#this first part is more spice than it is resus
breathlessheartbeat · 2 years
Inspired by @deliciousbeats89 resus thought this week: 
Resus thought of the day: A sucubus comes to you in the middle of the night. After taking your soul after making you orgasm they decide you are too fun and start cpr desperate to bring you back to make you their pleasure slave.
TW: blood (but tasteful); dub-con? maybe? 
You can read part 2 HERE
She came in the dark of the night. And she was a vision. 
At first I thought I was dreaming. Half awake, I tried to blink to see if she would fade, turn into a strategically placed pile of clothing. 
But no. Her curves were real. Solid. Her thighs could make thunder if they clapped together. Her abdomen was strong, but not muscular. Her breasts were ample, barely caught by her pentagram bra. Her lips were plump. Her nose was round and pretty. And her dark eyes were full of malicious intent. All of these parts I really liked. 
Her entire skin was red. Stop sign red. Traffic light red. Volcano lava red. She had horns spreading from her forehead and curling towards the back of her head. Her ears were pointed. 
Her black hair was half up. Her maroon lips smiled, biting her lower lip. She climbed on top of my bed, walking on all fours until she was on top of me. I thought it was a dream at first, but it couldn’t be. I could easily see my clock counting 3AM and you could never tell the time in dreams. The feeling of the sheets under my fingers was very real. The wind from the AC, the noises from outside. 
Sleep paralysis, then? I thought. I must be the first case of a good one. 
Then, she reached her hand and touched me. 
The tips of her fingers were curled into black claws, as if they were stained by a very very dark henna. She put her palm against my chest and moaned low in her throat. When she smiled, I could see the tips of fangs. 
“You will be such a delicious little meal...” 
I opened my mouth, but found I had no words. What could I say? There wasn’t even the most distant part of me telling me I should be afraid someone had broken into my apartment. All I could think of was her: her touch, her words. 
She knelt, one big thigh on each side of me and she kissed me. 
My heart immediately went into overdrive. It beat so fast I could feel it everywhere, my body pulsing in tandem with it. It was impossible to describe what her lips tasted like. It was like food to a starving woman. My arms went around her and she let out a small chuckle of approval. My belly shook with the strength of the desire that flooded down to my legs. 
She pulled away. I felt a deep sense of loss. My hands tried to hold her back and she just chuckled again. Her lips were upon me again. On my face, on my neck. Everywhere she touched, fire. I could barely breathe. I let go of her, grabbing at the sheets. My chest was heaving as she made her way down. At first, she just pulled at the collar of my pajama top and then, it was cut by her long claws, laying next to me. She continued her trail of kisses until she found my now uncovered breasts. She took one in her hand and squeezed. I let out a sharp yelp of pain. It quickly turned to pleasure, so fast it made my head spin. 
Her talons had broken skin. I didn’t even mind. Her face turned to my left breast and she took it in her mouth, sucking at the tip, again and again until I thought I would die and then unlocking her jaw to make her mouth big enough to take my entire C-cup into her mouth. She bit down. 
Wetness took over my panties. 
She had her fun with my breasts. She put her head between them and nuzzled them, licking at the trails of blood she had left. It burned and I loved every second of it. She then touched her ear to my chest and sighed deeply. 
“Just hear it thumping… so lively… such a pity…” 
I wasn’t sure if I was missing bits of her words. The world had turned pink with pleasure and sudden love. I wanted to be in this moment forever, I wanted her to never leave, I wanted her… 
Her mouth continued down my belly. Kissing, nibbling. Her hands held my hips down because they kept bucking upwards. My insides were a twist of burning hot desire. I was going to explode very soon. 
Then he hit my mound and I could take it anymore. I came. I came hard. I closed my eyes and let out a pained moan, back arching slightly off the bed. The woman sniffed what had come out of me and tsked. 
“Oh, look at that. So quick… you humans used to be harder to please.” 
With that, she grabbed my legs. One moment all of my back was against the mattress. Then, only the top part of it. She had raised me and her nose was against my folds, pushing, exploring. She was kissing, she was sucking. Her tongue found my clitoris and I screamed, my legs shaking on her shoulders. 
She was ravenous. She ate my pussy as if it was the meal she had mentioned earlier. Her fangs brushed against the sides of my labia and felt like final judgement was upon me. She lapped and circled and sucked and I couldn’t breathe. 
Literally. I felt like oxygen wasn’t quite reaching my lungs. My heart, that had been beating in time in my ears since she had arrived, gave a painful twist. And yet, I couldn’t feel an ounce of regret. 
I came again, with a roar that I didn’t know could be lodged in me. I was exhausted. Sweat covered my body. My lips tried to mumble a request for time, but she was at me again. At my core. 
Her tongue went inside me. It was pointy and slitted. And it grew. And it grew and it grew, going inside me. My eyes were bulging out, unable to believe. I could feel her going inside me: touching my cervix, my uterus, everything inside, twisting it inside out. 
I shook violently. My back was raised from the mattress. I tried to kick, but I found my legs to be heavy as lead. A choking sound came from my lungs. Ah, yes. Air wasn’t enough. I needed her, her, her. My heart was going so fast I was surprised it didn’t explode. I came a third time and I heard her laugh with amusement as her face was squirted with my juices. She licked her lips. Her black eyes in my dark room were heaven itself. No. Not heaven. Something else. 
It wasn’t just my cum on her over extended tongue, that was dropping all the way down to her breasts. No. There was light in there too. A magical essence of something. She touched it, straddled me, smudged it in my face. 
“Your soul, my sweet. Isn’t it beautiful? It’s delicious. Congratulations.” 
She leaned down and kissed my face, licking what she had smudged there, as if she couldn’t miss a lick”. 
“Now be a good girl and don’t move.”
She kissed me. Hard. My lips immediately went numb. Her tongue asked for passage and I just opened for her. I was weak, unable to do anything else. It dominated, demanded space. I opened my mouth for her as much as I could, but it felt like there was always more for her to explore. Her tongue continued down as if it was a serpent, reaching all the way down to my throat and continuing, much like it had did under me. 
Of course some part of me reacted. My hips tried to lift from the bed, but she was holding me down. My chest shook under her, trying to fight, but her hands went to my shoulders, holding me down. 
I couldn’t breathe. I tried and I tried, but she was blocking my airway. I could feel her moving down my throat and it revolted something in me. I struggled harder and she held me harder. I felt something in her tongue suck. My eyes rolled back in pain. My chest was burning and my heart was no longer as loud. It was erratic, stopping more than it was pumping. My hands fell to my side. My strength left me. 
She continued to suck on my body. Some part of me could still feel it. The part she was consuming. My soul. For a second, I could watch me from her eyes. I was pale as I had never been before, my lips turning blue. All of my skin bore red scratches were her fangs or talons had been. My body was all twisted in the bed as if I had been in a fight. Bruises were forming wherever her much heavy body was holding me down. 
Finally, she was done. 
She sat up, put her head up and pulled her tongue out of my throat and back into her own mouth. She let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes and licking her lips. 
I knew, then, I was supposed to be gone. I couldn’t still be watching. Something was wrong. 
“The other succubi said this might happen. That there might come a day when I wouldn't finish a meal. That I would want to protect one soul. That I would want to feed on it more than I once.” She murmured to herself, her feverish eyes watching the same ceiling my now blind fixed eyes were. She looked down at me, my battered body. She leaned over, caressing my face. “I left a little bit in there. There’s enough for you to make more. Now, we just need to fix this, don’t we?” 
The tip of her talon touched the spot on my chest over my idle heart. 
She held my face, stiffly tilted it back and blew into me. My throat was raw from her tongue, but my starved lungs took air just fine. Then still straddling me, she put her hands on top of my chest and started compressing my heart. 
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