#this could entirely be biased tho. my family is from michoacan and um they certainly did not have that many spices at the ranch
kn11ves · 9 months
people overestimate how much spices are put in mexican cooking. its truly not that many. maybe a few herbs for caldos here and there, salt pepper ......................... we genuinely dont use that much. i mean i use garlic salt but its garlic salt. its just garlic garlic isnt a spice. most of the heat comes from chiles. of which we only use like 5 types regularly. maybe for some special dishes we need different spices like cinnamon or smthn but thats if youre making mole sauce which most of us would just buy the glass container from the store. indians actually use a lot more spices than mexicans even tho our foods r usually called super spicy we get heat from different places
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