#this doesn't inspire me enough to add it to my wip list but thought i'd put it out there
andorerso · 7 months
single dad Cassian but he's raising Kerri's kid after she passed away
or alternatively, Jyn was the godmother because she was Kerri's friend but she never really got along with Cassian and now they kinda have this kid to take care of
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halleyuhm · 1 year
~WTW Ghost Gala: Days 1 to 8~
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I just found the event and I'm several days back, so I'll try to be brief. I'll be using my WIP The trees don't let you see the forest because I think it's the one I'd like to try for NaNoWriMo and the aesthetics fit with the season.
It tells the story of a young witch cursed with blindness due to a failed spell and her journey to find the way to reverse it, aided by friends, fought by foes, and realizing the might be more important things than getting her sight back. It will be a challenge to write using every sense but vision! I have written the synopsis here, if you are interested. Yeah, I should probably do an official WIP intro.
So there we go, under the cut.
(Divider by @cafekitsune, go check her work out!)
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🎃 Pumpkin Carving - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
Right now, without having planned much, I choose Mauve. She's the secret keeper and sooner or later the past catches up with everyone.
🦅Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP
"Things we lose aren't lost: they remain with us, albeit in different shapes".
🔮Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act or your entire WIP.
Let's just try the first scene so we can compare what I plan with what will later come up:
1. Juniper wakes up and sees nothing. Elowyn is there tending to her wounds. Crying, stress, oops she messed up so bad, she can't be a Sun Sage anymore. But she deserves it, and Mauve, her mentor, lets her know. Periwinkle, the cat, is silently judging June so hard she can feel it.
2. Laurel comes in, distraught because he played a part in the situation (unknowingly??). Maybe he argues with Elowyn and Mauve because of inner guilt + they accuse him. But June crashes against something and they focus on stopping her from falling head-first into a boiling pot.
3. Same scene or after some struggles?? Mauve (or Periwinkle, why not) mentions the Wildfire Hollyhock, the burnt lands, and the town there, but doesn't tell what happened in those cursed places.
4. June wants to go, Laurel joins, and Elowyn is told by Mauve to go with them because she is the BEST. There are obvious reactions. Witchy stuff.
5. I'm bad at this.
🍂Fallen Leaves - Create a playlist for your WIP
Work in progress but here it goes.
🎇Jack o' lantern -Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP
There is a flower that only blooms after wildfires. The seeds lay dormant under the surface until the soil is burnt and then they sprout. They don't last long, just enough for bees to pollinate them and drop seeds which will stay dormant until they are awakened.
You can read an article here, for example.
🧄Vampire - Tell us where you find inspiration or motivation.
This is what I struggle with the most (along with planning).
Inspiration comes in dreams, random shower thoughts, a single word in an extensive paragraph, Pinterest aesthetics, little things I see in my daily life, name generators (that I never end up picking), and simple things. Like, "Oh, this would be fun to write about."
Motivation uh, comes when my brain hyperfixates on an idea. And reading. Reading lots.
💀Skeleton - Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot.
I have no idea how I plot. Usually, I start writing and let the story take me where it needs to go (yeah, there's lots of editing later). I get ideas on the go, maybe a whole scene, and I add it to my evergrowing list of ideas waiting for the auspicious moment when it comes into play. Somehow, I managed to be very cohesive, though. And I surprise myself with how everything seems to flow as if I had previously planned it.
🍬Trick or Treat - Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP.
This crashes a bit with the last answer, but I really really want to be more disciplined and focused. I just want to manage to plot the story and get to the NaNoWriMo final milestone. Let's do it!!
If you've come this far, thank you! You are my hero 💜
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