#this fully implies that io has a roku or something but i need you to know that latona set it up
incendiorum Β· 9 months
lucrezia being exposed to so much magic in her formative time of growing means that while she, yes, a cat and acts like a cat, she also has moments where... she does not act like a cat at all. she's more intelligent and calculating. extremely aware of herself and others. watching her long enough can make it clear that she plans some things several steps in advance, and can problem-solve her way through a lot of things. so while she will get up to cat shenanigans, like stalking a mouse in the shop all day or screaming her head off in the kitchen when she smells a bit of chicken, she'll also get up to eerily human shenanigans. like turning the television onto the exact channel she wants (youtube, bird feeder videos or, hockey). it just... kind of depends on the moment whether she's going to act like a cat or something a little more uncanny valley.
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