#this has been happening since time immemorial. stop perpetuating the bullshit and get to the actual ROOT of the problem
tibli ยท 8 months
I see so many videos talking about how gen z and gen alpha are like, uniquely terrible students and here are my thoughts:
1). I think that's at least kind of bullshit and it's more likely we're simply SEEING more of this behavior because kids of younger and younger ages have access to smartphones and social media.
2). These are kids who had to spend significant developmental years (childhood, puberty, or young adulthood depending on the age) living through a potentially traumatizing worldwide pandemic THAT IS STILL GOING ON. In the case of younger gen alpha kids specifically, they were isolated during a critical socialization period. It also doesn't help that many parents (and grandparents) nowadays are content to sit a child in front of a tablet screen for hours at a time, because it keeps them occupied.
My point is that the catastrophizing around how kids are getting worse as if its due to some nebulous moral failing is kind of missing the actual issue; Kids don't get that way unless something is seriously wrong, and most of the time it has to do with how they've been raised. I am not necessarily putting all the blame on caretakers- again, there was (and still is) a pandemic to deal with. But kids tend to act by example, and if your role models are a bunch of loudmouthed youtube douchebags with zero respect for other people, what did you think would happen, exactly?
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