Camera Effects
The new camera effects give more ways to express oneself and feel closer to your favourite accounts.
The new camera effects were designed by singers Ariana Grande and Baby Ariel, YouTube personality Liza Koshy, Internet media company BuzzFeed and the National Basketball Association (NBA).
 How to use it
You will notice that the related camera effect will be added to the Instagram camera when you tap on the face icon at the bottom right corner if you are following any of those accounts.
If you aren’t a follower but you see an effect that you love, you can tap to try it on and add it to your camera.
Recently, Instagram launched IGTV, an application that functions like social-media based television allowing users to upload videos up to one hour in length.
From feed, Stories, messaging, Live, IGTV and now video calling, Instagram is in stiff competition with the likes of Youtube and Snapchat to become a one-stop-shop for its 1 billion users’ social needs.
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