#this dress!! the hat!! MJ's sass!!
barrowsteeth · 1 year
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Gillian Jacobs as Mary Jayne Gold Costume Design by Justine Seymour
Transatlantic (2023) 1.02 | The Angel of History
GIF ID: A series of six GIFs of Mary Jayne in the office of her bank. MJ is wearing a grey and black striped ensemble and a black and pink hat, both with pink lip embellishments. MJ is seated in an armchair in the first five gifs and is speaking with the bank manager (who is offscreen). The final gif shows a wide shot of MJ signing a receipt at the bank manager's desk after he has given her an envelope of cash, then exiting the office.
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espships · 6 years
Kpop Ship for hobi1677
Hello and hello everyone! It’s been a hot second since I posted, but after two days of classes, I’m already ready for the semester to be over lol. Any who, I have a ship for @hobi1677 and I am excited to be shipping again. Let’s go!
Based off of your request, I have taken these traits about you to help me ship you: 
You’re 5′8, with brown hair and eyes, and pale
You describe yourself as nice and like a mom 
You’re smart
Middle of an extrovert and introvert
Doesn’t like it when people are sad 
You like roses, dancing, laughing, and listening to music
You also dislike mean or rude people
And in your request you asked me to ship you with Astro, EXO, Monsta X, and Seventeen! I am SO excited to be shipping you today, so without further a do, let’s get shippin!
Astro: MJ 
Tbh, what better person to keep you happy and smiling than this bub right here. MJ is a very sweet and goofy man(which I stretch that term) and he would always be doing something goofy to get you smile, and he wouldn’t be opposed to telling horrible jokes, don’t test him, he’ll do it. Another reason why I ship you with MJ is that I personally feel like he is in the middle of an extrovert and introvert himself. He can be AASHFSDOFo and sdkfjflkj depending on the day if that makes sense? And of course you two would have your days where you’re hyped up, and then there are other days where you just wanna lay around and chill. A cute example of you two getting hyped while you’re out would be really goofy but super cute dancing in a store if a bop would come on. Awkward arm movements, finger snapping, and head bopping would be your best moves, and you two would not only make each other laugh, but you would grab the attention of some patrons nearby and they’d be amused and think you two are super cute. And since we’re on the topic of hype, lemme tell you that MJ would be your #1 hype man. This man would be 110% supportive of anything you do. You wanna run for student council? MJ: “DO IT.” You wanna try out for the tennis team? MJ: “LET’S GO GET YOU A RACKET!” You wanna try out for the school play? MY: “I’LL HELP YOU LEARN YOUR LINES.” MJ would forever be supporting and hyping you up no matter what the situation may be. And you two would also help mom each other. You’d do an amazing job keeping his head in line when it’s comeback time and he’s stressed out, and MJ would help you out with any homework or chores you needed to do, and he would also keep up with your schedule and help remind you of errands you would need to run- you got each others backs. Moving on, a special thing I could see this ball of fluff doing is bringing you some roses every now and then. He’d get a mini half bouquet of one and he’d by one of your favorite candies to go along with it. It would always warm your heart, and you best believe he would get mushy and let you know how much he loves you. I feel like date nights would be more chill than anything. You’d go out and grab some snacks and a little store nearby and come back for a movie night full of cuddles and laughs. And then for special occasions, you and MJ would either go out for anniversaries or go out with the rest of Astro to dinner to celebrate their comeback, and of course you’d dressed up. And regarding PDA, I feel like MJ would like to be more mushy and soft with the PDA. Now don’t get it twisted, you’d always give the PDA back, but you would be more mild about it. And then there are those days where you start to feel really mushy and some really soft and gentle PDA will peek through, I love the thought of it!
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EXO: Suho
So basically a mom for mom when it comes to you two, but hear me out. One thing I can see Suho doing is that he would be head over heels for his S/o. He would pamper them to death, and you best believe that you’re getting pampered. Suho would give you anything and everything you could ever need. And of course along with the pampering is your normal lovely dovey love we all love. Suho’s philosophy would be that pampering his S/o would be one way to show how much he loves you. Whether you’d realize it or not, you would give Suho so much happiness and worth, a little bit of pampering is the least he could do. And tbh, he would honestly never really expect any materialistic items back from you either. Suho would know that you love him from the bottom of your heart, and that would be the best and only present you would ever need to give to him. And continuing our fluff filled aesthetic we got going on, staying at the dorm to enjoy each others company. And then sometimes laying in bed would get too boring, so one of you would crack out the bops and you would dance around the apartment doing cute improvised dances. It would always be a fun time for the both of you, and it would always be a fun time full of laughs and fun memories. Carnival dates- holy crap let’s talk about this. Suho would be that boyfriend that will spend tens and tens of dollars to win you that teddy bear, and no matter what will happen, you are going home with that bear. And then after ten tries, you happily have the giant bear in your arms, and you splurge a little bit on the carnival food. Getting one of those giant lemonades and sharing it, and then feeding each other funnel cake, omg it would be so much fun and a small movie night would follow. It would be so cute if you fell asleep in the middle of the movie. Suho would happily cover you up more with the blanket and cuddle your closer so you could get more comfortable and you two would sleep on the couch for the night. Learning EXO’s choreo’s together when it was comeback time. Tbh, it wouldn’t matter if you would be practicing in the practice room or the dorm, you two would teach each other the dance, and it would be an amazing opportunity for Suho to get some more practice. Mirror selfies that would go on Instagram. You gotta feed the fans some fluff every now and then, and whether you’re hiding behind sweater paws and Suho is giving you a peck on the head, or you’re shoving the camera in Suho’s face for meme Su, the pictures are always adorable. And a bit more PDA rather than MJ. Mostly hand holding and hugs. But when you two see camera’s around, you’ll pull out the cheek and forehead kisses just to show everyone how cute you are together.
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Monsta X: Shownu
When I was thinking about who to ship you with, I genuinely feel like Shownu and you would be an amazing duo. Shownu is normally a quiet and loving guy, and you could be that sweet and loving puzzle piece that he needs to complete the puzzle. As always, smiles are always around. Whether you’re messing with him on purpose to get him to smile, or you just do something really cute by being you and Shownu is smiling really big, there is always smiles when you two are together. Rather than one of those couples that enjoy going out all the time, I can see you and Shownu wanting to stay indoors a lot of the time, cuddled under a blanket and laying together peacefully. And when Shownu would get days off, those are always your favorite. Due to some really intense schedules depending on what’s going on in the week, Shownu would be sleeping all day, but you wouldn’t mind it in the slightest to be honest. You’d keep him cuddled close to you and he would be able to relax and enjoy you playing with his hair. It would be the ultimate healing time, and as busy and tiring as being a leader can be, Shownu deserves it 110% and you would never hold that against him for wanting to sleep for a bit. But of course there are some days where Shownu has the energy to go out and you two will go to a local mall and he’ll buy you lunch and you’ll do a little bit of shopping, and hopefully run into some fans so you can kill them with fluff. I can also seeing Shownu wanting to buy you little things here and there. Presents are always a fun surprise to keep going in a relationship, keeps the surprise factor there. And of course since he bought you something, you would buy him something. And if you were to buy him a hat or something, you best believe that Shownu is going to be seen EVERYWHERE wearing that hat. And Shownu would want to buy you little presents as one little source of gratitude for being so patient and understanding with his work. There are days and sometimes weeks where you don’t normally get to see each other, and the fact you would be patient and understanding enough to support him would mean the world to Shownu, and he’d be forever grateful for you. Moving on, I can see date night being more like traditional type of style. And when I say traditional, I mean like you two would have certain places you would go to for food, or entertainment. You'd both keep it plain jane and sweet, because you don’t need a big and fancy dinner date to have a good time. And girl, PDA with this one, buckle up. I feel like Shownu would be grabby, but in the cutest way. Hand holding, Shownu pecking your cheeks and forehead, him whining if you leave the table to use the bathroom, HUGS, that infamous eye smile with the squish cheeks. You two would be so amazing together! Like a papa and mama bear ;) 
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Seventeen: Seungkwan
And last but not least, our lovely Jeju sweet pea, Seungkwan. First off, I for one can say there would be so much love, and so much sass. You two would enjoy teasing each other quite often, and of course when you’re teasing to kid and show some love and jokes, you both can get into a full out sass war, and you two are tied when it comes to who wins and who loses, it’s always fair game in the sass wars. But past the sass, Seungkwan would be madly in love with you tbh and he would not be afraid to show it either. And when I say he isn’t afraid, whether it be video’s or pictures on social media, him talking about you two on a variety show, or just talking about you out of the blue, Boo Seungkwan would love you so freakin much. He would even wake you up one night and like two am and begin to tell yo how much he loves you. It would be really cute and funny too, since you would be sleepy and Seungkwan is pouring his heart out to you and you’d throw a pillow at him and tell him to go to sleep. It would get a little pouty, but before you would go back to sleep, you’d whisper, “I love you too Boo.” And Kwan’s heart would light up like a Christmas tree. Out of all the boys I’ve shipped you with, I honestly feel like you would go out the most with Seungkwan. He would really enjoy going out on adventures and wanting to make really fun memories, and enjoying the youth you both would have. Of course you wouldn’t stay out too late, sleep is a must if he isn’t up until two am pouring his heart out to you, but you two always come back to the dorm or your apartment with a little souviner from your adventure, and a story to tell. And like, any time Kwan would get a chance to go back to Jeju to visit family, you bet your booty that he’s taking you with him. Seungkwan is SO proud of where he is from, and he would want to show you where he’s from, how the island shaped him to be the sweet savage he is today, and of course he would want you to meet his family! And of course, if you were going home to visit your family, you would bring Kwan with you so he could see the town you grew up in, as well as meeting your family and having some really amazing bonding time. And again, with the roses, Seungkwan would bring you single red roses at least once a month with a little candy bar of your favorite candy. I can see him finding a cute cheesy reason, reason being it would be a cute monthly anniversary gift to you. And of course you melt bc he’s the sweetest boy ever. Seungkwan would also be the sweetest in supporting you whether it’ d be your academics, dancing, or work, whatever it be. He would be that perfect shoulder for you to lay on if you’d be stressed, and he would always be there to help you with homework if you would need it. And sometimes it may not be the best help, but it’s better than nothing, right? And last but certainly not least is PDA. I feel like you two would tease each other first, then get the mushy and gushy love afterwards. Like flicking each other or messing with each others hair or something. But of course you’d be wrapped up in Seungkwan’s arms at all times, and forehead kisses would be for daysssssss. 
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So sorry not sorry for the insane fluff. Fun fact about me, when I’m tired I get really fluffy and I am exhausted rn so I’m the FLUFF QUEEN. And also bc I’m tired, I may have some mistakes regarding grammar and I apologize for that, I’ll fix it when I’m more awake lol. Thank you SO much for requesting love! I hope the wait was worth it, and lemme know if I guessed any of your biases! <3 
Admin Aquarius
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