#this got so long shgfhdgf thank you bb!!
hammurabicomplex-a · 4 years
@stfreds​  said:  8, 9, 15, 21, 24, 27 & 28!   /   accepting.
8.   what do you look for in a thread?
     honestly what i look for in writing in general is to feel something;  whether it’s sadness or joy or anger or whatever,  i want that thread to allow me to feel whatever my muse is feeling.   not all threads are That Deep,  but i find that all of them bring me that feeling in some way.   i also like to feel some sort of development happening.   i’m not even talking about super plotted out complex threads,  but i believe that even the most mundane slice of life can affect character development.
9.   what would make you drop a thread?
     i should start this with saying that dropping a thread doesn’t necessarily mean i don’t like our dynamic,  or even that i don’t like the thread itself.   sometimes.....  i’m just not feeling that particular thread,  and now it’s been so long that i haven’t replied to it that neither of us even remember it and it doesn’t make a lot of sense anymore.   it happens a lot with unplotted interactions.   i greatly prioritize plotted things  ( and they tend to be the threads i have the most muse for anyway ),  whilst when our muses just don’t know each other that well and we’re trying to wing it i tend to lose interest at some point.
     it also happens a lot with interactions i feel are getting repetitive,  which is another reason i’m not big on improv.   i feel like a bunch of threads end up getting similar to each other and it bores me to be writing the same thing with a bunch of different people.   also if we have a lot of threads going on at once it’s only natural that some of them catch more of my attention and others end up getting dropped.   but again,  it’s a matter of me losing interest in a particular thread,  not  me not wanting to interact with someone anymore.
15.   have you ever written a reply that made you emotional?   will you share it?
     oh,  several.   i can’t think of a specific one right now  ( except for this one old thread on discord with a friend )  and i’m way too lazy to search for just one reply,  but i just love angst so much.   and if it doesn’t make me at least a little bit emotional i don’t see the point.
21.   what inspired you to make this muse?
     pat was originally a breaking bad oc,  so the show definitely inspired me a lot.   but i think the main thing was i created pat  ( back when she was just a daydream concept without much of a backstory at all )  during a time i was just starting to connect with my culture and with latin america as a whole.   mexico and brazil are very different,  but countries all throughout latin america just have these similarities that make us feel like brothers,  and i love the connection i feel to it.
     before pat,  i used to almost exclusively write white american characters.   and i guess i just didn’t realize how damaging it was to never see myself in my own writing  ( because i wanted to be white and american so bad but lmao of course it wasn’t happening ),  and having a muse who at least sort of looked like me and who was latina too was important to me.   therefore latin american culture was a major source of inspiration.
24.   does your writing style change when you write different muses?
     somewhat.   different characters require slight adjustments  ( like more dialogue,  less descriptions,   etc. ),  but while  characterization  obviously changes,  i like to keep my style consistent.
27.   what makes you want to engage with other muns?
     good writing is the first thing that catches my eye.   i tend to read over people’s threads and headcanons and stuff before asking to interact so i can come up with a nice plot idea,  so enjoying their writing and characterization is definitely a must.   having the mun be nice and enthusiastic about our plot definitely makes all the difference for me too!
28.   what makes you want to back away from other muns?
     oh my,  okay.   not showing much enthusiasm at all in a plot we have going on definitely turns me off.   another thing that kinda bugs me are people who take  problematic fcs  way too seriously.   basically i don’t care about celebrities and i don’t know anything about them.   obviously i don’t want to use like a murderer or a rapist as an fc,  but when it comes to celebrity drama chances are i don’t know anything about it and i don’t like feeling like i have to do a background check on celebrities before interacting with a muse in fear that their fc has done something problematic.   like i’ll be honest,  unless it was something actually serious i don’t care.
     i also do not like following people who post too much about drama.   i know there are times where callouts are very important and necessary,  especially when it exposes racist or otherwise bigoted behavior,  but if there’s a callout every other day on someone’s blog,  or otherwise a lot of posts about drama,  i’ll likely softblock.   it’s not personal,  but i’m just here to write and to make friends and i don’t like having constant negativity on my dash.
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