#this genre of wonwoo 🐈‍⬛
welcometomyoasis · 6 months
🐈‍⬛ Comfortable silence with Wonwoo
Wonwoo x gn! reader | fluff, est. relationship | approx. 250 words | no warnings
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Today was one of those days. You just didn’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything. Amidst the business of everyday life, sometimes, you need a peaceful day spent at home doing what you like with the people you love. 
You were currently curled up in bed under the covers reading a book that your boyfriend, Wonwoo had recommended. It wasn’t a genre that you would normally read, but Wonwoo had thoroughly enjoyed the book so you decided to give it a try. 
Speaking of Wonwoo, he was sitting at his gaming table in the bedroom intensely playing a new game that he just bought. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. He also looked extremely adorable focusing on the new game. His eyes were bright as he moved the buttons on the game console around quickly. You sighed, content that you were able to spend this time with Wonwoo. 
Similarly, occasionally, in between levels or quests, Wonwoo would look over at you to see how you were doing. Being so introverted, Wonwoo found that sometimes, he would have trouble expressing himself. However, that was never the case with you. He knew exactly how he felt towards you. Today was no exception. He thought you looked beautiful curled up in bed (and in your kitten pajamas). He loved the way you would stick out your tongue in concentration when you got to a particularly intense part of the book. He loved the way you would scrunch your nose if you read something you didn’t really enjoy. He just loved you.
There were no words spoken between the two of you, nor was there a need for any words to be spoken. It was simply a restful, peaceful afternoon spent taking in each other’s presence and enjoying each other’s company. 
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar
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thepixelelf · 2 years
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I posted 4,880 times in 2022
1,280 posts created (26%)
3,600 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ only-aroha-would-know
I tagged 4,119 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#stickynotes.tpe - 756 posts
#seventeen - 678 posts
#golden child - 377 posts
#asks - 291 posts
#astro - 272 posts
#major ursa moment - 169 posts
#woozi - 168 posts
#anonymous - 158 posts
#kpop scenarios - 148 posts
#kpop imagines - 148 posts
rise of the major ursa moment tag 😎 I switched to being ursa halfway through the year so it's fun to see that up there. also omg uji being the only individual person on the top 10... truly I am weak for him
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and the way seokmins death was explained in 1251 so efficiently and yet made the audience 'figure it out' in the simplest sense— wonderful
@97-liners jackie got my longest tag and it was worth every letter 💕
My Top Posts in 2022:
and the universe said,
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When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren't -- and that's before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
genres: comedy disguised as romance and romance disguised as comedy, soulmate au, technically an alternate universe but they're still idols, fluff, angst?, short chapters
relationship(s): SVT ot13 x reader
warnings: 18+ (there will be no smut but perhaps suggestive parts and multiple references to/jokes about sex and I honestly just don't feel comfy with minors reading my writing of that stuff sorry). coarse language. everybody's a little bit very stupid. individual chapters will have their own warnings
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593 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
First to Fall - SVT 95 line (Completed!)
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What happens when two friends who are ‘bad at love’ want to prove each other wrong?
Genres: romance, comedy, idiots-to-lovers, university au
Pairing: Reader & S.Coups (feat. Jeonghan & Joshua)
Warnings: language, absolute dumbassery
Note: this is a recast of an smau I have posted before
1. Taemin from SHINee
2. Scout’s Honour
3. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
4. Boom
5. First Date Types
6. As if
7. Wait What Happened
8. Awkward Silence
9. You Have No Idea
10. Emergency
11. No, Maybe
12. I Need To Tell You Something
13. Should’ve Gone First
14. I Don’t Know
15. Priorities
16. Missed
17. Standby for Backup
18. Starstruck
19. I’m Gonna Do Something
20. Because
21. A to B
22. Let’s Talk
See the full post
651 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
powerpoints I think seventeen would bring to a ppt sleepover
scoups: Exactly How Many Minutes After Midnight Each of You Texted Me on My Birthday
jeonghan: Cheating at Everything: Is it Really a Crime?
joshua: When To Quit a Bit (I Wish I Knew)
jun: Good Soup :]
hoshi: I *AM* a Tiger (NOT CLICKBAIT)
wonwoo: Why Cats Are Better Than People
woozi: Top 300 Best Animes Of All Time
dk: My Friends as Pizza Toppings and Combinations
mingyu: Receipts of Every Time You Guys Have Cyberbullied Me (Mostly Instagram)
the8: The Art of Shutting the Fuck Up Sometimes
seungkwan: 12 Slides of Secrets Y'all Have Confided to Me And I Will Only Skip Over Yours if You Admit I'm Your Favourite
vernon: cat videos 🐈‍⬛🐈
dino: I Am Underappreciated in This Household
832 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Or, Would You Rather it be Me?
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Genres: romance, soulmate au, university au, (no angst isn’t that crazy?!) Pairing: Reader & Vernon (Seventeen) Words: 7.9k (00:31) Warnings: language. (spoiler: the characters make out and shirts are taken off but it doesn’t get described past that) Notes: well well well well well… what’s this? a soulmate fic by casey thepixelelf with no angst in sight? it must be christmas! oh wait, it is (was)! happy (EXTREMELY LATE I’M SO SORRY) holidays mia @ memesolvernonchwe​ !! hope you like it :)
set in the Words that Bind Us universe
A detested soulmark, a friendship over a decade in the making, and an unexpected proposal from one friend to another... what could possibly go wrong?
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840 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bouquets for a Friend (From a Friend)
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Genres: romance, ceo au, secretary/personal assistant au Pairing: Reader & S.Coups (Seventeen) Words: 1.6k Warnings: cheol gets drunk off-screen Notes: another recasted fic because ceo cheol has me in a metaphoric literal chokehold sorry
Your boss gets flowers quite often. This time, when he does, he wants to get rid of them, and who are you to turn down free flowers?
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wow that svt powerpoint post really climbed up last minute 😭 really happy to see or would you rather it be me here, though, because I feel like that's the post I worked the hardest on in this list. not surprised about #1.... it was a repost but I should've expected carats' weakness to ceo cheol lmao
852 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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welcometomyoasis · 9 months
Seventeen's hip hop unit with a chubby s/o
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Requested by: @kim-hao-han Pairing: svt hip hop unit x gn! reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, hurt/ comfort Word count: approx. 1300 words Warnings: body image issues A/n: i’m sorry this took so long to come out. Ngl this was hard to write because the author’s brain is dead. I hope you like it though! Not proof read... Other units: vocal unit | performance unit
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🍒 Seungcheol
You’re his stress ball little squish!
This man is smitten with everything about you. He thinks you are beautiful and adorable, inside and out.
He absolutely loves to give you hugs and cuddles. He loves the way you look and feel in his arms. You’re so soft, and there’s something about enveloping you in his arms that just makes all the tension melt away. 
Might squeeze you a little too tightly but you’re just too adorable to let go. 
Adores how you let him cling onto you like a koala
On days when he has a bad day at work, you don’t even need to say anything because you provide all the comfort he needs. In other words, you’re like his comfort soft toy. 
In return, he’s your loud number 1 hype man. 
Seungcheol’s love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation. 
Specifically, he loves buying you presents like clothes. He knows all your sizes and will be on the constant look out for clothing he knows will look amazing on you. 
Will loudly shout about how good you look. “BABY? YOU LOOK AMAZING!”, “HOW? YOU’RE A GODDESS!”
On a more serious note, he does it because he understands that it can sometimes be overwhelming for you to buy clothes for yourself. The way that you sometimes feel self-conscious when shopping at the sections with larger sizes breaks his heart. He needs you to see how beautiful you are.
So, he’s definitely more direct with how he shows his love towards you. 100% unashamed of hyping you up. 
Why wouldn’t he be? You’re his partner. His love. 
You won’t ever need to think otherwise because Seungcheol’s actions and words will not give you a chance to. But in the 0.1% chance that you do, he will ramp it up and shower you with so much love that all doubts will be washed away. 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your cheeks! He just wants to smoosh them together all the time. Be careful, he sometimes bites…
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo
You’re his ball of sunshine.
I’m a strong believer that Wonwoo falls hard for your appearance, but he falls harder for your personality.
Sleepy black cat and hyper sunshine combo
He adores how easily excitable you are, the way your eyes light up when you are doing something you enjoy/ when you see something you are fascinated with. 
He admires your perseverance. Everytime you face an obstacle, be it at work, or when it has to do with your appearance/ size, you always continue to smile and push on. He knows it hurts, but the way you never let it drag you down makes him think you’re the strongest person he knows. 
So, in return, he’s your confident.
Wonwoo will always let you talk to him whenever you face any difficulties. He will never invalidate you and your worries. Depending on what you want, he will either offer advice or simply just listen to you. 
Definitely gives you the best advice. Plus, Wonwoo’s love languages includes words of affirmation and physical touch.
Unlike Seungcheol, he’s more subtle with his compliments towards you. He’s so sincere as well. Will tell you things like “you look beautiful today”, or “your presence brings me so much joy”. It doesn’t all have to do about your appearance. The way he goes about it just makes you feel human? 
Also, I know Wonwoo doesn’t seem like the person who would enjoy physical touch, but I think he would really enjoying holding your hand. Caressing your hands as you talk about literally anything and everything. It reminds you of his presence. Plus, your hands are really soft so there is something calming about rhythmically stroking his thumbs over your hands. 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your hands! He loves kissing the back of your hands too, it makes him feel romantic. 
🐶 Mingyu
You’re his joy in life!
You give him so much happiness. He is thoroughly enamoured with you. 
You always give in to all his silly little ideas and antics. Plus you never scold him for being clumsy. You take things in your stride and just smile as you clean up his messes. Things happen right?
You also never tease him. He gets enough of that from his members. Instead, you shower him with so many compliments you want to make him curl up into himself. The way you always stare at him like he is superman makes him feel so happy and loved. 
Mingyu loves being wrapped in your arms as well. While he does enjoy being big spoon (and your personal weighted blanket because he literally will pounce on top of you), he thinks your arms are the safest place in the world. 
Something about your warm, soft arms wrapping around his broad shoulders or waist does something to make his insides turn into mush. 
In return, Mingyu is your number 1 supporter.
Mingyu will move mountains for you. You have him wrapped around your little finger. 
Mingyu’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch. 
Loves to indulge all your wants and needs. Will not let you lift a finger at all. Why should you? You have your big strong clumsy boyfriend! He will do everything for you. 
Especially when you want to eat something, he will cook it for you. Or, he will buy it for you. He finds you the most adorable when you eat. It makes your cheeks look like a chipmunk. Will coo at you and pinch your cheek. 
It also doesn’t matter what your size is since Mingyu is also a giant? You will always be a little dwarf to him. Loves to tease you about how small you are next to him. 
When you are feeling sad, the roles are reversed and he will cuddle you to death. You might suffocate from his arms and the strength that he is squeezing you with, but is that so bad? 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your arms! Like I said, he adores being wrapped in your embrace. 
🐻‍❄️ Vernon
You’re his pillar of strength.
Vernon is always in awe at the endless amount of support and unconditional love that you give him. 
He loves that he can talk to you about anything and everything. Especially when things get hard for him. Even if you can’t offer him any advice, the point is you’re there. 
He especially loves it when he lies on your plush thighs, with his arms looped around your soft waist and his head buried in your tummy. It’s so comforting. Plus he finds it so so endearing when you start to run your fingers through his hair. He often falls asleep like that because (1), you’re just so comfortable. (2), you’re presence calms him. 
In return, Vernon is your protector.
Acts of service is probably his main love language towards you. There are times when he is subtle, and there are times when he is more forceful.
He’s extremely observant and will notice when you have bad body image days/ when you start to feel more self-conscious. 
In times like that, he will leave his oversized hoodies around for you to wear because you tell him that it comforts you + makes you feel tiny.
If you are in public, he will pull you closer towards him and place kisses against your temple. 
Vernon would also be the one who would always put more food on your plate. He wants to ensure you are eating enough. It’s his way of saying, I care for your wellbeing, please don’t care about your size or what other people might think.
Of course, if there were others who were more vocal about your appearance/ amount of food you eat, Vernon would not hesitate to step in to tell them off. You can always count on him.
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your soft waist and tummy. He loves to bury his head there for comfort.
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welcometomyoasis · 9 months
How seventeen would take care of their sick s/o
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Pairings: svt x gn! reader Genre: fluff, established relationship Word count: approx. 1600 words Warnings: none A/n: i know this trope has been used 1000 times but literally everyone is getting sick now? Dedicating this to all of you rn. I hope you all feel better soon. 
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🍒 Seungcheol
Overdramatic (1). He would literally cry. You’re his baby and he cannot stand seeing you suffer. He will take care of everything, don't you worry. Just stay in bed and rest. He will be so so attentive and will pander to (almost) all your wants/ needs. You want soup? He’s ordering it right now. You want an extra pillow? Here take the one he was leaning on. You want cuddles? Who cares if he gets sick right, his baby needs him. But god forbid you try to move or do anything else other than rest. He will scream and is not above locking you in the bedroom when you try to go to the living room just for a change of environment. He probably forgets to open a window so he is definitely going to get sick after this. You will then need to take care of a whiny whiny baby Cheollie. 
😇 Jeonghan
Partner privilege has its perks. Although Jeonghan doesn’t enjoy movement and is kind of lazy, he will always make an effort for you. He will run all over the house and run out to the store to get you literally everything you need. You will see him run in and out of the room to get you food, water, medication, cold packs for your fever, sweets for your sore throat etc. He gets tired easily though so he will likely just bring everything into the room at some point and make you both a little nest in the bed. You can just spend the time snuggling together and sleeping the rest of the day away. Jeonghan’s presence alone will make you feel better. 
🦌 Joshua
Joshua will literally drop everything to take care of you. When you are sick, he is the perfect balance of worried and calm. Obviously, he worries because he loves you. But, he also knows how to deal with it with a level head. He takes all the necessary steps to find out what illness you are plagued with so that he can specially prepare a care package for you. In it, you will find everything you need and it comes with a bonus! Him! He is like your personal nurse and will stick to a regimented care plan to help you get better soon. Medication every 6 hours, small portions of food every 4 hours, forehead towel changes every 5 minutes. He doesn’t expect anything in return too because he is that selfless and he knows you would do the same for him. He does take kisses as a form of payment though. 
🐱 Junhui
Jumps around the house in happiness? To your amusement, even if he is worried, Junhui is very very excited to be able to take care of you. He has fantasied about this before. You are always taking such good care of him and he wants to be able to repay you for all that you do. He probably has a checklist of what he should be doing for you. He goes through it diligently at first before throwing it aside and just doing what he feels is right. He might go a bit overboard with the care? You might wake up to a thermometer being shoved in your mouth or yet another wet towel being put on your forehead. Still, he’s making an effort and you really appreciate it. 
🐯 Soonyoung
Overdramatic (2). Soonyoung will scream his head off about how his precious baby is sick. How can you get sick? Which evil germs got you sick? He will scream about wanting to fight the germs that are in your body. Will 100% make you laugh until you cough your lungs out. He will sober up after a while to actually take good care of you. He can’t cook to save his life so he might call his mother and ask her to send a list of food that would be good for you. He will also ask her for advice on what to do to make you feel better. Soonyoung will follow all her advice really diligently because it’s your health at stake here. And if there was one thing he was extremely passionate about, it’s your wellbeing. 
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo
Wonwoo will ask if you want to go see a doctor. He will respect your choice either way but in his opinion, if you aren't feeling well, it's better to let the professionals handle it immediately. He definitely attends to your every need and makes sure to put on the humidifier in your room to help you feel more comfortable. He also makes sure that he is always reachable or contactable if he is out of your sight. That means that he will not play video games that require him to use headphones. Wonwoo will be quite happy to read silently next to you (or in the living room) so he can listen out for you. And he would certainly be happy to read to you if you wish.
🍚 Jihoon
While Jihoon won’t make a big fuss when he gets sick, he will be a little frazzled when you do. He is at a loss as to what to do? I feel like when he gets sick, he just pops some medication in his mouth and sleeps it off. But he knows your needs are different from his. He is ready to help though so just take a bit of time to explain to him what you need. After that, he will be more than capable of taking care of the rest. He’s really intuitive as well so he might be able to detect when you need something before you do. That said, he is scared of getting sick too so maybe don’t expect as many cuddles? 
⚔️ Dokyeom
Overdramatic (3). Similar to Junhui, he has been waiting for this day. Dokyeom will dress up like a nurse, complete with a surgical mask and gloves. He kind of looks like a real nurse? He will take this really seriously and try to emulate everything he has watched in medical dramas. Actually does a great job? All the questions he asks are similar to what a real doctor or nurse would ask you. He “prescribes” you the correct medication too. Ibuprofen for your fever, sore throat, and headaches, and extra cuddles from your adorable boyfriend. It’s really endearing to see Dokyeom act this way and it makes him so happy when he learns you really enjoyed his little act. 
🐸 Minghao
Minghao would know you are getting sick even before you do. He’s so observant and attentive towards you that he knows all the telltale signs. In the days leading up to you getting sick, he’s already taking preventive measures. Giving you warm tea, telling you to rest more, giving you more nutritious food and vitamins. It definitely helps because when you do get sick, you don’t feel like death. Minghao is also so prepared that he has already stocked up on all the necessities. He knows all the little hacks and tricks to help you feel better too. In a way, he’s kind of like your walking home remedy.
🐶 Mingyu
Perfect househusband. Kind of freaks out at first but then immediately springs into caregiver mode. He might not be the most knowledgeable about medication? So you just need to guide him there. Other than that, he’s busying himself in the kitchen to cook all sorts of comfort food for you. Like soups and porridge. He will come into the room constantly to check in on you, and will bring things like water or tea with him. Checks your temperature constantly. He does go overboard with the cuddles and kisses. Combine that with him running all over the house, he probably will get sick too. Whines and sulks when he does because then who will take care of you? 
🍊 Seungkwan
Flutters between worried boyfriend and mothering hen. Seungkwan would be so concerned for you and will constantly check in with you about what you need. At the same time, most things he says will be punctuated with things like “i told you to take care of yourself”, “how can you get sick”, “don’t overwork yourself please”. You eventually grab his hands to tell him he doesn’t need to worry so much and he can take a breather to just rest with you. He will sigh and probably talk about what else needs to be done as he is climbing into bed. It’s just his coping mechanism and the way he shows his cares towards you. And you wouldn’t change anything about it. 
🐻‍❄️ Vernon
Vernon isn’t the type to make a big deal or fuss over anything (ahem Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Dokyeom). He will take you getting sick within his stride. He knows that everyone deals with getting sick differently. So, he will ask you what you would like him to do. If you say you need medication or food, he’s already out the door. If you say you want him to stay with you, he’s getting in the bed next to you. Or if you say you just want to be left alone to sleep, he’s giving your forehead a kiss and dimming the lights to your room on the way out. He tailors his actions to what you want. He’s just so sensitive to your needs in that way. 
🦦 Chan
I feel like with Chan, it could go one of two ways. The first is that he doesn't really know what to do. Not that he doesn’t know what to do when someone gets sick, it’s more like he doesn’t know how to help you. So, he just tries his best to observe and ask what you need as you get over your sickness. The second way is that he is fully prepared. He is very independent so he knows all the steps he should take to help you. He gets you medication, forces you to rest. He also knows that he should avoid getting sick so he opens the windows for air circulation. The fresh air ends up helping you as well and you recover faster than you thought. Regardless of whichever way it goes, you can bet you can depend on Chan. 
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welcometomyoasis · 9 months
Romantic(?) pick up lines with seventeen
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Pairing: svt x gn! reader Genre: smau, fluff Word count: none Warnings: none A/n: somehow wonwoo's image ended up being like some victorian au?
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🍒 Seungcheol
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😇 Jeonghan
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🦌 Joshua
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🐱 Junhui
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🐯 Soonyoung
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🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo
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🍚 Jihoon
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⚔️ Dokyeom
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🐸 Minghao
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🐶 Mingyu
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🍊 Seungkwan
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🐻‍❄️ Vernon
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🦦 Chan
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welcometomyoasis · 9 months
Seventeen as types of note takers
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Pairing: none Genre: school au, humour Word count: approx. 700 words Warnings: none A/n: i wish to be wonwoo but i end up as seungkwan
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🍒 Seungcheol
Large block handwriting (1)
When he writes, he puts a lot of pressure on the pen 
Ends up with weird ink indentations and ink smudges on all his notes from the previous notes he had written
Writes notes according to his mood and what he thinks is important
That means half the time, he ends up with either extremely well written notes or nothing at all
😇 Jeonghan
Small, dainty handwriting
Takes simple concise notes with only the key points written down
Notebook has cute doodles about random things all over
Notebook ends up as a doodling pad by the end of the term
It’s not his fault he already knows the material or that the teacher is boring
Never gets caught for not paying attention
🦌 Joshua
Handwriting size and neatness depends on his mood
If he is in a good mood, it’s small and neat
If he is in a bad mood, it’s probably large and messy like Soonyoung’s
Also, he definitely writes notes according to whether he likes the class or not 
Half the time he tries to steal Jeonghan’s notes 
Ends up getting in trouble for “not paying attention and doodling in class” since Jeonghan’s notes are mostly drawings
🐱 Junhui
Medium sized slanted handwriting
More excited about using the coloured pens he bought for school
He tries to colour code his notes but gives up because it’s too much work
Notes go from being meticulously written and colour coded to written in one boring colour like black or blue
Eventually he gives up altogether and tries to get notes from Minghao
🐯 Soonyoung
LARGE handwriting that is kind of messy
It looks like a child scribbled it
Enthusiastic note taker
Looks up at the board with the most adorable smile before trying to write everything down
Sadly his notes end up not making sense sometimes because he gets distracted
Listen. He's enthusiastic but that doesn't mean he has a long attention span
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo
Neat handwriting. Almost too neat? It looks like he printed it
Doesn't just take notes about what was said in class. He adds his own thoughts and questions to it
Somehow it's more informative than the class itself? 
His notes end up being more like a textbook or a research paper
🍚 Jihoon
Small cursive handwriting
Writes on expensive notebooks that look more like journals 
Concentrates really hard on writing notes in class
Actually, maybe he’s writing song lyrics? 
⚔️ Dokyeom
Handwriting is compact and extends upwards
His notes are all organised in the same notebook or piece of paper
Meaning that it’s a jumble of different subjects
No denying it’s detailed and well written
But it means he ends up having to do extra work to either rewrite his notes at home
Or he has to wreck his brain and juggle between 10000 sheets of paper when he studies
🐸 Minghao
Medium, cursive handwriting that slants to the right
Writing in cursive is an art form that Minghao has perfected
His notes are well organised and it looks more like a letter than anything else
Unfortunately for Junhui, only Minghao can read his own handwriting
🐶 Mingyu
Large block handwriting (2) ~ We know this man is smart and he can perform well in the classroom
You would think he takes really good notes
In reality, he tries to take down everything the teacher says and fails because no one can write that fast
Sulks and whines when he doesn’t get his notes in order
He still does well though, because he’s Wonwoo’s favourite and Wonwoo lets Mingyu copy his notes
🍊 Seungkwan
Handwriting starts off neat and then devolves into undecipherable scribbles (or chicken scratches?) 
Tries his best to keep up but fails
Full of half written sentences because he can't write fast enough
Half the time, his notes end up not making sense
🐻‍❄️ Vernon
Slanted, long drawn out cursive handwriting
Almost like a doctor’s?
No one can read his handwriting (sometimes Vernon can’t even read his own?)
He will take down the key points but would probably space out in the second half of class
🦦 Chan
Average, medium sized handwriting
You know how teenage boys write? I can’t describe it but that’s Chan’s handwriting
At least it’s legible
He’s quite capable of writing and organising his notes according to topic
Sadly, he puts it in a file and ends up forgetting about it until the exam
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