#this ended up being longer than I'd intended but kalgfdl it was so much fun to write
phoenix-flamed · 6 months
She was adamant. It could have not been that different than riding a horse. Well, chocobos looked like huge birds to her, and – if she was completely honest with herself – they made her anxious. Perhaps also (slightly) scared…? But if she was to marry Elwin Rosfield, she should learn. Preferably, Nunnally would try to ride Elwin’s own chocobo (or get her own one), but she wouldn’t try it without his permission. Out of courtesy. But she demanded to be introduced to a one with a similar temperament. She was advised against it; suggested to try a gentler one, but she was not the one to listen. She was the Emperor’s daughter. And the sister of the future Emperor. She could be cold, demanding, entitled. When…that animal was brought in front of her, she was not so confident anymore. But the princess didn’t find a way to withdraw. She sent all the servants away. She wanted to be alone at the paddock in case something went wrong. Little did she know that she was actually observed.
She approached the chocobo, trying to speak gently to it, as if she was talking to her mare. But the animal obviously didn’t like her. She tried again, gently; Nunnally thought she’d succeed but…THUMP…she landed on the ground.
“Easy…” – she approached the animal again, but more irritated…another attempt and…THUMP…she was on the ground again. And then one more time. And one more. She was on the verge on tears… And then she realized she was being watched. All the time...? Ewlin Rosfield. He probably had quite fun watching her: --
“How…how long have you been standing…there…?” – she really wanted to sound haughtily, but the question ended rather miserable.
“You should have made your presence known earlier.” – it was better, but still far from what she would consider her proper behavior.
(because it stuck in my head)
It wasn't that Elwin had intended to spy on her, even if that was technically what he had been doing. When the stablehands had informed him of what was going on, their concern was not that Nunnally was seeking to ride a chocobo -- in fact, any number of them would have gladly taught her the ropes themselves, had the young woman not dismissed them for the time being. No, their fears revolved around the fact that she had chosen, of all the birds in the stables, one of the more particular of the royal birds, whose temperament was second only to Elwin's notoriously haughty mount.
When the young heir to the throne arrived on the scene of the enclosure, the princess from Sanbreque was already on the ground. He gasped, and it took every ounce of restraint within him not to run to her side -- but something held him back, told him to wait.
Give her a chance, it urged. And so he did, though he watched like a hawk to intervene should the creature resort to true aggression against her.
With each failed attempt at gaining the bird's favor, Elwin couldn't help feeling more and more charmed by the princess. Her determination, a stubbornness not to give up... It captivated him to such an extent that after a point, his attention had shifted from the chocobo and onto the woman instead. She was beautiful -- not just in terms of appearance, but most importantly of all, in personality. That same fire within her heart from their first chance encounter was still just as present, and it ignited a warm, gentle flame deep within his own breast.
He almost didn't hear her call out to him the first time, so absorbed was he in his thoughts.
The future Archduke's lips upturned into a kind smile. There was no laughter or condescension from him -- in fact, there was no hint of mockery to be found in his expression at all. "Forgive me -- I didn't wish to disrupt your concentration," the man finally called back to her, before hoisting himself up and over the fencing of the paddock. As soon as his boots made contact with the dirt, he was on his way over to the two other occupants. A gloved hand slowly raised to rest on the side of the bird's head, stroking back along her neck. "Easy, girl. Easy..." He soothed gently, before patting the feathered creature in further reassurance. "Worry not, my friend -- dear Nunnally here meant no harm. Now, let us start again, hm?"
Elwin's attention shifted towards Nunnally, gaze softening all the more. "Hold your hand out to her, as if you are offering her greens, and allow her time to sniff you. Patience, calmness, and respect are the key with her -- she's one of the most esteemed of all of House Rosfield's royal chocobos, and she is both quite aware and quite proud of her pedigree."
The explanation was followed by a fond little laugh, and a tilt of his head towards the elegant white chocobo. "Should she give her approval, pet her here, along her neck. It's her favorite spot. And if that isn't enough, praising her for her plumage's beauty won't hurt."
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