#this gifset nearly k worded me <3
tantawans · 3 years
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LAKORNLADIES EVENT: favourite actress(es)
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shesailsships · 5 years
I woke up feeling so motivated this morning, quick somebody hold me accountable!
Things I would like to complete/make progress on before I’m 30: (some I can do today...others will take the next year-and-a-half at least lol)
Get in shape! I’m 5′3/145lbs...for my little frame, I need to make healthier choices! BUT I LOATHE THE GYM :P So...plan B! I’ve hit on an idea I want to try! My younger siblings and cousins have K-pop fever ever since I introduced it to them last year...they have been learning the dance choreographies and it’s looks like so much fun and it’s a HUGE calorie burner! I’ve decided to track my fitness over the next three months while I learn 1-2 K-pop choregraphies. I REALLY want do this, I feel like it’s a great way to be active :) I’ve picked TWICE’s Fancy to start...wish me luck!! (would anyone want updates on my progress...? Let me know!)
Eat healthier. This one is a no brainer and ties in with my goal above...I just have to do it! I don’t really drink pop...or alcohol at all...or even coffee-- so there’s not much extra calorie wise I can cut out there. I rarely eat out...IT’S MY SWEET TOOTH. That’s what gets me. Carbs. Bread/pasta/cookies/cake/cereal. Yup. That’s my downfall. I need to incorporate more fresh foods into my diet...and less processed/sugar stuff. Easier said than done though ;P I do have some hope for myself, however. Last year for about three months I cut out all excess carbs...cut down and made conscious choices to pick food other than carb heavy ones. And I lost about 6 lbs. I’m going to try and pick up those habits again. 
Take 2 walks a day. Rain or shine. Just do it!
Buy a bike...start biking again. I haven’t biked since was a kid-- but I looooved riding my bike. I really want to try again! 
Buy new ice skates and hit the rink again, such good exercise and it’s fun imagining I’m Tessa Virtue out there ;) 
Take up boxing/kick boxing. IDK. I wanna try. But this one is for later, when I have been stamina lol!
Become fluent in Spanish. I learned Spanish as a kid and was nearly fluent...and then stupidly let myself go...and haven’t hardly used it since. I want to brush off my old knowledge and learn it properly this time. 
Become fluent in Korean. It’s probably obvious, but over the last seven years Korea has become a major part of my life. I watch Korean dramas. I listen to K-pop. Over time I’ve picked up on things, phrases and words and customs...but I want to really study the language and understand. Perfect end goal: to not have to wait for kdrama subs! 
Clean out my closet. This one need to be done this week! I’m so ready for new things...not that I have a ton of funds-- but it’s time. I want a fresh me. I don’t want to hang on to my old clothes any more. My plan is to slowly buy new clothes to replace my old ones. We’re having a garage sale next month, it’s the perfect time to pass my stuff on!
Use Tumblr more often. I love it here. Interacting with you guys. I want to make more kdrama and JAG gifsets <3
Write. Write on my fanfic. Write on my original novel. DO IT. EVERY DAY. I’m trying to hold myself to an hour per day. It’s a huge personal goal of mine to finish my long running WIP fic and to have a draft of my novel completed. They aren’t going to write themselves, I need to get going!
Learn some new hair styles...I’m getting bored over here lol
Study for the driving exam. I am ready. I want my license. But I have ZERO experience. I have the booklet-- so first things first, I need to study the traffic laws and get a permit. 
Practice driving. My mom’s cousin has offered to teach me, once I get my permit...I need to get out there! 
Buy a car. This is a long term goal. But very important. I need to create a savings fund and set money aside. 
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