#this got me way back to when people shipped sabrina carpenter and peyton meyer (i believe it is spelled this way??)
chloeseyeliner · 1 year
(I hope all this makes sense;it's past midnight,I was doing some reading for social policy before that,I am not using any sociology or whatever terminology I'd like to use on this post in the first place 'cause I am tired,I am kind of pissed and english is not my first language,lol.)
the thing is...I really did not want to write about it because one,I think the issue has been addressed many times inside the fandom and two,I did not really want to ramble and annoy everyone (*cough*once again *cough*),but.
I was mindlessly scrolling through instagram the other day,trying to distract myself while waiting for this freaking last final grade on that exam I took over half a month ago to finally appear next to all the other ones (anyway,I am not going to ramble about that anxious waiting,I am embarrassing,ignore me),when I saw the comment section under a post of a picture of edvin and omar-it was the one with the cheek kiss at the qx gala after the former won his award (I am sure there is a picture of that somewhere in the tag,I mean,the whole fandom had gone bananas and was proudly crying that day,myself included,so.lol).
some of the comments were shipping them or "fighting the urge to ship them,ughh",as usual.and that got me pretty annoyed,not going to lie here.I mean,you will say, yes,we are aware,you made a whole post about it;and but the way,why?they do not even know about your existence,you don't even know them in person...why does it matter?
this is not just about omar and edvin.
it matters because it's 2023 and people* still think that friendship between men is handshakes and bro slaps and not crying in front of each other or showing any emotion besides anger whatsoever.because society teaches us that since we are little and we begin trying to form relationships with people outside our usual circle,at school or at the playground or wherever,a society that is so desperately trying to make us all fit in its ideas of friendship according to which gender we belong to,in its ideas of platonic affection displaying,in its ideas of love.because we live in a world that values romance over everything else.
what about being so proud of your friend,who has spend almost their whole life in a certain field,in the thing they are the most passionate about,so happy to see them being rewarded for their contribution to this field and their achievements that you want to kiss them on the cheek and hug them and jump up and down-just like omar did?
what about being your friend's biggest fan,admire them and their wonderful work and showing it any way you can-just like edvin does?
what about hugging your friend good morning,just because it is morning and they are there-just like they do?
another thing about the situation is that,in their case,they are artists with a pretty big audience,and that shipping thing really is invasion to their privacy-one of the thing young royals has taught us,inter alia,is never to invade in people's private lives.
sure,I am making this post and let's be honest,we have all been pretty parasocial for omar and edvin and the other cast members from time to time,I am not trying to play the awesome,so mature fan here-but most of us don't care about if they are dating someone,if so,who it is,who their family members are (don't get me started on the questions about edvin's family...),their sexuality (another issue I won't get started on,I will just say that we all show what happed with poor kit konnor),where they are at the moment,with whom and what they are doing.
if they want to share anything from their personal lives,they will.
we are just here for the (not so) silly,(not so) little swedish show that (thankfully) introduced them to us,affectionately bullying them and making fan of them on the internet,being insanely proud of them and everyone else (<3),crying over award shows and laughing at youtube interviews and compilations at unreasonable times,calling them h*es on their birthdays-I don't know where to find this tweet,I saw it somewhere around here about a month ago on edvin's birthday and it was hilarious,to say the least (basically,a person wanted to write how does it feel to be a teenager for one last day and the auto correct had other plans for that how...).you know,the usual stuff.
so,moral of the story:
don't ship real people-it's not a piece of media with your favourite characters and it's an invasion of privacy;let men have healthy and affectionate platonic relationships and don't fall into the trap societal norms have put under the carpet for us not to notice and easily step on;f*ck you,august,august x jail endgame s3-
got carried away with that last one.sorry.lol.
(the part where the anxiety kicks in) *takes a deep breath* I am sorry if I sounded mean at this post-it has been a long time,since july 2021,that this has been building inside me as it seems,haha.
*please,don't come at me-I am not saying everyone is like that,I would never do that.
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